Iowa Old Press


Dayton Review
Dayton, Webster co. Iowa
Thursday, January 12, 1893

Swan Johnson made a busines trip to Harcourt Monday.

J.L. Hedlund and wife visited his mother in Gowrie Tuesday.

Mr. Joe Dixon, of Dedham, was a visitor in Dayton last week, the guest of his mother-in-law, Mrs. F. Davies.

W.P. Linn, of Pilot Mound was in Hancock county and bought a quarter section of land near Madison Junction last week.

John E. Hedberg now carries the mail between the post office and the M. & St. L. depot. We believe his bid was $120, the lowest price Uncle Sam ever paid for the service.

Cole Bros. & Co. will not hereafter oblige their customers to stand in bad air and tobacco smoke, having put in a very effectual ventilator that carries it all away. It is the best thing of the kind we have seen.

C.F. Olson, of Slayton, Minn., who came down last week to attend the funeral of his mother-in-law, talks of moving here in the spring. He is a carpenter and is pleased with the outlook here.

A company consisting of Chas. Sanberg and his two sons, Nelson Bach, J.O. Martin, Albin Carlson, Axel Ehen, John A. Swanson and Charley Peterson, left Dayton last Monday evening via the M. & St. L. for Texas. A great many Swedes are settling in that state and they send back good words for the state of their adoption.

Will Umsted's team took a notion to warm up a little Tuesday morning. In coming around the corner at Burnquist's store they threw him out and at the post office took the sidewalk and wrecked the sled on the hitching post.

Scandinavian Insurance Company
This home company held their eighth annual meeting in Dayton last week and their books show that they are still at the front as a successful insurance company. The company was organized Oct. 24, 1884 and has been growing at a good healthy rate over since and have promptly paid their losses and have never made an assessment. Swan Johnson was re-elected president and Chas. E. Borg secretary.

The following directors were elected: J.A. Holm, Boone; C.E. Borg, Dayton and C.J. Freed, Burnside.
The following directors are holding over: Swan Johnson, Peter Johnson, Frank Youngdale, Olof Saline, S. Burnquist and C.J. Danielson.

Officers: Swan Johnson, Pres.; Sam Burnquist, V. Pres.; C.E. Borg, Sec.; C.J. Danielson, Treas.
Examining Committee: Wm. Larson, Pilot Mound; A.J. Barquist, Stanhope; Rock Hanson, Dayton.
Agents: Christrian Carlson, Stanhope; O.F. Norling, Stratford; C.A. Bloomgren, Gowrie; John Wilmar, Ogden.

Losses paid during 1892:
Tom Peterson, steer, Burnside, $15.00
John Quist, colt, Stratford, $20.00
A.J. Bergren, hay, fire, $30.00
Nels Pearson, damage to house by lightning, $144.00
L. Barglof, barn, fire, $50.00
Gust Johnson, grain, fire, $122.64
John Linn, wagon, fire, $35.00


Drug - John Drug and wife have lost their little three year old son, Carl. He has been down with measles and died Tuesday forenoon, and will be buried today. When we saw him last he was a sturdy little fellow full of life and vigor, but now the little casket is only an exemplification of the text "We all do fade as a leaf." Mr. Drug's family have the sincere sympathies of their many friends in Dayton.

Hedberg - Died, at Slayton, Minn., Jan. 5, 1893, Bertha, widow of John Hedberg, aged 81 years 10 mos. and 3 days. She was a native of Sweden and came to America with her husband in 1855 and settled in Victoria, Ill. With her husband [she] joined the Swedish M.E. church the following year of which she was a consistant member until her husband died four years ago, after which time she has made her home with her daughter, Lizzie Olson, first in Des Moines and afterward in Slayton, Minn. where Mrs. Olson removed two years ago.

They have had six children, of which only two survive her, John E., of Dayton, and Lizzie Olson, of Slayton, Minn.

Her son-in-law brought her corpse to Dayton for burial, where surrounded by her old friends and neighbors, her body was laid by the side of her husband. Rev. John Linn preached her funeral sermon. She had selected her text from Deut. 31-32: "Their rock is not as our rock our enemies themselves being judges."

-Dr. Townsend informs us that Mrs. E.H. Cox is much better.
-Mr. Goldsworthy shipped a load of the products of his mill to Fort Dodge las week, also one to Humboldt.
-Mr. Dell Graves is building a house at the Burnside coal mines for Mr. Hamilton.
-Mrs. John Cram returned home last Tuesday from ther Ill. trip amongst her friends and relatives.

Lost Grove
-Swan Wilson has taken a clerkship at Kotterer, Hartman & Co's, at Harcourt for the coming year.
-Paul Johnson arrived home last Saturday. Paul has been away for nearly a year and has, during that time, traveled very extensively.
-Rev. Hultman, of Madrid, Iowa, preached at the Lost Grove Mission church Sunday morning.
-Will Carlson arrived home from a visit to friends in Des Moines last week.
-Our coal dealer, J.E. Gustafson is doing a booming business this winter.

-Peter Madsen brought out a male calf to take the place of the one that N.G. Hanson had that gored one of his best horses a short time ago.
-J.A. Bodell, who moved to southwest Missouri writes under date of 29th of last month, that everything was green down there Christmas day.
-Charles Nelson was husking corn Christmas week.
-Miss Selma Berg left for Rock Island, Ill. to be gone for some time.
-Miss Lizzie Huglin returned from her trip east last Thursday.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Webster County