Iowa Old Press

Lineville Tribune
Lineville,Wayne Co., Iowa
July 2, 1925
E. C. Varney, Publisher

Viers, Griffie and Logan Hurl Three Victories
Batting of Jimmie Moore Features Three More Wins
The batting of Jimmy Moore, Lineville's slugging center fielder and the pitching of Dale Viers, featured a Lineville victory last Friday over the fast Milwaukee, Wis., Giants, a colored team who are touring the middle west. The score was Lineville 8, Giants 3. Although the Giants played 56 games this season, they have met only four defeats and the fact that Lineville defeated them speaks well for the home club. As mentioned above, Jimmy Moore's batting was responsible for several scores, Jim getting 4 hits in 4 times up, one a double scoring two mates in the fifth. Dale Viers, Southern Association hurler, recently added to the Linevile roster, pitched a wonderful game considering the caliber of the club who opposed him. Dale allowed the Giants 9 hits all scattered. Very few clubs will get that many hits off Viers. Dale Linn performed well at bat although he was not at his best. Gerald "Kid" Bryan thrilled the fans with a wonderful running catch, one of the fastest plays ever pulled in
the local park. Bryan is going fine.
Name AB B H PO A E
Bryan 4/ 4 1 1 6 3 0
Lynn 6 4 0 3 0 1 2
Molleston 5 5 1 0 0 1 0
Atkisson 3 5 1 1 11 0 0
Butcher 2 4 1 0 5 0 0
Moore 8 4 2 4 2 0 0
McCoy 7 4 1 2 0 0 0
Griffey 9 4 1 0 1 0 1
Viers 1 4 0 1 2 7 0

The Rathburn ball club met its second defeat this year at the hands of Tony Logan's Lineville Independents when they were downed by 8 to 3 count Sunday in the local park. Although handicapped by the absence of Dale Linn and Roy Butcher, the club won. Bryan Atkisson was sent in to catch, McCoy to first while Manager Logan to right field. And say boy you should have seen this same Logan play ball. Although Logan is many years younger than Joe McGinnity he is no school boy. Besides getting two hits, one a double which scored two, Logan fielded 1000, handling all chances like a leaguer. Griffie, our lately acquired fast ball hurler, pitched a good game after a rather stormy first inning which netted the visitors 3 runs. Aided by errors and a home run the visitors counted three. But that was all because Griffie stopped further scoring and held them scoreless for the balance of the contest.
Attendance 300, Umpire, Luce.

Lineville won their third victory in the past week when they defeated Spence Moore's All Stars here yesterday by a 7 to 4 score. Manager Logan hurled seven innings and Atkisson two while Ricks and Kaus were the battery for the visitors. Logan was in excellent form and despite a temperature of 98 in the shade, stayed in for seven innings, allowing only 3 hits and striking out 7 star batters. In the 5th Logan struck out three men and in the third retired the side with six pitched balls. Some going for a 1915 veteran. The old fox has several good innings tucked awa in his pitching arm. He was accorded only fair support in yesterday's game as the day was very warm and the athletes performed in a sluggish manner, little of the Lineville pep being in evidence. Roy Butcher performed well behind the hat. A small crowd of 140 was in attendance, M. C. Lane umpired, his was the teams last appearance on the home lot for ten days. They go to Melcher, Iowa, for July 4 and 5 games. Viers and Griffie will hurl these games

-Dr. C. E. Lovett attended the banquet and scientific program by the Wayne County Medical Society last Tuesday night at Seymour, IA
-Mrs. Maude Lovett and sister, Nelle, entertained at Bridge Tuesday afternoon at the Lovett home on West 3rd Street.

Burglarize Lineville Oil Company Warehouse Broken into-Oil, Grease and
Containers Taken Sunday Night

The warehouse, of the Lineville Oil Company located in South Lineville was burglarized some time Sunday night and considerable oil, grease, etc., taken. Mr. Ford, local manager of the company estimates the loss at $100 or more. The locks were broken off and everything turned over even ransacking the truck and taking the key, tools, etc. Mr. Ford was out of town over the week end and the open building was discovered by himself and partner, Mr. A. F. Mewmaw upon their return Monday. Later some of the containers were found about two hundred yards south of the Rock Island stock yards. The owners of the oil company say that the oil was guaranteed and if the party who took it is not fully satisfied with the quality, they can bring it back and exchange for cash or other oil.

Free Chautauqua
July 26-29---Four Days, eight wonderful programs, replete with entertainment and educational features will fill each afternoon and evening of the four day Chautauqua season in Lineville under the auspices of the Acme Chautauqua System.

