Iowa Old Press

Lineville Tribune
Lineville, Wayne County, Iowa
April 2, 1925
E.C. Varney, Publisher

-J. T. May and W. L. Avery were business visitors in Corydon Monday.
-Joe Brorby was transacting business in Chariton Monday.
-Get your True Story Magazine at the Molleston Drug Store.
-Mrs. Nellie Greenlee entertained the Bridge Club Thursday.
-Dr. H. S. Engle dropped in the last of the week and left a nice order for job work.
-Chief of Police Maring of Centerville, was a Lineville visitor Saturday.
-For Sale -Good folding bed- Mrs. J. H. Crees.
-If it is Battery trouble come to us-Dailey-Luce Auto Co.
-For Sale-New Departure cultivator, and 4 horse hitch; Moline Best Ever gang plow-Mike Bay
-A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Trade at Rockey's big Reduction Sale and save dollars.
-Auto Strap Safety Razers regular $1.00 value, 50 cents-Laughlin's Variety Store.
-For Sale-10 or 12 tons of long timothy hay.-Stephen Wanamaker.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carol Coontz of Des Moines were Lineville visitors Sunday.
-All kinds of sewing and beading Embroidery work a specialty. -Mrs. Bud Hampton
-For Sale -I have about 100 bales of nice bright baled straw for sale. Will deliver one or more bales at any time. -- A. E. Lewis.
-Special this week on chick feeders and drinking fountain.-L. M. Belvel Hardware
-High Test Reed's Yellow Dent Seed Corn $2.50 per bushel. See G. T. Williams
-G. W. Molleston and E. C. Varney were business visitors in Clio Monday.
-Gerald Bryan, Emery Belvel and Lyle Laughlin were Princeton visitors Sunday.
-Bruce Murphy very delightfully entertained twelve of his little friends last Thursday night at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rockhold on his ninth birthday. Dainty refreshments were served. He received many pretty presents. A jolly good time was had by all present.
SCHOOL NOTES -- By Kathlene Varney
Each member of the eighth grade has been writing a long theme entitled A review of the Civil War.
Through the courtesy of Phillips and Cain who loaned us a radio the High School enjoyed the usual Wednesday radio program broadcasted from the State University of Iowa at Iowa City, this week the Dean of men talked about self supporting students.
Those on the honor roll in the second grade are Wayne Sanders, Erma Smith, Izola Warnock, Allie McIntosh, Bernice Cox, Evalee Laughlin and Wilma Finch.
Mr. Helm with the help of some of the high school boys has been working industriously on our tennis court lately.
The second grade have been doing some supplementary reading this week in their new Young and Field readers.
The fourth grade are making word booklets and the third grade are making tree books.
Francis Stonger was absent on Wednesday from Miss Laughlin's room.
The freshman are working on a Literary program to be given in the near future.
Next Tuesday night will conclude the series of educational films shown at the school house. These pictures are of a high grade and well worth your time to see them.
The commencement speaker this year will be Dean George T. Kay of the State University.
The cast for the three act comedy to be given Friday and Saturday nights the 3rd and 4th of April Yimmie Yohnsons Yob.
Yimmie - Everet Casey, Pal Clayton Shelton Frank - Leonard Massy, Mickey -- Claudine Dunbar, Mr. Kent - Charles McCreary, Belle -- Ruth Shriver, Sylvia -- Bery Bruner, Peg - Marie Waddle, Kittie - Madge Hutchinson, Mrs. Kent - Alpha Powell.
Margaret Waddle was absent from school Friday afternoon.
The boys baseball team is scheduled to play Lineville the first game the 17th of April.
Clio is getting to be noted for its witty people. This took place in the Clio high school the Prof. Asked a certain boy in the class this - Prof.- If you were in a railroad wreck and you were caught so that boiling water and steam poured over you and you knew you could not get out and a man was standing near you with a gun would you ask him to shoot you and put your out of your misery? Ely, No I would ask him to turn off the steam. Used by permission.
It is worth your while to read the Lem Belvel add in this issue. Lem Belvel is a Lineville man 100 per cent and devotes about one half of his working hours working for Lineville and her institutions, including churches, schools and public entertainment's. We know of no Lineville business man who more deserves the support and patronage of the trading public than Mr. Belvel. In all lines with many years of buying experience, he endeavors to handle only the highest class merchandise of proven value.
-Several couples of young folks motored out to Weldon River Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner.
-For Sale - Have a bunch of automobile wrenches, assorted sized - Scott Varney.
-Mens work shoes $1.98 a pair all sizes 6 to 11.-Rockeys Store.
Ray Rockey, who recently underwent an operation in the Centerville Hospital, was brought home Tuesday. The trip was made in his father's car and he withstood the trip fine and his rapid recovery is looked for.
