Iowa Old Press

Humeston New Era
Humeston, Wayne co., Iowa
August 24, 1910

-Clifford R. Smith has been appointed a rural carrier at Humboldt.
-John Powers, teamster, was killed in a runaway accident at Mason City.
-James M. Howard, aged 92 years, an Iowa pioneer, died at his home in Nashua.
- Olaf Rosengren, aged 75, an old and respected citizen of Stratford, died suddenly.
-Carl A. Holstereman, of Cedar Rapids, has been appointed a clerk in the war department.
-Mary D. Dietze has been appointed postmaster at Millersburg, Iowa county, vice E.F. Dietze, resigned.
- While descending the cellar stairs, Hugh McMahon, a young man of Nashua, fell and fractured his skull.
- Henry J. Vosberg, aged 80, for fifty years a resident of Marshall county, died at Gillman as the result of apoplexy.
- Gustave Linnewan has been appointed postmaster at Calumet, O'Brien county, Iowa, vice T. Rehder, resigned.
-Rev. Father Lovejoy has made a donation to the public library of Corning of 12? volumes from his private library.
-Ray, the ?-year-old son of Howard Dodge, who lives two miles south of Milford, died of intantile paralysis after an illness of twenty hours.
-Dr. Thomas Ray Campbell, of Arthur, N.D., and Miss Margaret Adele Luse, children's librarian in Carnegie library, were married at Iowa City.
- Michael Nugent, aged 99, a native of County Clare, Ireland, and a resident of Dubuque county since 1852, passed away at his home near Dubuque.
- On the recommendation of Congressman Dawson, Dr. J. Realenta has been appointed examining surgeon at Iowa City vice Dr. W.L. Berving, resigned.
-Mrs. George Miller, living three miles south of Waterloo, is suffering from infantile paralysis. She is twenty-three years old. It is thought she will recover.
-While getting bait for fishing, John Haines, a carpenter of Hawarden, found in a small clam taken from the Big Sioux river, a pearl which jewelers say is worth over $200.
-Andrew Lorenzen, a former member of the Council Bluffs police department, is missing. He has not been seen since May 21, when he left his ranch home near Hecla, Neb. for Council Bluffs.
- Patrick Clancy, for four years flag bearer in the civil war, died at Storm Lake after being a sufferer from cancer for years. He was a native of Ireland, coming to this country in 1849.
-Ninety candles decorated the birthday cake of William Pangborn of Ft. Dodge, when his daughter, Dr. Sara Kime, recently received a few friends in honor of his birthday. Mr. Pangborn has lived in Iowa since 1854 and is well known to people in Fayette county, where he lived for fifty-two years.
-Arthur Sprague of Columbus Junction, who recently graduated from Monmouth college with honors, departed for Walisburg, Wash., where he will become superintendent of the schools at that place.

[transcribed by C.J.L., February 2005]

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