Iowa Old Press

Lineville Tribune
Lineville, Wayne County, Iowa
July 29, 1926

E. C. Varney, Publisher

Threaten Raid on Bright Light Highway Pests.
Says Iowa Holds Record for Spurning Law
Logan, Ia., July 11 (Special) Automobile drivers who persist in using the roads at nights, with glaring headlights and lights out of focus to the danger of those who are trying to obey the law, are in for some annoyance and expense according to A. B. Manahan, deputy from Superintendent W. M. Colladay's office at the state house, of Des Moines, who was here last week checking up on one-numbered cars and looking after other irregularities in connection with automobile licenses.
Mr. Manahan exhibited a letter written by Secretary of State Walter Ramsay to Chief Colladay of the motor vehicle department, in which he called sharp attention to the fact that Iowa was winning another distinction and that was an utter disregard of that is known as the "Headlights Law" Mr. Ramsay pointed out that little or no attention was being paid to it, that drivers were using Bulbs in their headlights larger than the 32-candle power specified by the statues; that lights were out of focus, and that frequent accidents at night were making life miserable for the common citizens of Iowa, of which he is one.
The letter was addressed to all sheriffs, and deputies, and according to Mr. Manahan a "zero Hour" would be arranged for shortly and a concerted strike made by the law enforcement officers to clean up this situation. In the meantime warnings are to be issued through the press, and those who really want to obey the law will be given a chance to put their cars in order. -Des Moines Register
- Mrs. R. E. Molleston and daughters, Mary and Marjorie, and Miss Phyllis Molleston visited Mrs. Irba Huff at Lenox, last weekend.
- Lyle Bryan was a Cambria visitor Sunday evening.
- Miss Ruby Duncan of California is here for a few weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan and family, east of town.
- V. R. McGinnis of Leon, attorney, was a business visitor here Tuesday.
Mrs. C. W. Potter and daughters, Marjorie and Verda of Westmorland, Kansas, and her father-in-law, Mr. Potter of Vermilion, Kansas, visited relatives here last week, Mrs. Potter will be remembered here as Miss Hattie Henry, sister of Mrs. John Porter of this place.
- Misses Bertha and Ethel Warnock, Sina Belvel, Amy Adair, Blanch Baker and Della Hampton went to Mineral Springs Friday evening and enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hickman and Mr. and Mrs. Milford Bay attended the show at Leon Sunday night.
- Misses Bertha and Ethel Warnock returned to their home in Des Moines, Sunday on No.30 after visiting a week with relatives and friends here. - Mrs. Angie Egelston and children of Princeton, visited her mother, Mrs. Till Wilcox Friday.

Here On Honeymoon
Julius Lowry and his wife, newly wed of Kansas City, have visited their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Laughlin and families the past few days.

Home For a Visit

Miss Gladys Beavers, trained nurse of Minneapolis, is here for a visit with home folks and friends.
Mrs. Stella Laughlin left Tuesday for a few days visit with her daughter, Mabel, in Kansas City.
Mr. E. C. Varney, Will you please change the Tribune from 1249 Prairie Ave, Spencer, Iowa to 318 Ave. E., Ft. Dodge, Iowa -Sincerely yours, Everett Moore
- Molleston Auto Company delivered A. M. Ward, south of town, a fine Chevrolet Landau this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ingraham Mt. Ayr, Iowa, visited at the homes of their relatives, Mrs. Alida Litton and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Litton the past week.
Mr. Dale Wright , formerly of Trenton, Mo., has decided to locate in Lineville and to put in an electric shop. Dale is an expert electrician and has a contract to wire the new dance hall and café at the Springs and has contracted the wiring of several homes and business houses at Clio, who are soon to have electricity from the Lineville plant.
Jack and Eck Kemp of Kansas City, Mo., motored up from Kansas City to visit Lineville friends, R. E. Molleston accompanied them home.