A force of fifteen or twenty Bell Telephone Company employees are here this week doing repair work on lines in and near town.
-J. L. Bay, the real estate man, was a business visitor in Kansas City on Monday.
-Wm. Thompson, County Attorney of Mercer County was a business visitor here Wed.
Milford Bay Weds
Milford Bay, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bay, dropped into town Sunday with a brand new bride. The happy event took place in Des Moines the last of the week. The bride was Miss Patricia Moore of Des Moines. The happy couple will make their home in Des Moines where they both hold good positions.
Good Old Fashioned Bologna
The writer stopped into Vinzant's Meat Market Tuesday just as Alf Shira, Veteran meat cutter, was taking a quantity of good old fashioned bologna out of the roaster. And say back to the days of Tom Arnold and Ike Henrp, such eating. It sure was great. Mr. Shira informed us that he roasted twice weekly and kept a supply on hand at all times. Alf is one of the few "old timers" still cutting meat and he says that he plans to quit about April 15.
Wins Sack of Gooche's Flour
Mrs. Ollie Barber won the sack of Gooche's Best flour given free by the Botts Produce Co. last Saturday. This company are giving valuable prizes every few weeks to their customers.
New Telephone Manager
Till Wilcox of Mercer, has been transferred to the Lineville office of the Leon-Lineville Telephone Company. Ellis Adair and family have located the office and Mr. Wilcox has moved in. While we regret to lose the Adair's as they were good people and did all they could to give the patrons good service, we also welcome Mr. Wilcox and family to Lineville. Mr. Wilcox is an expert phone man and should give satisfaction to the patrons of the company. Mr. Ellis will store his household goods for the present and look for a new location, probably in the West.
Lineville Boy Wins Fame
Orlando Krieder a student at Simpson College is home for a short visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Krieder. Orlando as a light weight wrestler represented his college at a meet in Fairfield and won on points. Orlando is an expert wrestler and should win many matches for his school.
-Mrs. Ora Moore and her little daughter Betty of Des Moines are visiting Mrs. Moore's mother Mrs. Kate Litton here this week.
-Mrs. S. B. Wright of Keokuk, is here for a visit with her mother, Mrs. C. E. Lovett.
-Kelley Fisher of Corydon, was a business visitor here Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clell Brummett and daughter, Gladys, motored to St. Joe, Mo. and spent Sunday visiting with relatives.
-Mrs. Susan Varney is recovering from an attack of flu.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Luce have both been laid up with the flu for the past week.
The Tribune Editor received a bloody dagger in his morning mail Wed. The dagger is some 18 inches long with a broad blade and had apparently been dipped in blood or (red ink). Several messages were inscribed on the blade including skull and cross bones, "Beware, do unto others as you would be done by,"" etc. The Editor who happens to be Mayor of the city, has the entire police force working on the case and has retained Jim Davis, well known Lineville attorney. If the guilty party is apprehended the Editor and his attorney plan to make the skull and cross bones look like a Sunday School lesson in comparison to what will happen to the black hander. It will sure go bad with any dusky skinned dark complected native of Sunny Italy, who happens into town during the next few days as this is evidently the work of the black hand or some other such organization.
-Flute Moore and wife spent Sunday at C. C. Brights.
-C. W. Barr, P. R. Barr and W. O. Mullinix and wife were visitors at Mineral Springs Sunday.
-Harry Hollenger was a Leon and Pleasanton caller Saturday.
-C. C. Bright and wife and Flute Moore and wife called at Will Mahoneys Sunday evening.
-Alfred Smith spent Monday with his brother Alex Smith.
-George Hutchison and wife and Freeman Hawkins and wife were visitors Sunday at L. B. Youngs.
-Bud Baker and wife were callers at Lineville Saturday evening.
-C. R. Hill and wife and M. L. Dale and wife visited in Leon on last Tuesday.
-Emmet La Folette and wife and Mrs. Rallie Smith attended one show at Pleasanton Sat. night.
-Adra and Max Hawkins visited with home folks Sat. night and Sun.
-Fred Potter, wife and children spent Sun. at -ilo Potters.
-Roy Belvel of Lineville was a caller in this neighborhood Friday.
-Those who visited Sunday at the C. R. Hill home were D. T. Belvel and wife, Syd Fuller and wife and R. D. McLaughlin and wife.
-Virge Bright and wife visited Saturday night and Sunday at the Dide Petty home.
-Remember Sunday April 5th is the annual day on which we organize our Sunday school hoping all in the community will be there at 10:00 clock this will be Brother Strongers regular time at 8 PM every one invited.
-T. L. Bryan, Robert McIntosh and children called at F. R. Corders Sunday.
-We have been listening every day to learn that W. W. Sinclair and wife have started for their new home at Cheyenne, Wyoming where several of their children reside and we are afraid Billie won't come back. They will be missed very much.