Chicken Thief Fund Grows
More Money Pledged to Stop Chicken Stealing. The following have pledged for chicken thief fund.
Bill Massey $5.00, C. A. Stanley 10, Jess Wilson 5, Varney Flour Mill 10, L. L. Litton 10, Bright and Bryan 10, Tommy Bryan 10, J. E. Rockey 5, Harl Rockhold 5, V. K. Lovett 10, P. C. Perkins 10, Clifford Martin 5, Happy Hawkins 10, Jimmie Moore 10, Everet Vinzant 10, Town of Lineville 25, Varney Taxi 10, Ralph Rockhold 5, Evan Molleston 10, Olia Kelly 10, Belvels Produce Company 10, Ed Barnett 5, Dailely-Luce Auto Co. 10, W. L. Avery 5, Buck McChargue 5, Harry Perkins 5, M. A. Belvel 5, Ivan Austin 10, Tipton Alexander 5,00 Ader Lewis 5, C. E. Lovett 5, Petty Grocery Co. 10, Beecher Crawford 5, First National Bank 10, Wayne Lovett 5, Phillips and Cain 10, Henry Galligher 5, A. Perkins 25, Charles Evans 5, F. K. Hutchins 5, O. O. Greenlee 10, J. T. May 10, G. T. Williams 5, John Hammond 5, Oscar McLain 5, H. S. Engle 5, Carl Glaus 5, C. W. Stanley 5, Lineville Oil Coompany 5, O. T. Finnimore 5.

Almost Motherly
A very unusual scene that was almost touching, was enacted at the Jerry Hooker home last Sunday afternoon when a visitor found Uncle Billy Brant, a boarder at the Hooker home seated in a big leather rocker with a 6-month old baby boy perched on his knee, busily engaged in securing its dinner (a La Mellon style) through a nipple on the neck of a bottle of milk. The baby was the property of a lady who is visiting at the Hooker home this week. No one loves children better than Uncle Billy and the more he can get around him the happier he is. The good book says "Suffer little children to come unto me." And Uncle Billy believes in fulfilling the scriptures. More power to this good old fellow and may his shadows never grown less.

Old Citizen Very Low
Uncle Sam Bright pioneer citizen is critically ill at his home on North main street today, His relatives have been called to his bedside. Uncle Sam has been in poor health for some time.

Pioneer Dies
Uncle Jimmy Judd passed away early last night at his home in South Lineville. Uncle Jimmy is a pioneer of this county. The funeral was held at 3:30 PM today at the M. E. Church.

Mr. And Mrs. D. W. McCoy of Mercer, were very interested spectators at the ball game Sunday and derived much satisfaction when their son, Worth, popped a 3-bagger in the seventh inning, which might have been a home run.


Alex Nichels member of the County Board, reports the completion of the instalation of a large 34-foot concrete tube and dirt fill just west of town on the State Line Road. This improvement will be greatly appreciated by people traveling this road and Mr. Nickels should be commended in securing this work which has been needed for years. Mr. Nickels plans several more such improvements near town during the next few Months.
-Arthur Lowry, Joe and Happy Hereford and J. S. Silvers of Princeton were Lineville visitors Sun.
-Mrs James Girdner and daughter of St. Joe, Mo., are guests of the Clell Brummett home this week.
-J. L. Bay was a Corydon visitor, Mon.
-Miss Cora Brown, who has spent the past year in school at Greely Co., is visiting home folks.
-C. E. Gieseman, local painter and decorator, is painting some attractive signs on the Varney Mill building. Lineville is very fortunate in having a painter of Clarence's talent in their midst. Mr. Gieseman has painted signs from coast to coast and is an artist in this line.
-.Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and Ella Litton were Des Moines visitors, Tuesday, making the trip by motor.
-E. E. Callbreath was a business visitor in Kirksville and Keatsville, Mo., and Ottumwa, Iowa, the first of the week.
-Mrs. Ava Underwood and little son of St. Joe, who have spent a few weeks visiting relatives here and at Burlington, left for home, Sun.
-Uncle Jimmy Judd has been very sick for several days at his home in South Lineville.
-Mr. And Mrs. Doris Laughlin and little daughter of Leon were visitors here Sat.
-Mrs. Lucile Loveless of Allerton neighborhood, is visiting her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Dudley Evans.
-Miss Shirley Swan, who has been quite ill at her home, suffering from neuritis, is somewhat better at this writing.