Lineville Mechanics 15; Caleb Creek 8, in Ball Game
At a rather slow game of ball played in Bright's Park Sunday during the absence of the Commercials, the Lineville Mechanics defeated the Caleb Creek team by a 15-8 score. George Greenlee pitched for the Mechanics while Joe Bryan did mound duty for the Creekers, the Lineville line-up follows: catcher, Wibb Whan; pitcher, Geo Greenlee; 1st base, Sam ; 3rd base, Claude Belvel; short stop, Davis,; 2nd base, Gordon Meeker, Lyle Bryan; left field, Emery Belvel; center field, Bradford Young; right field, Waldo Duffield.
For the Creekers: catcher, S. Hollinger; pitcher, Joe Bryan; first base, G. Alexander; 2nd base, Shorty Casey; 3rd base, E. Alexander; short stop, Earl Alexander; left field, Bill Hollinger; center field, Gib Vinzant; right field, H. Hollinger. Crip Warner was the umpire. A good crowd attended the game. A return game will be played later.

Seven Dogs Killed

1 small brown Shepard; 1 big red Collie; 1 hound crippled by auto; 1 little scalded white fiste; 1 big Airdale; 1 Shepard at Hadle's; 1 mixed Collie bitch. 3 loads dirt $2.25; 3 loads cinders 2.25; 2 loads dirt 1.00; dogs, 7.00. Total $12.50

Lineville Commercials Home Again
The Lineville Ball Club returned Monday from a ten day trip to Northern Iowa, where they met some of the fastest clubs in the state. On the entire trip only three games were lost and these by close scores, Spencer, Iowa, winning 7-5, Cherokee 5 to ? only, and Brown's Tennessee Rats 7-6. The club has many games scheduled among them Chariton this Sunday and Trenton here the following Sunday, Aug 8. Large crowds are expected to attend these games.
- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bends of Cambria, visited at the Rev. Meeker home here Sunday.
- Miss Ann Elson and Mrs. Leah Heath, both of Kansas City, are visiting at the home of R. E. Molleston this week.

Wins Leon Golf Tournament
Howard Harden, who is employed at the J. S. Stewart Furniture Store of Leon, won the handicap golf tournament which began July 3 and ended July 20. The handicap was regulated from the tournament played last year, the players having to play eighteen holes giving them the gross score. The handicap was deducted leaving a net score. Howard's net score was 67.
Knoll, S. Dak., July 24, 1926, a C.O.D. package postmarked October 1925, and delivered to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore was received at the above mentioned post office July 22, 1926, containing a nine pound boy. Father and son doing fine, also the mother. The above was received from Stokes Moore, postmaster at Knoll, S. Dak., and speaks for itself. Congratulations Stokes. -Editor

To Centerville for Operation
Paul Shira well known farmer, northwest of town, left Tuesday on No. 30 for Centerville where he will submit to an operation for appendicitis. We hope to hear of his successful recovery.
As so many of our readers have asked us to tell the name of our mysterious writer, Lineville's Ring Lardner, and as Ring is so busy on the farm and taking in ball games, he has refused to write, we have decided that we will expose him. We want everyone who thinks they can guess his name, to phone, write or tell us their guess during the next two weeks. We will print in our big anniversary number the names and guesses of all these. Also on the front page of the anniversary number we will print a late photo of our Ring Lardner. There he will be looking at you from the front page of the big anniversary number, together with your guess. Be sure and pick your guess and let us know.

Lineville Business College Notes
The first prize of $1.00 goes to Iva Locke for best average of grades and the second prize to Laura Bay. Opal Petty and Beulah Levans tie for third prize and Lucille Bay wins fourth, Fern Tallent wins box of candy for best deportment. The best seven students are Blanche, Beulah, Iva, Laura, Opal, Carleton and Paul. Visitors are welcome and cordially invited. Come up to May's Hall and see what progress these young men and women are making, and see how easy it is to write Shorthand. A business course is the only short cut to a good position and a high salary. Everyone for success.

Mercer Officers Can Laugh Now
Since writing our little article in last week's Tribune of the escape of a prisoner from Judge Glen Alley and Constable Ashley and Constable Ashley Shields, Lineville officers have had the laugh turned on them by the escape of a prisoner. A phone message came late Saturday from the Decatur County Sheriff to pick up and hold a party by the name of Sanders from Garden Grove neighborhood. City Marshal Hartley arrested the fellow about midnight and after locking him in the city jail, phoned Sheriff "Duffy" Lowry of Leon and the Sheriff was soon here. After questioning Sanders the officers repaired to a café for a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, leaving Sanders securely locked in a cage at the city hall. Returning some twenty minutes later, lo! And "The Bird Had Flown." A few "night owls" loafing on the streets were questioned but no one had seen the fugitive. A search was quickly organized and the country and roads from Lineville were scoured until long after daylight when the posse returned empty handed. At this writing the fugitive is still at large. City Marshal Hartley allows if he finds who broke the lock, some one will be locked up and stay for a while. At that it is Mercer's turn.