-Every body is busy plowing in these parts yet we would like to see a weeks rain and then the sunshine warm.
-Everet Vinzant and wife were guests at the George McCarty home Sunday.
-Orel Keller and family visited at the Harry Kendal home last Sunday.
-Glen Sinclair and mother and sister Gertie Hustin and children visited at the Caroline Wilson home Friday evening.
-We are very glad to hear that Mrs. Beulah Belvel is some better at this writing. We also hear that Mrs. Altha Petty is sick. We hope for a speedy recovery.
Lineville Will Have Ball Club -- Officers for 1925 are Selected at Pep Meeting
At a band concert and baseball meeting held in May's hall Monday evening, it was unanimously decided that Lineville should have a ball club this year. After a band concert short talks were made by Manager Logan, Chas. Davis, Happy Hawkins and Mayor Varney. Officers were elected. Manager Logan being re-elected, Chas. Davis, assistant manager and M. C. Lane, Secretary and Treasurer. Several members of the 1924 Club including "Kid" Bryan, Evan "Jack" and "Skeet" Molleston, Jimmy Moore, Morris and Carl Lane and George Greenlee were on hand. Most of these boys will be in the 1925 line-up. Several of them have had experience in minor leagues and they are all real ball players. Several recruits who will take part in a number of spring training and exhibition games, were on hand including, Lyle Laughlin, Bill Cunningham, Slim Pryor, Emery Belvel, Donny Petty and others. Some of these boys stand a chance to make the team and should they show up good, Manager Logan will use them. Word has been received from Bryan Adkisson of Trenton, Mo., slugging first baseman, that he is ready also. Dale Linn of Ravanna and Red Carrolton and Johnny may be added to the line-up. Asst. Manager Davis has written these boys to come for a try out. Harlely Petty, slugging out-fielder, may be with us again this year and possibly Fred Greenlee, now attending school at Ames. A letter is also out to Ray McKinney and Dale Viers, both on the hurling list last year. These pitchers together with George Greenlee, should strike fear into the hearts of would be Babe Ruth's in this section during the coming season. Everyone boost for a winning ball club.
E. G. Wright, east side Café man, is home with an attack of influenza. Guy Painter, veteran restaurant man is assisting at the Café during Mr. Wright's illness.
Want Ads
-S. C. White Leghorn eggs from Tom Baron strain. Ten cents per dozen above market price -Mrs. Gladys Lawson.
-Marcelling -- I will do marcelling on each Wed. and Thurs. phone for appointment. Altha Petty.
-Baby Chix For Sale -Rhode Island Red and Silver Laced Wyandottes, 12cents ea.-Nel Meyers
-Hay for Sale-Inquire of G. W. Hutchinson or O. O. Greenlee
-One 2 ˝ H. P. International gas engine-Baldridge Garage
-See T. E. Molleston for milk and whipping cream deliveries morning and evening.
-Reeds yellow dent seed corn $2.25 bu. also baled threshed hay-Harl Rockhold.
-Marcelling-Marcels 50c Retrace 30c Water Waves 50c French paper curl--$1.25.-Mrs. Izola Painter.
-Two fine bred Holstien cows with heifer calves by side. A bargain if taken at once.-Dr. C. E. Lovett.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Farver were visitors at the Farver farm and at Ora Evans Sunday.
-Guy Casey and wife were callers at the Abe Jordan home Friday.
-It is reported Clifford Petty is still on the sick list.
-The Cochran family visited at the Ora Evans home Sunday.
-Archie and Orian Evans and Al Cochran were Lineville callers Saturday evening.
-Davie Gordon and sisters were trading in Lineville Saturday afternoon.
-Mrs. Kost and little daughter Bernice are reported much better.
-Francis Corder and wife were Lineville callers Saturday.
-Ben Logan and wife spent last Sunday at Reese Logans.
-Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins spent a few days the past week at the T. J. Lovett home in Lineville.
-The pie social held at White Oak School house by the community Club last Wednesday evening netted the club $6.05 which will be used for improving the school.
-Lola Judd and wife, George Judd and wife and Rex Warnock and wife spent Sunday at Sherman Judds.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Drake, Remeny Scott and Henry Roberts were visitors at the Gene Drake home Sunday.
-Mrs. Elsie Drake assisted Mrs. Ruby Logan with her papering last Saturday.
-Reese Logan and family Mrs. Rena Logan and Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins spent Sunday evening at the Carl Rains home.
-E. W. Vinzant and wife took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George McCarty.
-Will Haggard and family were callers at Ravanna Tues. night.
-Carl Grimes and family also Lee Spencer visited Sunday with her parents Pearl Fuller and wife and A. C. McLaughlin of near Davis City.
-Theadore Wade and family visited Dirk Wade Thurs night.
-Carl Grimes and wife called at Lineville Saturday night.
