Iowa Old Press


Dayton Review
Dayton, Webster co. Iowa
Thursday, August 11, 1927


Ed N. Nordholm and family of Gowrie drrove over here last Saturday evening to call on his brother, Roy B. Nordholm and enjoy the Hawkeye Band concert.

Mrs. A.C Stoughton and daughter Sheila left yesterday morning for Valley Springs, South Dakota, where she was called by the serious illness of her father, Milton Wright.

Miss Bernice Bakker of Shell Lake, Wisconsin, came down Friday of last week to visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. E.L. Rufer, and her uncles, Roy, Otis and Emil Olson of Burnside township.

Mrs. W.D. Smith went over to Callender Wednesday of last week to spend the day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hilmer Hanson.

Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Rankin and daughter Myrtle left last Thursday in their car for Mountain View, Missouri, where they are making an extended visit at the home of their daughter there. They expect to be gone around two months.

Frank Ekstrand of Chicago arrived here last Saturday from Lohrville, where he had been visiting. He had been down to Peabody, Kansas visiting his sister, Mrs. A.B. Kinney, formerly of this place. He reported his brother, John Ekstrand, quite feeble now at his home in San Jose, California.

Sanford Johnson is taking a week's vacation from his drrug store duties and he and his wife left in their car for an overland trip to Minnesota. They will visit Mr. Johnson's brother, Rev. Warner Johnson at Austin, and from there to St. Paul and Bemidiji, returning by way of Duluth. Audrey Eslick of Madrid is in charge of the drug store during the proprietor's absence. - Stratford Courier

Thorne, Freed and Olson Family Reunion
Last Sunday the second annual reunion of the Thorne, Freed and Olson families was held in Oak Park, south of town. In 1868, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson emigrated to this country and were accompanied by their three daughters. The youngest, now Mrs. C.A. Olson, came directly to Dayton with them, while the other two daughters stopped in Chicago, where they remained two years before coming on to join the family here. Later these three sisters went to Marshalltown, where they were married and made their homes for a time, then came to Dayton.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Freed, Mrs. I.M. Thorne, and C.A. Olson, with Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, have passed into the Beyond. Mrs. C.A. Olson and I.M. Thorne are the only two left representing the older generation.

There were four generations represented, about eighty being present. A fine picnic dinner was served and the day spent in social visiting and renewing old reminiscences. All enjoyed a delightful day together.

Those present were the families of I. M. Thorne, Carl Thorne, J.A. Cling, Gust Ecklund, A.T. Swenson; Clarence, John, Ernest and Martin Freed and families; Mrs. C.A. Olson and son Emil; and the families of Earl Manchester, Mrs. Myrtle Higgins, Henry Abrahamson and Verne Miller; also from a distance came Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Mollenhoff and daughter Dorothy of Stanton; Mrs. Gilbert Lindstedt and her daughter Lucile and son Donald of Marshalltown; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Peterson and children of Pilot Mound; and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olson and family of Fort Dodge.

Lindquist Family Reunion
The second annual reunion of the Lindquist family was held last Sunday in Oak Park, Dayton, some ninety-six of the family relatives enjoying a very delightful time together. Just at the dinner hour, the shower dorve them nto the shelter of their autos for a half hour or so, but that over, the day came out happy again, and the splendid dinner was enjoyed by everyone. A business session was held, selecting the following officers for the ensuing year: Miss Hilma Holmstrom, Harcourt, Pres.; Mrs. F.W. Lindquist, Gowrie, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Oscar Abrahamson, Dayton, Sec'y and F.L. Burkgren, Dayton, Treas.

Among those present were: Mrs. J.L. Burkgren, Ed. Frank and Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Axel Gustafson, Delmore, Viola, Raymond and Lillian; Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Anderson, Helen, Margaret and Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Abrahamson; Mr. and Mrs. Obed Burkgren, Omar, Marvin, Donald, Calvin, Wilma and Kathryn; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Danielson, Lester, Ruth, Wilbert, Edgar, Vern and Ruby; and Mrs. J.E. Richey, Dale and Dwain - all of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Holmstrom and daughter Hilma; Mr. and Mrs. J. Alf Holmstrom, Harold, Gladys and Martha Louise; C. Albin Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Samuelson, Harvey, Carl, Mildred and Doris; Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Danielson, Harvey, Stanley, Everett and Florence; and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Danielson - all of Harcourt. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Lindquist, Marjorie and Doris; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lindquist and Maurice; Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Lindquist and Arthur, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, Clare and Joyce - all of Gowrie. Misses Sara and Mary LIndquist; Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Lindquist and C. Oliver Lindquist - all of Fort Dodge. John Rudebeck, Ed. Rudebeck and Louise, Fred and Amanda Rudebeck - all of Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson, Minneapolis; Mrs. Elmer Cask, Esther, Harold and Reuben, and Miss Lydia Lundblad - all of Orion, Ill. Mrs. Oscar Hanson, Moline, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Lois and Earl and Norma Norman, Kansas City, Kansas.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Webster County