Old Press
The Lineville Tribune
Lineville, Wayne Co., Iowa
March 25, 1926
E. C. Varney, Editor
I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican
nomination for the office of County Recorder for a second term,
subject to the will of the party at the June primary
Mrs. Grace McIntire
Please announce to the Republicans of Wayne County that I will be
a candidate for the nomination for County Treasurer for a second
term, subject to the will of the voters of the party at the June
Loyd Guinn
-J. S. Davis was an Allerton visitor Friday.
-Miss Hazel Hubler, who is employed in Des Moines, is visiting
home folks.
-Mark Petty of Des Moines visited home folks over the week end.
Mark came down by motorcycle and left the bike here for Lee to
break in.
-The roads are getting good now. Lets all attend church and
organize Sunday School - Supt. Mt. Olive Church.
-I have a stock of wallpaper, also samples for quick shipment at
my home on West Hill. Am prepared to paper or decorate your rooms
at any time. - I. A. Greenlee
Will Open Beauty Parlor
Elsewhere in this issue is an add announcing the opening of a
Beauty Parlor in the Cox Barber Shop in the Leachman building,
east side square.
-Gwynn Hawkins of Des Moines drove down Sunday for a visit with
relatives. His sister, Mrs. Effie Lovett, returned with him Wed.
for a short visit.
-Pete Cook of Clio neighborhood, was a business visitor at the
Lineville Mills Saturday, taking out a nice lot of ground feed
for several hundred chicks, some of which are feathered out. Mr.
Cook feeds rolled oats and buttermilk feed at first, then changes
to fine ground corn. He hatches his chix in a 1200-egg incubator
and reports the profits from his flock.
Furniture for Sale
One oak, tapestry upholstered davenport with mattress, oak bed
with springs, 2 oak rocking chairs, 5 tube Atwater-Kent radio
with cabinet, Gulbranson player piano, oil heater, 2 U. S. Cord
tires siz 33X4 and an Oakland car engine. For sale cheap at Mrs.
W. P. Sullivan's residence.
-W. C. Cozad of Leon, was a Lineville visitor Tuesday.
-John Rockey was a Corydon visitor Tuesday.
-Mrs. M. E. Jacobs and son, Gail, were business visitors in
Powersville, yesterday.
-George Hutchinson is driving a new Ford Sedan purchased from the
Dailey-Luce Auto Co. local Ford dealers.
-If you want your trees sprayed see Gorphy Laughlin
-The Embroidery Club will meet with Mrs. Mattie Calbreath instead
of Mrs. Dr. Ellis Tuesday, March 30.
-Miss Beulah Hudgel's mother and little sister of Fairfield, Iowa
visited here over the week end.
-We have everything for spring house cleaning. - Molleston's Drug
-Henry Evans came in Saturday and bought a Charter Oak wagon from
the Lineville Elevator Co. The Elevator Company reports the sale
of several wagons, disc, plows and other farm implements during
the past few days. They handle the well known Moline and John
Deere lines.
-South Lineville citizens are feeling pretty good these days as
paving will start within the next few days in that thriving
little city. The contracts for the ten miles south from the State
Line, were let the 19th and work is
expected to begin April 1.
-Ray Millemon, well known farmer south of town, was in town
Tuesday with a load of eggs and traded a part of his egg check
out at the Varney Mill for chicken laying mash. Ray was well
pleased with the price received for his eggs.
Ex Linthieum of San Leandro, Calif. who has spent some ten days
visiting here, left yesterday for his western home. Ex is one of
the Lineville boys who has gone out and made good. Ex has a
thriving real estate business established in San Leandro, Ca. Ex
left here some twenty-five years ago but always manages to come
back for a visit every few years. His nearest relative is Mrs. J.
S. Craney, a sister. Come again Ex.
The class play, "The Adventures of Grandpa" a three-act
farce comedy, was played to full houses in the high school
auditorium last Friday and Saturday nights. The cast was selected
from the Junior class and the play was one of the best class
plays in the history of the school. The players were drilled by
Miss Beulah Hudgel, the school dramatic instructor. It would not
be fair to say just who of the characters did best for it was the
universal opinion that all did fine. Probably the funniest
character was John "Bub" Petty as Grandpa and
the audience was moved to uproarious applause at his acting. All
parts were well carried through and was voted the "best
ever" by all who attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perry of Omaha, Nebr. Visited at the G. T.