-Mrs. Will Haggards parents called on them one day last week.
-Mildred Grimes called on Mrs. Cyrus Foster Friday.
-Cyrus Foster, wife and sons were Lineville callers Saturday night.
-We are having fine March weather now days but we are to poor to enjoy it.
-Jim Jennings is Granpa again.
-Bill Lemons took dinner with Ott Moore Sunday.
-O. S. Ellis the sheep Dr. was transacting business in this vicinity one day last week.
-Pearl Casey was knocked out thro his barn door in the first round by one buck ram.
-Sam Vandel has quit farming for the present he says his fields are just literally covered with greens and he does not want to destroy them until his garden stuff is ready to eat.
-Clio has a new Dr. he is a new dentist and you ladies that have not cut your eye or wisdom teeth would do well to call on Bryan Evans.
-Notice girls Otis Speer wants to get married this spring.
-Fry and Crovens the horse and cattle buyers have been having some pretty hard luck this winter and spring in their trades.
-Doc furnish the car and money and Hop is suppose to furnish the eyes and brains but Doc is to have him examined for moon blindness or hollow horn.
-Jim Browning has bought another boar from Alex Donaldson by mistake.
-John Elsey and wife spent Saturday night with Mary McKinney.
-D. A. Nivens and son Alva and Dare Nova spent Sunday with Mrs. Cal Ryan.
-Nellie Peterson, Lora Hartley and Fannie Jones visited Mary McKinney Sunday.
-Basil Trail and wife visited her mother at Lamoni Sunday.
-Those at Virgil Coxs Sunday were Glen Bain, wife and son Harold Mrs. S. A. Jones, Letha and Norman Jones, Nelda and Versa Bordwell and Albert Jones.
-Will Weiser and family visited Sunday at Dirk Blooms.
-Mrs. Ashley Shields spent part of last week with Mrs. Peterson.
-Orlie Cox came up from Chillicothe Saturday to spend a week with home folks.
-Margaret Waddle and sister Mrs. Frank Gardner, daughter and Mrs. Georgie Shriver were Lineville visitors Friday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cass were business callers in Lineville Friday afternoon.
-The ladies aid met at the rest room Thursday and quilted.
-Mrs. Georgie Shriver was quite sick the middle of the week.
-Mrs. Ann Amis called on Mrs. Rynor Friday afternoon and had a very enjoyable visit.
-The contest held by the W. C. T. U. Saturday night was good . Lois Barr won first over all and Geno Oliver second over all.
-The food sale held at the rest room by the ladies aid of the M. E. Church will be held the last Saturday of each month.
-Pearl Sterns and family were visitors at the Harvey Crawford home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith and baby visited the parental Powell home Sunday.
-W. A. Bruner and family motored to Des Moines, Sunday to visit their son Dallas.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Souder came down from Des Moines Sunday morning to visit at the H. A. Souders home they returned home Sunday evening.
-The funeral of Mr. Johnson a former resident of Clio was held at the M. E. church Saturday afternoon his remains were laid to rest in the Clio cemetery.
-John Sinclair and family were Leon callers Saturday afternoon.
-Edna Trembly came down from Indianola where she is attending college and spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks.
-Earl Calbreth of Lineville the hustling insurance agent called on us one day last week.
-We took our own wife with us and attended an entertainment at the White Oak School house last Wednesday night. The folks sure treated us awful nice and we only hope that they will have many more such entertainment's. We had the leisure of eating a piece of the best cake that ever went down our neck.
-Charlie Haver and family and Ralph Cain all of Lineville called at the Frank Hughes home last Sunday afternoon.
-The Bracewell brothers are still busy as ever they dug a well last fall and have now moved it to another place this is the first time we ever saw a well moved.
-Our wife has been complaining of a crippled arm she says it was caused from raking the lawn it is true she had the rake in her hand but the back of our head tells the story.
-Our sister Alice Hayes and son and his daughter Marea all of Allerton was visiting with us last Sunday.
-We hope A. has found his cow by this time for we done all we could to locate her for him.
-Bryan Shockey reports seeing a large bird which he thought was a buzzard but we are inclined to think its another one of those darn storks therefore we are going to try and get Yant and Cam to keep it from coming across the township line into Woodland township.
-Will Phelps and Frank Hughes delivered hogs to Lineville one day last week.
-Al Hubbard has a new radio Al believes in getting news afar off.
-Miss Doris Wasson called on Maude Hughes Wednesday.
-Mrs. Cam Trembly and daughter Edna was Leon callers on last Saturday afternoon.
-Carl Wyatt of Clio called at our place last Monday afternoon and done some spouting on our house. Carl tells us he is getting to be quite a sport he attends all the dances regular and swings the gals until their heels crack that is the proper thing to do we used to do the same thing and might yet if the opportunity would only present itself and our wife would not find it out.