Reciever's Notice
To the Creditors of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lineville, Ia.: You are hereby notified that the undersigned E. E. Calbreath has been duly appointed by the ------ Court, of Wayne, County, Iowa, at Corydon, Iowa, as Receiver for the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lineville, Iowa. That you and each of the creditors of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lineville, Iowa, are hereby notified to present and file with said receiver at his office in the Farmers & Merchants Bank building, Lineville, Iowa, your claim and demand against said bank, duly (unreadable) Together with the original evidence of this claim or demand on before the 1st day of Oct., 1925. Etc.
E. E. Calbreath, Receiver of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Lineville, Iowa.

Dr. Engle on Vacation
Dr. H. S. Engle, local dentist left yesterday for a six weeks vacation in the west. After a few days in Council Bluffs, the doctor will go west into Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah where he will fish and hunt big game. We eagerly await an express shipment of bear, mountain lions, etc., because we know by association with Doc on rabbit hunts that he is a dead shot and we really expect him to bag some big game in the mountains.

Visit Former Home
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stanley and children, motored to Exira, IA, last week where they visited home folks. They greatly enjoyed the trip which was made by motor. C. A. who was driving, made a record run on the return trip of 187 miles in 6 hours. The boys who are among the largest poultry raisers in this section report that no chickens were missing on their return. After counting their chickens and missing none, C. W., who had not yet subscribed to the Chicken Thief fund, hastened to call up the Tribune and put his name on the list.

Slim Whitworth Drops In
Slim Whitworth, former Lineville boy, son of a former M. E South, pastor, dropped into town yesterday for a visit with old timers. When we say dropped in, we mean it for Slim descended upon our little city from the rear end of a Rock Island freight caboose which was passing through town at a "40 mile an hour clip." The fact that Slim acquired a couple of handfuls of cinders and at the same time lost the knees of a perfectly good pair of trousers, did not alter the time of his arrival a bit. Slim says he didn't have an accident, because that's the way he always gets off a train. "Slim" is married and holds a position as station agent at Everest, Kans., with the Missouri Pacific Railway. Slim left on No. 33, having greatly enjoyed a few hours visit with old friends.

The Nevins-Tanner Show is here for a week's stand, travel by rail. Their large tent and stage fitting were quickly and skillfully unloaded by Lineville truck men, Moore, Hawkins, and Kelly.

-Visitors at the Olen Shriver home Sunday afternoon were Orval Shriver and family, Mrs. Lucy Lewis and Mrs. Will Condit from Duluth Mn.
-The Queen Esthers will meet next Tuesday evening at the Jack Duncan home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krouch of Grant City visited at the Roy Jones home Thursday.
-Jessie Bates called at the H. H. Waddle home Monday morning.
-Marie Waddle returned home Sunday from a week end visit at the McVey home.
-Margaret Waddle and Ross Barker spent Sunday at the home of Frank Garner.
-Nannie Gardner and Bonnie spent Sunday at the parental home.
-Wedding bells rang again in Clio last week, Miss Albert Lane and Paul Souder both well known young people from Clio, Mr. Soouder is employed in the farmers exchange. Mrs. Souder was a graduate of the class of 1925 from the Clio High School. The wedding took place at the brides home southeast of Clio in the presence of relatives and friends. The happy couple departed Thurs. morning for their honeymoon in the North part of Iowa. They will return home soon and make their home in Clio.

-Mr. Jim Judd an old resident of the community is at the point of death it makes our hearts ache to see such a good religious man leave us but we hope he will receive his reward, which is for the faithful, for we must say "Thy will be done."
-Coy Bryan who is attending summer school in Corydon came home Fri. evening sick but we hope she will be better soon.
-George McCarty and wife visit at the Frank Willis home last Sunday.
-Ivan Belvel and wife visited at the Paul Shira home Sunday.
-Elmer Wilson and wife called at Ray Johnsons Sunday afternoon.
-Grandma Wilson visited at the John Wilson home Saturday.
-Onel Kellers visited at the Joe Keller home last Sunday.
-Francis Corder and wife were Lineville visitors last Sunday.
-There was several Rebekahs from this community attended the convention at Lineville Thursday and all report a good time.
-Mrs. Muriel Spencer has been visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. Ruby Cravens the past two weeks.