The Belled Buzzard
I read your story of the long ago and mysterious belled buzzard. I wish to tell you that I myself, when but a boy, found this buzzard nesting in a large hollow stump about seven miles northeast of Lineville, Iowa. Telling a neighbor, a Mr. Noah Collier, he conceived the idea of our belling the buzzard. The bell was placed on the bird one Sunday morning. [two lines illegible] by strips of red flannel sewed on around the buzzard's body before and behind the wings. I was then a small boy and was so interested in this buzzard's nest in the big hollow stump down in the native timber that I made trips every Sunday to the nest and was amazed to see two young buzzards as white as snow until they larger than an old chicken hen. After we belled the old buzzard she continued flying about the vicinity the rest of that spring and summer, causing a great deal of comment by all who chanced to hear her flying over and several local papers made mention of the buzzard with bells. We waited and watched the return of this strange belled bird and she returned every spring until I was 16 years old at which time I left Iowa for the West to seek my health which I have gained in Colorado's wonder climate. When this buzzard flew about, crows, hawks, and all wild bird life flew away as fast as they could in great fear of it. We were sorry afterward for Mr. Collier said it would leave the nesting place and be so lonely, I remember he said when we turned her loose, "Now go and ring out your bell of liberty to all the earth." -E. E. Garton, Grover, Colo.

Uncle Ike Phillips to Leave Old Home
A home coming was recently held at the Ike Phillips home, the last one in the old home as they expect to move to the new home Sept. 1. They have lived at the old home 31 years. A big dinner was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kimball of Marshalltown, Robt. Phillips, wife and three children of valley Junction, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Douglas and children of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hutchinson and son of Clio, Mr. And Mrs. Edgar Phillips and son of Lineville, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stephenson of Oklahoma City, Theodore M'Near of Des Moines, Miss Margurite McDouglas of Waterloo, Okla.

Ship Fine Mules
Gardner & Cravens, local horse and mule dealers, report the sale of a car load of fine mules to a St. Louis buyer. The mules were all extra good ones. Gardner & Cravens are among the largest horse and mule dealers in the state and always pay the top price. They buy any number from a single animal to a carload.

Over 2000 people from the surrounding country were in the city park Saturday night to hear the Old Fiddlers Contest. A. Perkins was master of the ceremonies and did a good job. Sherman Judd, Dee Petty, and Ott Moore were the judges and their decisions were well received. Burl King won first, Ross Hurle second and I. R. Gammill third. Over a dozen fiddlers were in the contest and the old time tunes were well received by the big crowd, that crowded the stand. The Contest was a success in every way and was a real entertainment. Let's have another contest.

- Dr. I. M. Lovett and wife were calling at the G. Souder home Monday evening. Clio is always glad to see Doc on our streets.
- Clio churches went on a picnic Sunday to the County Home.
-Mrs. Carl Dunlap and Mrs. Nettie Hutchinson visited in Clio a few days.
- Mrs. Molley Jones started today on her vacation, her granddaughter Jesse Jones accompanying her. They will have a fine visit in the South.
- John Trueblood's grandson Harold left us today for his home in Washington.
- Mrs. Geo Souder took seriously ill on Wednesday evening after supper. Dr. I. M. Lovett was called, it seemed to be indigestion and heart trouble.

Last Saturday and Sunday seemed to be a birthday for the residents of Hog Creek. A celebration was held on the lawn at the Francis Corder home last Sunday. About 100 were present and Ice Cream and cake was served to every one. The following are names of those whose birthdays occurred; Mr. C. A. Bates, Mr. Francis Corder, Dave Gordon; Bessie Warnock, O--- Kost, and Jane Petty. A general good time was enjoyed by all guests. From out of the neighborhood were; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Woodley, Mrs. Evan and daughter from Tennessee, Miss Velma Smith from Topeka, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordon, Mr. and Mrs. Curn Laughlin and daughter from Lineville and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hickman of Princeton Missouri.

- Miss Ada Phelps will teach the South Woodland school the coming term. Miss Phelps is a splendid teacher and South Woodland is fortunate to secure her services.