-There was quite a little excitement took place in this vicinity one day last week. The children at school built a little fire in the school yard and it got across the road into Cam Tremblys meadow and all the neighbors that were at home turned out and prevented the fire from doing much harm.
-Miles Mitchel and Earn Gatliff were hauling hay through our city last Monday afternoon.

[transcribed by C.A., May 2005]


Lineville Tribune
Lineville, Wayne Co., IA
April 9, 1925
E. C. Varney, Publisher

-A. A. and Glen Alley of Mercer, were business visitors here Saturday.
-Jack Kemp of Kansas City is a business visitor here this week.
-Bill Kirk, Tribune foreman, was a Corydon visitor over Sat.
-Chas. Wilkinson of Des Moines is a Lineville visitor this week.
-J. L. Bay was a business visitor in Des Moines Thursday.
-Misses Alma and Virginia Cross and Mrs. Lenna Maxwell of Princeton, were shopping in Lineville last Saturday.
-J. S. Davis and Dr. H. L. Harris were Princeton visitors Friday.
-Tom Crawford pioneer farmer passed away Tuesday evening at the Crawford home near Saline Mo. The funeral was held yesterday at the home we hope to print an obituary next week.
-The big churn and some other machinery for the creamery came in Wednesday and is being installed.
-The Varney mill have started operations and have already ground several loads of clover, hay, oats, whole corn and etc. for dairy men of this section.
-Raymond Johnson had a very narrow escape from serious injury, Monday when a car battery blew up and painfully burned him on the face, one eye suffering injuries.
Jim Edd Weds
Jim Edd Booher well known farmer living east of town and Miss Icel Pickett of south east of town were married last Wednesday. We wish them a long and successful married life.
-Mrs. Ivan Belvel has been seriously ill for the past week and is reported some better at this writing.
-Mrs. Altha Petty, who has been very ill at the Low Belvel home in the north part of town is much improved at this time.
-If the party who took the package containing two pair silk stockings and dress from the opera house dance hall Saturday night don't return them at once or come and pay there'll be trouble. I will be at corner of First National Bank Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. I know you. Signed: Unknown
-Mrs. C. E. Lovett entertained the Queed Club and several invited friends at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Raymond Cain of Seymour and Mrs. Elizabeth Wright of Keokuk, were the out of town guests.
-If the party who found the claw hammer lost on the public square yesterday will return it to The Tribune office we will agree not to use it for knocking.
-Mrs. Julia Wallace returned Saturday from Cedar Rapids, Ia., where she has spent the winter months. Her grand daughter Mrs. Edna Dusek of that city came with her for a visit. Mrs. Dusek will be remembered as Edna Smith daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith former Lineville people.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Booher and family left last week for their new home near Eldorado. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sinclair left some few weeks ago and located near Eldorado. Mrs. Booher and Mrs. Sinclair are sisters formerly the Misses Trudie and Winifred Foster of this place. We wish these two young couples every success and feel sure they will make good as both Eldin and Harry are good boys and hard workers.
SCHOOL NOTES - By Kathlene Varney
-Dorothy Danielson returned to school this week to take up her work as usual.
-The seventh grade each composed April poems.
-Miss Laughlin's pupils have been working on Easter decorations for their room. They are going to paint eggs for Easter.
-Those who ranked highest in perfect spelling in 4th grade are Gussie Petty, J. F. McIntosh and Nell Greenlee. Those in the third grade are Ardon Williams and Mary Ellen Gaskill.
-Bradford Young is absent from school because of illness.
-The first game of baseball for this season was played last Friday, Clio vs. Lineville. Lineville won 25-0.
-The writer visited Ray Rockey last week. The reports are that he is improving and thinks he will soon join us again at school.
-Miss Hammarstram's Home Economic classes have been diligently working on hats. This is the first year this has been taken up here and we feel sure several well-made hats will be on exhibition Sunday.
-Abbie Galigher, a student at The Chillicothe Business College was a high school visitor Monday with Miss Bernice Rockhold.
-Miss Erma Sundquist and Ethel Dennis of Hampton, Iowa, and friends of Edith Kreider, were High School visitors Tuesday afternoon.
-Nadine Baker, Thelma Grisamore, Thelma Willis, and Esther Belvel are absent from high school because of illness.
-Edith Robinson was absent from the 7th grade two days because of tonsillitis.
-Those on the Honor Roll are George Sparks, Deloris Petty, Helen Bright, Kelly Perkins, Gilbert Belvel, Dean Moore, Frankie Warnock, Lester Smith, Hazel McIntosh, Vann Williams and Elmer Laughlin.
-The first grade are making writing booklets in which they will keep a copy of each weeks work in writing.
-The first grade will now return to their basic readers after having had supplementary readers.
