Iowa Old Press

Buffalo Center Tribune
Buffalo Center, Winnebago co. Iowa
Friday, December 7, 1894

-Contractor Kittleson got everything in order and started Chinaward with his well drill Tuesday afternoon. He has worked pretty steady since that time and has now reached a depth of about 95 feet.

-The new flouring mill is busy every day from early morning until late at night, which is sufficient proof of the need in this community which it is supplying. Mr. Kinne has a good mill and so far as we have heard, is giving satisfactory service.

-W.W. Shroyer, of Allamakee county, was a generous purchaser of Winnebago county soil yesterday, having bought a half section as follows: The George Thompson farm of 160 acres in Lincoln township, and the Lauge Jensen quarter-section farm in Buffalo township.

-Rev. Matthew Wing will preach at the Congregational church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours of service.

-C.A. Parks of Eldora, who has been building a fine farm house for John Furnam, his old neighbor and friend, who is improving a fine farm a few miles southeast of town, has finished his work and returned to Eldora. He will move here in company with Mr. Furman in February, and will erect a fine home on lots which he has bought on the north side.

-L.H. Warner has commenced the erection of a good sized residence for himself and family in the northwest part of town opposite A. Fisher's residence.

-F.P. Cady has made arrangements to buy and ship poultry and will begin next week.

-Alfred Grover, of Houston, Minn., bought the east half of section 21, this township, last week. He will move here and convert the same into a splendid farm home. Welcome, Mr. Grover.

-We congratulate Bro. Kyle, of the Lake Mills Graphic, on his appointment as District Deputy Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. of Iowa for this district.

-C. Gunderson, of Bristol, Worth county, was here last week and bought the south-east quarter of section 23-99-27, in Kossuth county, which he will move upon and operate next year. The level-headed ones are getting the bargains.

-W.F. Hofius, of Algona, spent several days with his sons here last week.

-M.E. Beatty, two miles east of town, enjoyed a visit from his father, from Greene county, last week.

-Chris Daum and family, of Clear Lake, visited their relatives here over Sunday, preparatory to their departure for California.

-Mrs. Hill and little son Earl, visited her mother, Mrs. Cooper for two weeks, returning home to Mason City Monday.

-We are pleased to announce the fact of Miss Minnie Lien's gradual recovery from her long and severe illness from typhoid pneumonia.

-L.H. Gotwalt is recovering from his serious illness with typhoid fever.

-We are pleased to see Martin Benson back in his old place behind the counters of N.P. Johnson's store after an absence of several months enfourced by his long and severe illness with typhoid fever. He says that he is nearly as well as ever.

[transcribed by S.F. March 2015]


Iowa Old Press
Winnebago County