- Jack Crees and wife of Trenton visited last Sunday at Eldon Boohers.
- Jack Logan and family, Henry Evans and family and Thomas Porter took Sunday dinner with Ralph Rockholds.
- Mrs. Adraian Tateman and daughter called at Carl Stanleys Monday.
- Ralph Rockhold and Eldon Booher helped Clifford Martin, Jack Logan and Henry Evans with their hay last week.
- Bo Sanders called at the A. T. Booher home Sunday eve.
- Several from this community attended the homecoming in Ravanna Sunday.
- Oscar Hayes visited Sunday with Archie Keaton.
- George Shepherd is helping Charlie Sears with his work.

In the District Court of Iowa, In and for Wayne County W. O. Mullinix vs Farmers & Merchants Bank, Lineville, Iowa. To the Creditors and Stockholders of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lineville, Iowa: You are hereby notified that the receiver, in said cause has been offered the sum of $5000.00 in deposits in said bank, being now a claim against the receiver in that amount, for the lot and brick building now occupied by L. M. Belvel Hardware Company. You are further notified that said receiver has made an application to the Court asking authority to accept said offer and that said application will come on for hearing at the court house in Corydon, Iowa at 9:00 o'clock in the morning on Saturday, July 31, 1926 and unless you appear thereto and offer objections if any there be, or a better bid in the opinion of the court as received by this receiver than the one above made, that said application will be approved and said building sold as above set forth.
-E. E. Calbreath, Receiver.

Original Notice
In the District Court of Iowa, In and for Wayne County, August Term 1926 H. C. Scott, Plaintiff vs S. D. Leachman and Minta Leachman, Defendants, You are hereby Notified, That there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, In and for Wayne County, the petition of H. C. Scott, claiming of you the sum of eight hundred eighty-one dollars, with its interest thereon at 8 percent, as money justly due him on account of your one certain promissory note dated the 31st day of October 1913, made and delivered by you to plaintiff, Also asking judgment against you for costs Including an attorney fee as provided in said note and claiming the foreclosure of a certain mortgage given by you to secure said note on the following described real-estate situate in the county of Wayne and State of Iowa, to-wit: Commencing twenty-one feet south of the northeast corner of lot two in block six of the town of Lineville, Iowa, running there east one hundred feet; hence south twenty feet; thence west one hundred feet; thence north to pace of beginning. And unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next August Term; 1926 of said Court, to be held at Corydon Wayne County, Iowa, on the 23rd day of August, 1926, default will be entered against you and a judgment and degree rendered thereon as paid for in said petition with costs.
H. C. Scott, Plaintiff. By C. W. Elson, Attorney.
- Guy Wasson and daughter Mary Jane of Kansas City motored to Lineville the first of the week.
- Mrs. Madona Logan and son of Melcher are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jid Wasson.
- Miss Nita Fisher of Trenton is visiting at the home of Clell Brummet and family.

- Miss Alice Massey spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Blanche Vinzant.
- Mrs. Minnie Doser and daughter Miss Gladys Rockhold of Denver, Colo., were visitors the past week at the home of Mrs. Dosers brother, Eugene Drake and family.
- Ivan Vaughn and family attended the homecoming at Ravanna, Mo. Sunday.
- Lonnie Dragoo and sister Parthena and Ruth Girdner attended the tabernacle at Lineville Sun.
- Ivan Vaughn and family attended the homecoming at Ravanna, Mo. Sun.
- Weldon River kids baseball team played the Fairview kids, Sunday afternoon, getting it in the neck by one score.
- Those who called at the L. W. Girdner home Sunday evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brewer and two sons, Eugene Drake and family, and Lonnie Dragoo and sister Parthena.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Massey attended the Chautaupua (?) at Leon last Friday afternoon.
- Most everyone was in Lineville from these parts, Saturday nite to enjoy the band concert, also the old fiddlers contest
- Harvest is in full blast in this neighborhood, and the whistle of the threshing machine is also heard occasionally.
- Rena Logan spent Saturday at her mothers home in Lineville, Iowa.
- Ben Logan and wife and Romiany Scott called at the home of Eugene Drake, Thursday eve.
- Ruby Logan and children spent a couple of days the past week at the Nannie Vaughn home.

[submitted by C.A., Nov. 2003]

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