-Honor Roll in deportment in 2nd grade is as follows: Izola Warnock, Ellie McIntosh, Evalee Laughlin and Wilma Finch.
-The A class in second grade had a Peter Rabbit party in Miss Flatness room last Friday.
-Bernice Cox and Blanche Dailey were promoted to the A class this week.
-Miss Helen "Jimmie" Farr, daughter of F. E. is taking her semester vacation this week and will be down to spend a few days with her "pops."
-A part of the ladies of the Bridge Club entertained the club last Thursday at the J. S. Davis home. After an excellent 7:00 o'clock dinner, the evening was spent in playing the popular game.
Easter Program by M.E.S.S.
At 8 p.m. Sunday, April 10, Following is the program.
Songs by school, led by orchestra
Invocation - L. M. Belvel, Supt.
"Rosebuds" - Drill by Second Primary class.
Recitations - James Baker, Wynne Dundan, Keith Baker.
Song - Primary Class.
"Flowers for the Savior" -Wilma Finch and Fred Hadle.
Song and Recitation - William Litton.
Violin Duet - Margaret Calbreath and Carleton Austin.
Song - Junior Boys.
Recitations - Jean Varney, Flora Margaret Bryan, Iva May Stanley.
Song - Young Ladies class.
Reading - Lorene Laughlin.
Saxophone Duet - Earl Dean and Duane Lovett
Reading - Ethel Bryan.
Recitations - Helen May McClain, Jack Harvey Hawkins.
"From the Palms to the Lilies" - Junior Girls.
Offering for Missions.
Offertory - Ames Greenlee.
Former Lineville Boy Will Wrestle World's Champion
The following was clipped from the Des Moines Register of a recent issue and concerns Harry Kahoe, wrestler. When Harry meets Parcant it will be for the championship, an honor for which Kahoe has faithfully trained and worked for months. Here is hoping he is successful and wins the title of middle weight champion of the world:
Cherokee, Ia., March 26-(Special) - Harry Kahoe of Cherokee defeated Claud Strong of Des Moines here last night in straight falls. Kahoe won the first fall in 24:00 with a crossover toe hold and the second in 31:00 with a bar armlock. As a result of his victory Kahoe will meet Ralph Parcant here the contract having been signed and money posted.
Poultry Club Meeting
There will be a meeting of the boys and girls of Grand River township who are interested in joining the Poultry club at May's Hall Monday evening. April 13 at 8 o'clock. Mr. C. A. Stanley is the club leader and urges all boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 19 to get in line with this Club.
-R. E. Molleston and J. L. Bay were business visitors in Mercer Friday.
Clio Could Not Hit Lefty Casey -- High School Team Wins by a One-sided Score Here Friday

In a ball game between Clio and Lineville high school teams here last Friday, the home team won by a 26 to 0 score. As this was the first game of the season, Clio probably was not in as good shape as the locals who have been working hard to get into shape. During the past two weeks Coach Cramlet has kept the boys under strict training rules and the benefit of this training is seen in the score of the first game. Any time a young fellow thinks more of a cigarette than he does of physical fitness, it is a sad day for that boy. There is no finer thing than a good, clean physically trained athlete. Men who live clean and keep physically fit are the men who are succeeding today. We believe that the boys under Coach Cramlet are in good hands and should give a good account of themselves in the spring games. The line-up for Lineville was: Haner, catcher; Casey, Pitcher; Wilson, Petty, L. Bryan and C. Belvel, infield; Saylors, Alexander and Davis in the outfield. "Lefty" Casey helped the score along with a home run that brought a broad smile to Coach Cramlet's face in the 2nd. There were rumors that Tramp Bryan used a willow bat in the 3rd when he poled a three bagger. The boys all played heads up baseball but the chances are against them defeating Clio by such a score next time.
I have now on hand all varieties of fruit trees, small fruit, shrubs and everything you want in the nursery line. Fine stock and in fine condition. Prices right. Can supply you until end of season at residence. - J. H. Crees.
Mrs. Fred Wooley came from Garden Grove to attend the funeral of J. A. Johnson. Miss Ola Kreider made a beautiful wreath of everlasting flowers to be laid on Mr. Johnson's grave.
Obituary of Chas. H. Gatliff
Chas. Hazard Gatliff, the youngest son of Chas. H. and Mary V. Gatliff, was born Sept. 1, 1853 and passed away at the farm home March 18, 1925, aged 71 years, 5 months, 18 days. Oct. 12, 1877 he was united in marriage to Margaret Jane Davis. To this union five children were born. Earl, the second child, died in youth. Bessie, Earnest and Gertrude Bright all live in and around Lineville and King at Mt. Carmel, Ill. There remain to mourn the loss, four children, six grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the home March 19, 1925 by Rev. W. L. Cunningham---
Bakery Installs New Machinery -- Electric Moulder Added to Present Bakery Equipment.
