Iowa Old Press

Buffalo Center Globe
Buffalo Center, Winnebago co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 14, 1898

Local and Personal

W.R. Will shipped two cars of hogs Sunday morning.

A.A. Sifert transacted business at Thompson Saturday.

Post Master Rake, of Rake Post Office was in town Saturday doing business.

Ralph Olson and John Buggy returned Wednesday night from their St. Paul trip.

G.W. Bowder left Tuesday morning for Independence, Chicago and other points east of us.

P.M. Joice, of Lake Mills, came over yesterday evening on business connected with the First National Bank.

H. Asmus, a farmer living near town has done considerable improving on his premises during the past two weeks.

The C.I. & M. is to be built through this section of Winnebago county next summer. Don't let it miss Buffalo Center.

John Degnan left yesterday morning for his home near Reinbeck. He has been working for his brother-in-law, M.P. Flynn.

R. Loger, the gentleman who accompanied Henry Dingle home from Holland Saturday, returned to his home yesterday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Younn and daughter, Jessie, and Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Thompson.

John Tegland has sold his billiard hall to Theo. Munson, who will assume control about Ja. first. Just what Mr. Tegland intends doing in the future we are not at liberty to say.

Aug Foss is enjoying a visit with his father and mother, who came up from Belmond Friday.

Mrs. Sifert came up Thursday for a couple days visit with her sons Charles and the Professor, A.A. She left Saturday morning for Mason City to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Stewart.

The Masons are making preparations to organize a permanent lodge at this place. A very desirable room with all the necessary ante-rooms, look holes and a good strong goat pen has been fitted up in the Perry block and members of the organization are holding meetings for the purpose of "touching up" themselves for organizing.

We clip the following item from the Crystal Lake Reflector, and the unfortunate person is our Lewis Trefz: L.E. Trefz, a young man from Forest City, met with a bad accident Wednesday while breaking stone with dynamite at a railroad crossing five miles west of town. the charge exploded prematurely, blowing off a part of the third and fourth fingers and gouging out a large part of the palm of the right hand. His hands and face where also quite badly burned. Luckily Dr. Oshana came by that place just after the accident and he immediately dressed the injuries.

Will Ganshirt is buying hogs at Britt for J.P. JOhnson.

Mrs. Ostrander, of Bancroft, was over the fore part of this week soliciting orders for a novelty soap and perfume firm.

Wm. McGuire shipped a car of stock to Chicago Sunday morning. 'Mack' went along to see the sights.

It has been officially announced that the new station on the south of us is to be called Woden, the old post office name. Bingham and Blanchee are names of the past.

C.F. Myer, of Tomah, Wis., came in Thursday evening for a couple weeks visit with his brothers, Wm. and G.W. Mr. Myer is a member of the 3rd Wis. Volunteers, Company K.

Smith & Williamson is the name of the new firm that are putting up the new hardware store at Bingham. Mr. Williamson is one of our most thriftiest farmers living south of Buffalo Center, and wil make a good citizen for the newly born town, while Mr. Smith is a stranger to a good many of our readers, he comes highly recommended. His former home was Matlock, Iowa.

O.J. Hubbard, the erstwhile liveryman, has purchased the Anderson hotel at Forest City, and took possession of same last Monday. Mr. Hubbard is making speedy arrangements to move his family to the City as soon as possible. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard and family from our midst and this esteemable family needs no introduction to Forest City, as they have spent several years in the placee and a majority of its citizens are well acquainted with this family. We wish them success in this undertaking. Howard will remain with us for a while, at least, until the livery stock have been disposed of.

On last Thursday at the O. Quamme home, Mr. Carl Holverson and Miss Annie Quamme, Rev. Sundvig officiating. A sumptious repast was served the guests by Mrs. Quamme and after congratulations the young folks left for their new home near Blaine Post Office, Minnesota. The Globe wishes them a prosperous journey over life's sea.

We clip the following interesting item from the Waukon Standard, regarding a former Buffalo Center citizen: Married, at Elkader, Iowa, November 26th, 1898, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Louisa Murdock, Rev. Matthew Wing and Miss Amelia Murdock. The groom is an able minister of the Universalist church; the bride is the youngest daughter of the late Judge Samuel Murdock, a lady of high literary and social attainments. We join many friends in extending congratulations.

[transcribed by S.F. April 2017]


Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County