Laughlin home over the week end. Mr. Perry left the first of the
week for Omaha, where he will look after his contracting and road
building business while Mrs. Perry will remain for a longer
School Notes
-Eva Lee and Zonbell Sanders were high school visitors Monday.
-The Sixth Grade are busy making productive maps. The Seventh
Grade are making Health Poster booklets
-The Sixth and Seventh Grade have both composed poems on
"The March Winds" and the Seventh also have composed
poems on "Iowa".
-Izola Warnock is absent from the Third Grade.
-The Fourth Grade are going to start clay molding.
-Junior Hoskins is a new pupil in the First Grade.
-Miss Amenell, the County Supt., made our school a short visit
last Friday afternoon and she found everything running nicely.
Lineville Woman a D. A. R.
Mrs. Lionel I. Litton was recently honored by being admitted into
the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The D. A. R. is the largest women's patriotic organization in the
world and is composed of women who can trace lines of decent from
some patriot of 1776 who fought the British or rendered signal
service to the colonist cause in some other manner. This is in
deed a rare honor for Mrs. Litton.
Jack Lewis, well known Clio citizen and father of Mrs. Hazel
Molliston of this city was taken to the Parker hospital, Tuesday
suffering from locked bowels. It may be necessary to operate.
The Linveville Checker Team won the Southern Iowa Championship
last night from Corydon by a 20 to 16 score.
Frank Whan sheds sheep skin coat.
Edgar Phillips overhauls camping outfit.
Bill Kirks sings instead of cussing.
Gun Club shot a few pigeons.
Horse Shoe game started.
Editor gets threshing letter.
Charles Davis gets fishing tackle out.
Albert Nickels gets hair cut.
Joe Crees washes up Saxon car.
Lige Wright wears a broad smile.
Lewis Vinzant gets his hair cut.
Walter Bright gets shaved.
Ball players playing catch.
Bill Loveless changes overalls.
A. N. Harding cuts fishing poles.
Abigal McMurtry was born April 18, 1848 in Illinois, moving with
her parents to Iowa when she was quite small. She grew to
womanhood west of Lineville and spent almost all of her life in
Lineville and vicinity, spending her declining years at her home
in South Lineville. She was converted and united with the
Methodist church when still in her youth and lived a consistent
Christian life until the end when she peacefully
fell asleep the morning of March 16 to join her loved ones. At
the time of death she was 77 years, 10 months and 28 days of age.
She was united in marriage to Bozwell Stuteville, May 10, 1866
and to this
union six children were born, three of whom proceeded her in
death, Cleona, Ethel and Walter. The living are Mrs. Alice
Laughlin, Powell, Wyo., Mrs. Laura Moore, Gillette, Wyo., and
Arthur of Mercer, Mo. She also leaves nine grandchildren, one
great grandchild and one sister, Mrs. Martha Brown, Modesta,
Calif. Her husband passed away Feb 18, 1923.
"A loving one from us
is gone,
A voice we loved is still.
A place is vacant in our lives
Which never can be filled."
Ida Emma, daughter of Joseph and Julia Naylor was born near
Red Wing, Minn., May 18, 1860; died at her home near Clio, Iowa,
March 15, 1926, aged 65 years, 9 months and 28 days.When quite
young she moved with her parents to Decatur City, Iowa. She was
untied in marriage to Ivan (?) Clay, Oct 11, 1877. To this union
eight children were born, two dying in infancy. She is survived
by her companion and six sons. Walter S., James A., Claude N.,
Joseph C., Ray H., Ralph T., all of whom were with her in her
last illness. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Joe Roberts of
Dawson, Ia, and two brothers, Frank and Seal of Lamoni, Iowa, and
eighteen grandchildren who with many friends are bereft. With her
husbancd she moved to Holdridge, Nebr, in 1883; was converted and
united with the Christian church at that place. The funeral
services were held from the M. E. Church of Lineville and
conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Meeker. The body was laid to
rest in Lineville Evergreen cemetery.