A fine electric Peerless loaf molder was installed in the Probst Bakery the last of the week. The molder is of the latest pattern and has a capacity of 1000 loaves an hour. Besides saving Mr. Probst the labor it will enable the bakery to turn out any amount of bread on short notice. The Lineville Bakery is already equipped with a modern electric mixer, proof and raising boxes and the bakery is one of the most modern and up-to-date in this part of the state and an industry of which the town and country are proud. Mr. Probst is an expert baker and the Probst's are good people and deserve the patronage of town and country. Their products are the best. The big moulder is in operation at 10:00 a.m. each day and visitors are always welcome.
Former Lineville Girl Weds
Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Clella Hamilton of Ottumwa, Ia, formerly of this place, and Mr. Irvin Hardesty of Knoxville, Ia., which took place in Chicago, Ill. On March 4. Miss Hamilton will be remembered here by some of her old friends and schoolmates as well as a sister of Mrs. Scott Varney. Mr. Hardesty is a professional pianist and manager of the "Marigold Serenaders Orchestra of Knoxville, Iowa. Miss Hamilton is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, formerly of this place and was born and reared here.
Go Swimmin' Early
A couple of school boys were discovered swimming Sunday, in a pond near town. We would not want to print their names but their initials are Rolla Belvel and Earl Dean Lovett. Go to it boys. There is nothing like the "Ole Swimmin Hole." We will make a good wager that they neither one caught cold.
-J. A. Kreider was a Princeton visitor Friday, making the round trip in an hour and fifteen minutes. Some driving Josh for a kid your age.
Filling Station Completed
A neat filling and service station has just been completed on the southwest corner of the square by Chas. Haver. The station is on the Petty lots just north of the State Line and is a very neat affair of tile and stucco construction. Access is easy from both Main and Line streets besides being located at the end of Missouri State Highway No. 3. Mr. Haver will handle Sinclair gas and oils exclusively. As Charley is a business man and a hustler, he should enjoy a nice business.
-Mrs. Georgie Shriever was a business caller in Lineville Friday.
-Mr. Ellis of Lineville has stored his household goods at Clio.
-John Dunbar and wife were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Olen Shriver home.
-There will be an Easter program at the M. E. Church Sunday evening there will be no Epworth League but the program will begin at eight o'clock Bro. Cunningham will preach in the morning after Sunday school.
-The Queen Esthers will meet at the E. D. Clap home Wednesday evening.
-The Epworth league members met Monday evening and all enjoyed a real out door picnic.
-Mr. Paddock fell the first of the week and bruised his face.
-Geno Oliver entertained a few friends Sunday evening at home.
-Mr. Williams and family of Lineville were Clio visitors last Saturday night.
-Senior Class of 1924-25
Color-green and white ; flower-Lily of the Valley; Motto - We will find a path or make one; Class advisor - F. L. McCreary; Members - Gladys Bettis, Wilma Browning, Beryl Bruner, Nellie Dunbar, Jessie Jones, Alberta Lane, Marie Waddell, Alpha Powell, Ruby Powell, Everet Casey, Gerald Hutchinson, Dwight Hutchinson, Wayne Kesterson, and Leonard Massy. This is the largest class of Senior graduates that ever graduated from Clio high school.

The play Yimmie Yohnsons Yob was a great success there was a large audiences both nights we hope you enjoyed yourself and invite you back to our senior play the 8th and 9th of May the title will be given later.

Visitors at school Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Oliver and Mrs. Fannie Bettis and son Clyne.
-Virge Bright and wife visited at Fay Osbornes Sunday.
-Miss Fay Smith spent Monday with Rullie Smith.
-Mrs. L. B. Young and son Bradford are both quite sick at this writing.
-Freeman Hawkins and wife called at L. B. Young's home on last Sunday evening.
-P. R. Barr and wife were Leon visitors on last Monday evening.
-Alfred and Franklin Smith and Ben Loving were Cainsville Sun.
-Geo. Sneethen spent Sunday with the Hill boys.
-Will Mahoney called at C. C. Bright's home Sunday.
-A. C. McLaughlin, Pyarl Fuller, and wife and Gene Fuller spent Sunday at Rolla McLaughlins.
-Emmet LaFollets spent last Saturday afternoon in Pleasanton.
-Emmet Thomas of Mercer, Mo. visited Sunday with Ada Thomas.
-Geo. Smallwood and wife were callers at Pleasanton on last Monday evening.
-Yant Wasson, wife and daughter Doris were Lineville callers Saturday afternoon.
-John Sinclair and Maude Huges and Eva Sinclair and Frank Hughes were Leon callers last Wed.
-Herbert Cozad and son Winston were Lineville callers on last Saturday afternoon.
-Last Sunday was quite a quiet day we listened to the funeral services of Mrs. Henry Field of Shenandoah.
