Iowa Old Press

Humeston New Era
Humeston, Wayne, Iowa
May 25, 1921

- J.D. Carlyle of Allerton brought 471 rat tails to Corydon last Friday to enter in the Des Moines Register contest now going on. Come on get busy.
- Mrs. Geo. Kimple went to Des Moines Sunday, to see her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Merritt, who underwent an operation there last week for appendicitis.


- Angered because his love had been spurned, August Kreuse, 25, a farmer, shot Miss June Smith and then himself. The girl will recover. Kruese died from his wounds.

- Following the drinking of carbolic acid, John Schott, well-to-do farmer of near Sac City, died in the presence of his family. Ill health is given as the cause of his suicide.

- George Connable, proprietor of a shoe shop at Alta, has been arrested on a charge of bigamy preferred by his wife, who alleges that he has another wife in South Dakota.

- Dorothy Davenport, 8 years old, daughter of L. Davenport, Kellehern, Iowa, was bruised when the car her father was driving collided with a machine driven by W.M. Crowley in Des Moines.

- When George Rolefs of near Sheldon, attempted to hang himself recently by a rope from a windmill, his 14-year-old son cut the rope. Rolefs fell about fifty feet. Although his neck was broken he is expected to live.

- Sheriff Gregson of Poweshiek county brought in two stills recently. One was a large homemade affair found at the Fred Monroe home northwest of Deep River, and the other was found at the Clarence Briney home near Brooklyn. With the first one there was found half a pint of the finished article and about three barrels of mash ready for a new stock.

- William O. Smith, car inspector for Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul was arrested recently at Cedar Rapids by postal inspectors while in the act of robbing mail pouches. It is said by postal officers that Smith confessed to having robbed mail sacks for some time. The arrest of Smith, a married man, with a family, was the climax of a series of mail pouch robberies on the Milwaukee road since last February.

- The tragic story of the swindling of an old man of his money was told in District court at Palo, where suit was tried to recover on notes issued by John C. Armstrong before a guardian was appointed for him. Testimony has shown that Armstrong bought most any kind of stock at any price quoted. He purchased $105,000 worth of stock in local concern which has never been run, purchased a dry oil well, and threw away his entire fortune.

- Dorothy, 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Judah, living near Hastings, was burned to death as a result of a childish prank. Three children in the family were sent on an errand and finding a pile of leaves and securing matches they started a bonfire. A younger brother of Dorothy, in play, pushed his sister too near the flames and her clothing was ignited and burned off. She died in a few hours later. The child's mother was badly burned about the hands and arms trying to extinguish the flames.

- John McQuilkin, former mayor, civil war veteran and member of the Black Hawk county board of supervisors for thirty years, died at his home in La Porte City recently after a three weeks' illness which attacked him on his return from an inspection trip for the county.

[transcribed by C.J.L. May 2007]

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