Mrs. Chas. Haver and little daughter, Caroline June of Omaha, are
here for a visit with Mrs. Lizzie Sullivian and other relatives
and friends.
Breaks Arm Cranking Car
Henry Evans, well know young farmer, had the misfortune to
fracture his right arm cranking a Ford car at home Saturday. He
was brought here for treatment.
J. S. Craney of Lineville and Ex Linthicum have bought the
Lineville Mineral Springs. Extensive improvements will be started
Joe Lovett of Washington, D. C. left Tuesday for his home. Joe is
an old schoolmate of the Editor and one of the "Old
Gang." We are always glad to have Joe come and his visits
are all to short but as Joe holds a responsible government
position, his stays are always limited. Joe is a member of the
original "Bloody Six" who terrorized this community
some thirty years ago. G. W. Molleston and Ye Editor are the only
members of this gang who still reside here. The other members are
Everett "Fatty" King of Los Angeles, Calif., Kirk Evans
of Baxter Springs, Kans., and George "Dutch" Priegel of
Lawrence, Nebr. Later on Jess Mudgett now of Loveland, Colo., was
taken in to replace Kirk Evans, who moved to Kansas a short time
after the band was organized. While school teachers freely
predicted hanging or "the Pen" for this gang, they are
all engaged in more or less useful occupations. Come again Joe.
Max Molleston, Chillicothe Business College student, visited home
folks over the week end. Max's roommate "Chief" Harry
Kerval, accompanied him here, the boys making the trip in the
Chief's Studebaker Sedan. The Chief, who is a ball pitcher of AA
class has promised to hurl a game for Lineville this summer.
The boys returned to School Monday afternoon.
S. S. Class Entertains
Marie Molleston's Sunday School class delightfully entertained a
number of guests at a St. Patrick's Day Party at the M. E. South
Church last Wed. evening. The evening was spent in games and
contests and a most enjoyable time reported by the guests. Dainty
refreshments were served by the ladies.
-Wayne Lovett and family are driving a new Ford Fordor Sedan
purchased from Dailey - Luce, local dealers.
-Rankin Austin, Ames College student spent the week end with home
While Lee Petty and Gail Jacobs were trying to establish a new
dirt road speed record for motorcycles, Thursday on No.14
northeast of town, the fool bike played a trick on them. While
passing a wagon at a speed estimated at from 90 to 110 miles an
hour, the machine suddenly left the ground and after sailing
through the air as "Whitey" described it, for an hour,
looped the loop a couple of times, did a perfect tail spin and
came down on all fours with Lee and "Whitey" two points
down on the bottom. Lee sustained a badly cut right eye and
numerous bruises while "Whitey" emerged from the wreck
with a black eye and gray hair. Jacobs said that it was enough to
turn a man's eye black and hair gray. The boys were brought to
Dr. C. E. Lovett's office and sewed and patched up. It is not
thought their injuries will prove serious.
A Town Ticket Out
Old Officers Fill Only Ticket in Field
A town ticket was filed with City Clerk Howard Petty, for the
coming election to be held in the town hall next Monday. With
little or no issue at stake, the ticket filed is composed
entirely of the present board. The ticket is as follows:
For Mayor, E. C. Varney.
For Treasurer, G. W. Molleston,
For Assessor, Walter Bright.
For Councilmen, H. L. Harris, Tony Logan, W. A. Laughlin, Glen
Hawkins and C.(G.) L. Murphy. These men are all experienced in
the affairs of the town, having served from one to several terms.
Other candidates will probably be written into the ballots of the
election next Monday.
Thurston Again a Candidate
Representative in Congress from the Eighth district, Lloyd
Thurston of Osceola, announces that he is a candidate for
re-election if nominated by Republicans at June Primary.