-Frank Sinclair was a business caller in Leon last Saturday.
-Will Pheps sold a team to Mr. Rushing one day last week.
-Riley Hatfield has been plowing on the Hines farm.
-We was pleased to meet our old friend and neighbor Homer Stanley in Leon last Wed. he has been making his home in Wyoming for the past two years and he is very favorably impressed with that country.
-Dr. Charlie Lovett and wife and another couple we did not learn their names called at our place one evening last week Chas. was getting some leghorn eggs for setting.
-Ellet and Wayne Bracewell and Frank Sinclair and Sid Tuller all called on Frank Hughes Sunday afternoon and helped perform an operation on a hog patient is doing nicely and will recover.
-Cam Trembly has been plowing up his meadow which he had sown to alfalfa.
-Frank Sinclair helped us haul hay last Friday.
-Herbert Cozad has a new radio he says he can hear the man in the moon playing the fiddle just as plain as if he was in his house.
Billie Dare McClain, son of Floyd and Hada McClain, was born Jan 14, 1924, and went to sleep in Jesus on March 18, 1925, age 1 year 2 months and 4 days. He leaves to mourn his departure his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McClain, one brother, Robert Dean and one sister, Mary Lewis. Also two grandfathers, a grandmother and other relatives and friends that he made during his short stay on earth. His little twin brother, Bobbie Dale passed away only a short time ago. Dec. 25, 1924. The little twin brothers were too frail to see much of an earthly life although all was done that loving hands could do to make them comfortable during their short stay here on earth.
Obituary of Mary D. Duncan
Mrs. Mary D. Duncan was born Oct 20, 1845 in Mercer County, Mo. and departed this life March 22, 1925 at her home in Lineville, Iowa, age 79 years, 5 months, 2 days. She was married to John T. Duncan Oct 28, 1864. To this union eight children were born, James H. Duncan of Lineville; Susan E. Summers of Anton, Co.; Mrs. Theodosis Fall of Albuquerque, New Mexico; Eliza Cox; Sarah J. Rockhold, Edith L. Ervin, William M. and Arthur C. There are two stepchildren, C. A. Duncan and Mrs. Mary E. Babcock of Healdsburg, CA. She was converted in her girlhood days and joined the M. E. Church South, and remained faithful even unto death. She was a kind loving mother and grandmother and as a friend and neighbor, all who knew her rise and call her blessed. She leaves to mourn her death her son, James, two daughters, Susan and Theodosis, two stepchildren, 21 grandchildren, 7 step grandchildren, 22 great grand children, three sisters, Mrs. E. E. Roper, Mrs. Louise Lane and Catherine Gardner, all of Clio, Ia, and two brothers, Wm. Brown of Lineville, and J. M. Brown of Mercer, Mo. Eliza A. Cox, Sarah J. Rockhold, Edith L. Ervine, William M. Duncan, Arthur C. Duncan and her husband proceeded her in death. John T. Duncan died Jan. 2, 1905. The funeral was held in the M. E. Church, South, conducted by her pastor, assisted by Rev. W. L Cunningham of the M. E. church and the body was laid to rest in the South Lineville cemetery.
-We are glad to know that aunt Sarah Frances Sears is able to be up and around after being so bad the past winter.
-Mrs. Kattie Sears is doing some fine work weaving rugs they are very beautiful and she is getting all the work she can do.
-Mr. and Mrs. Risk Wilson of St. Joe visited at the Caroline Wilson home a few days last week.
-Onel Keller and wife visited at the Earl Wilson home Sunday after Sunday school.
-Ben Logan and his wife and Mrs. Malissa Hamilton visited at the Paul Shira home Saturday night.
-Ivan Vaughn and mother and children visited Sunday at the Reese Logan home.
-Billie Sinclair and wife and Ross Bates and wife started the first of the week for Cheyenne, Wyo.
-Bro. Talent called chickens in this community last Friday and visited at the Paul Shira home Friday night returning home on Saturday.
-Mrs. Della Corder started for home Saturday after spending the winter with home folks.
-Oliver Ward and family visited at Monroe Brown's Sunday.
-Fred Moore and family called on Ellis Beavers and family one evening last week.
-Dave Bedford and family, Morg Moore and family visited Sunday at Robert Moore's.
-Marie Hollars spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Faye Hollinger.
-Mrs. Fred Moore called on Mrs. Doug Moore one evening last week.
-Kathy Ward visited Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Carl Moore.
-Mrs. Bryan Moore and daughters, Mrs. Jimmie Moore and Mrs. Carl Moore and daughter called on Mrs. Lawrence Moore one evening last week.
-M. L. Harris and family and Carl Moore and family visited Sunday at Doug Moore's.
-Fred Moore and family visited at the A. T. Booher home Sunday.

[transcribed by C.A., May 2005]

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