-Bub Wade visited Sunday with his parents Dirk Wade and wife.
-Will Haggard and family also Theadore Wade and family visited Sunday at the Cyrus Foster home. Mrs. Foster has been ill.
-Flossie Belvel of Lineville is visiting with her cousin Mrs. Carl Grimes and family.
-Wilma Ervine of Los Angles, Ca is visiting with her cousin Ethel Wade.
-Mrs. George Maple visited one day last week with her parents, Jonathon Bryan and family.
-Johnny Stockman and Miss Marrine Ivens were united in marriage last Wed.
-Carl Grimes and family also Flossie Belvel, visited at the Theadore Wade home Sunday.
-Mildred Grimes called on Mrs. Cecil Haggard Tuesday.

-The Misses Ermal and Velma Kost and Kathleen Rains, eighth grade students of South Woodland school spent last Tuesday at the Abe Jordan home. They are taking special lessons under Mrs. Jordans supervision to prepare them for the county eighth grade examinations in August.
-Joe Kellers were Lineville visitors Sat. night.
-The boys have nothing on Harold Casey with their coupes and roadsters. When Harold gets started with the mules and buggy he leaves the rest in the background. Harold is an expert at taming and breaking mules for work.
-Sid Tullers were Woodland callers Sat. evening.
-Francis Corder and family were Sunday visitors at the Nora Corder home in Lineville.

-Frank Phelps was a Woodland caller Wed.
-Mrs. Willard Hollinger called at Bufe Hollingers Friday afternoon.
-Willis Dillon, wife and son Grant spent Thursday evening at Joe Spragues.
-Bufe Hollinger called on Frank Bright Tuesday afternoon.
-Raymond Curry and family were in this neighborhood Sun.
-Mrs. Asher Kermahan and son Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Theron Strait of Des Moines spent Sun. and Mon. at Willis Dillons.
-Mrs. Florence Comer and Mrs. Moore spent Thursday at Herbert Cozads.
-Lee Spencer called on Joe Sprague Monday.
-Mrs. Elorence Comer of Washington D.C. returned tro her home Sat.

-Jiles Bloom and family came down from Shenandoah Friday to visit his father D. B. Bloom who is quite sick.
-Bill Shields and family spent Sunday at Laurel Cohens Sun.
-Loyd Ragan and wife were calling at Carl McKinneys, Jane Ragans and Virgil Coxs.
-Mrs. Fannie Jones and Mrs. Frone McLane spend Wed. at Howard Moores.
-Albert Cox spent Sun. at Glen Bains.
-Joseph Hartley went to Mercer Sunday to spend a week with his grandmother Mrs. Etta Swingle.
-Letha and Norman Joes and Marvin McLane were calling on Mildred and Stanley Cox Tuesday.
-Henry Jay was in Allerton last Sunday.

-Coming soon a supply of low priced dishes and Granite ware -Laughlin's Variety Store
-Everett Moore and family of Fremont Nebraska, returned to their home last week after a pleasant visit in Lineville and vicinity with relatives.
-The W.T. C. U. meets with Mrs Nettie Laughlin next Wed. afternoon, all members are requested to be present.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Massey drove to Leon last Wed. afternoon and attended the funeral of Mrs. Masseys aunt, Miss Janie Stephens. Miss Stephens being a sister of Mrs. Massey, father the late T. J. Stephens. The burial was in the Leon cemetary.
-Miss Harriet Laughlin, who has spent several weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Ramsey in Des Moines returned home yesterday.
-Mrs. Alma Logan, who is attending summer school at Corydon spent the week end with home folks.
-J. S. Craney and S. D. Varney were business visitors in Ridgeway Fri. where Mr. Craney owns a fine garage.
-Billy Carlisle, former Lineville boy now of Colby, Kans., visited his sister, Mrs. Hattie Rockhold here last week. Billy was called to Princeton by the illness of his father, Dr. D. W. Carlisle.
-The Dailey-Luce Auto Co. unloaded a car load of Fords the last of the week.
-Mrs. P. A. Rockhold visited at the home of her father, Dr. D. W. Carlisle in Princeton.
-Gerald Brecan(?) was a Des Moines visitor last week, where he took in the Western League ball games.
-Among the Allerton visitors at the ball park Fri. were G. M. Evans and Dan Porter. These old fellows may be getting up in years, but they are not too old to enjoy a good game of ball.
-The Laughlin Variety Store has recently received a large shipment of notions which Mr. Laughlin is selling at very low prices.
-Cream or milk from Jersey dairy delivered morning or evening. Phone Duncan's Dairy.
-On Stand - Registered Jersey Bull $2.00.-Jid Wasson

[transcribed by C.A., March 2007]

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