Buys Fine Police Dog
Evan Molleston just recently added to their police dog kennels a
fine pedigreed male dog, Von, which will greatly increase the
value of their dogs, as Von is from a blue ribbon stock of
pedigreed police dogs.
-Mrs. Stella Laughlin is a Kansas visitor this week.
-Dr. Engle is driving a new Chevrolet Sedan.
I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Member
of the Board of Supervisors for Dist. No. 3, subject to decision
of Republican voters at the June primaries.James Davis
I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Member
of the Board of Supervisors for Dist. No. 3. Miles McCarty
I hereby announce that I am a candidate on the Republican ticket
for the nomination of Representative in the Congress, Eighth Iowa
District Lloyd Thurston
I wish to announce that I will be a candidate for the Republican
nomination for the office of County Auditor, for a second term.
W. H. Burton
Please announce to the Republicans of Wayne County that I will be
a candidate for the nomination for State Representative from
Wayne County D. E. Williams
-Mrs. Geo. Souder was near to death Sunday night, caused by an
attack of acute indigestion.
-We will correct a mistake in the last issue, Walter Gregg is
night man. He is station agent at Landen, Iowa
-Mrs. Oliver's mother who lives at Surgeon, Mo., has been quite
sick, but is better at this time.
-Mrs. Oliver entertained Mr. Grinstead and wife of Letts, Ia,
also Mr. Cox and wife, and Mr. Eberline and wife of Clio on last
-Mr. Summers, our truckman is doing a fine lot of work.
-Nellie Cass entertained the country club Wed. eve.
-Jim Gardner and family visited with Frank Gardner the first of
the week.
-Mr. Quinn's mother from K.C. came to help care for little J. C.
who is quite sick.
-Carl Casey and family spent Sunday with Lee Lewis.
-Mike Sharr and wife visited in Allerton Sunday.
-Mrs. Vaughn visited at the Alex Sears home Wed.
-Bro Rice delivered a good sermon Sunday at Mt. Olive but there
were not many out to hear him. The roads are getting good now and
let us start working for the church and organize a Sunday school.
-Jake Petty and Lilly Walldrip are visiting relatives and friends
in this community.
-Those who spent Sunday at Elmer Wilson's were Bro. Rice and
wife, Earl Wilson and wife and daughters.
-Gladys Bettis is working for Mrs. Josie Massey, who is on the
sick list at this writing.
-Paul Shira and wife and Hazel Wilson called at the Ivan Belvel
home Tuesday night.
-Mrs. Mary Corder is much improved after her long illness.
-Onel Kelley, wife and children, visited Sunday at John Wilson's.
-Elvin Petty is staying at Guy Logan's going to school at the
-Paul Shira and wife visited on Sunday at the George Shelton
-Mrs. Ruby Cravens and Mrs. Ivan Belvel hatched off another nice
flock of baby chicks. We wish them better success than they had
with their first hatching.
-Several from this community attended the play held at Lineville
last week. All report it fine the characters doing excellent work
with the aid of their trainer Miss Hudgell.
-Mrs. Alice Wilson has been quite poorly again with tonsillitis
but we hope for early recovery.
-Nellie McIntosh and children spend the week end at the Tommy
Bryan home.
-Paul Shira and family and Everett Vinzant and wife visited at
the George McCarty home last Sunday eve.
Those spending the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Drake were Geo. McCarty, wife and son, Ben Logan and wife,
Sherman Judd and wife, Jean and Joan Varney. Some good violin
music was furnished by Sherman Judd.
-W. E. Massey and wife, V. K. Lovett and family spent a very
pleasant day at the Wilbur Miller home in Leon, Iowa, last
-Several from these parts attended the round dance at the May
Hall last Tuesday night.
-We understand the editor of The Tribune has been
receiving some letters that might be called black mail, just over
Logan Chapel news, so we will be good, Ed for we don't want to
get a fellow with a family all bruised up. We have found out
every one don't take things as good natured as Sherman Judd.
-Lola Judd and wife spent Sunday at Sherman Judd's.
-Rease Logan and family were Sunday visitors with Perry Rockhold
and wife.
