Iowa Old Press

Buffalo Center Tribune
Buffalo Center, Winnebago co. Iowa
Thursday, June 3, 1897

Special Correspondence - Lincoln
-Mr. and Mrs. Clymer with their youngest son and daughter, went to Rockford last week to visit friends.
-Pete Johnson, son of Nels Johnson has moved to Minnesota with his wife.
-Frank Becker threshed for Mr. Jewett last Saturday.
-Mrs. James Murray with her little daughter, Phyllis, start for Lincoln, Nebraska this week to visit her brother and other relatives.
-Mrs. Brydon, Mrs. Murray's mother and little Alice, will keep house for Mr. Murray during his wife's absence.
-Mr. John Sloan threshed for the Nicholson brothers last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. Woolery are happy over the arrival of a fine boy.
-Miss Bertha Hals visited Lincoln friends this week.

Mrs. Awe with her sons, Adelbert Rudolph Arthur and Roy, and her little daughter Paulina took the Friday noon train for Hardin Co., where they expect to spend two weeks with relatives and friends.

Rev. Ludlum, the Baptist minister from Thompson, now preaches regularly every two weeks in the East Lincoln school house. Rev. Yeoman preaches for us also each alternate Sabbath.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson, with their little grand daughter, Tillie Boals, started for Franklin county last Wednesday, where they expect to spend two pleasant weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Frese with their family are also visiting friends in Franklin county.

Town and Country
-A little daughter arrived at the home of A.C. Olson Monday.
-J.J. Guyer made his semi-occasional trip to Forest City Sunday.
-B.H. Peet made a business trip to Germania Monday.
-Mrs. F.S. Livermore is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Swanson of Creston.
-Joe Cline went to Humboldt Tuesday where he will work in a grocery store.
-Joe Bryson went to Clear Lake Sunday to spend a few days with friends and relatives.
-W.B. Kirk has moved into the F.W. Ganshirt house in the northwest part of town.
-B.H. JOrdal's three year old son was kicked by a horse Monday afternoon, but is getting along nicely.
-G.W. Pangburn and wife went to Algona yesterday to spend a few days with Mrs. Pangburn's parents.
-O.F. Ulland and wife went to Mason City Friday and spent Sunday with relatives there.
-Miss Sophie Wicker came up from Fort Dodge Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. J.O. Dolen.
-Chas Gadd, of Rolfe, spent a few days the latter part of last week with his brother, C.W. Gadd.
-Mrs. David Cook came up from Mason City Tuesday to spend a couple weeks at the home of her son, Eugene Cook.
-Mrs. F. Cooper spent Sunday with her grandson, Master James Glaze, who is suffering with an attack of mumps.

We take pleasure in announcing the arrival of a big nine pound boy at the Andrew Miller home in Forest City, Monday afternoon. We suppose that Andrew is feeling so big now that he would hardly recognize common people. Good luck to you and your heir!

Roy Ketchum will celebrate his 21st birthday next Saturday by giving a party to his friends at his pleasant home in Grant township. We congratulate Roy upon his reaching his majority and hope he will live to enjoy seventy-five more birthdays at least.

The undersigned will give a liberal reward for any information regarding whereabouts of his brother, Rasmus Berg, who left my home, Thursday evening, May 27. When last seen he wore a gray duck coat, gray hat and working clothes. Is 36 years old, 5 feet high and weighs about 140 pounds.
Nels Berg, Vinje Post Office.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2013]


Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County