-Mrs. Jake Atkinson is very poorly at the present time. We hope
she soon recovers.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drake, Jean and Joan Varney spent Sunday at
the G. W. Drake home.
-Rease Logan sawed wood last Saturday and now has a nice lot of
summer wood.
-Dave Bardwell sawed wood for G. W. Drake and Roy Moore last
-Mrs. Jane Ragan and son, Ira, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lenna
-Virgil Cox, wife and son, Albert, and Hubert Goin spent Sunday
with Glen Bain and wife.
-Oral McKinney and wife called at the Will Jones home Sunday.
-Z. R. Hartsook of Davenport, Ia came Sunday night to visit with
his siser Mrs. Jiles(?) Bloom.
-Miss Ada Alley came up from Cameron Friday night to spend the
week end with
home folks.
-Ernest Hollcroft and wife called at the Rash Hick's home Sunday.
-Archie Cox and wife, Eldon Donelson and family and Sam Mock
Sundayed with Charlie Cox and wife.
-Frank McIntosh and family spent Sunday with Aaron McIntosh and
wife near Mercer.
-Mildred Cox and Letha Jones visited Versa Bardwell Sunday.
-Bill Glines and wife visited at Rose Ragan's Sunday.
-Dirk Bloom and wife spent Sunday with Eldon Cox and wife.
-Jesse Moore and wife attended the birthday dinner at Green
Moore's of near Lineville Sunday.
-Jim Snyder and family spent Sunday at the Coleman Cox home.
-Reuben Hix and wife and son, Rash spent Sunday with Gar Hix and
-Mrs. Lizzie Reeves and son, Mrs. Mary Wade visited Wednesday
with Miss Adeline Lowry of Mercer, who has been real poorly.
-Mrs. and Mrs. Burton Elliott and daughter were Mercer vistors
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grimes and daughters were Sunday visitors at
the home of cousin, Robert Grimes and family. They were also
Allerton callers.
-Theodore Wade and wife were in Princeton Saturday.
-Clarence Breece was a Mercer caller Tuesday.
-Bob Wade and wife and Mrs. Mary Wade visited Sunday at the Uncle
Joe Deyoe home. Mrs. Deyoe, who has been real sick, is better at
this writing.
-Mrs. Liza Maning was on the sick list a few days last week.
-Mrs Edna Rankin, who has been staying at the Johnny Foglesang
home in Ravanna, came home Thursday.
-Miss Joyce Rankin visited Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs.
Carl Ramsey.
-Wm. Reeves helped Eddie Breece haul sand last week.
-George Shroyer has been on the sick list the last few days.
-Carl Grimes and family were Lineville callers Saturday.
-Cyrus Foster was a Ravanna caller Saturday afternoon.
-Mrs Lizzie Reeves and son and William Lowry were callers at the
Eddie Breece home Saturday.
-Mrs. George Shroyer was a Princeton caller Saturday.
-Carl Grimes and wife called at the Vick Vandel home near Lucerne
last Thursday.
-Dr. Rogers and wife of Pleasanton, were callers at the George
Shroyer home Friday night.
-Fred Maring was a Lucerne caller Wednesday.
-Ross Kost returned home Saturday from Illinola where he had been
with his aged mother during her illness and death.
-Mrs. Eulalie Jordan Hickman who had been staying with her
sister, Mrs. Bates the past week or two, departed Sunday for
Princeton, Mo., where she goes to join her husband, T. O.
Hickman, who returned last Saturday from Oklahoma, where he has
been holding a position for some time as salesman.
-Little Ethel Kost is reported very sick with pneumonia.
-The Austin Johnston family visited Sunday at the Ray Johnston
-Leonard, Ermal and Velma Kost have been staying at home part of
the time with their mother during the absence of Mr. Kost.
-Mrs. Francis Corder is slowly recovering from her recent
illness. We are glad to report it.
-A. E. Jordan and C. O. Bates were Woodland callers Saturday.
LOST - Truck Chain for Reo Speed Wagon between
Lineville and Homestead farm on Clio road. Phone E. C. Varney
Lineville, Iowa
[submitter: C.A. Aug. 2003]