Iowa Old Press

The Humeston New Era
Humeston, Wayne co. Iowa
Wednesday, April 20, 1910

Mrs. Geo. W. Garton Dead
Mrs. Geo. W. Garton, a well known resident of Clay township, died at her home, five miles south of Humeston, Saturday afternoon of peritonitis. Mrs. Garton had only been ill about two weeks. The announcement of her death was a great shock to her many friends.

Mrs. Garton's maiden name was Mary S. Shipley. She was born in Lawrence county, Mo., March 6, 1849. She was married to G.W. Garton Jan. 20, 1870. She is survived by four sons, Press, Holly, Frank, and Ed, all of whom reside in Clay township.

The funeral was held at the Unity Baptist church, of which she was a member, yesterday morning at ten. Rev. Clark of Chariton conducted the services. Burial was made in the Cunningham cemetery.

Warren Clever Married
Word has been received here of the marriage of Warren Clever of Fullerton, California, and Miss Maud Wilson of Portland, Oregon. The wedding took place at Santa Ana, Cal., on April 9. Mr. Clever was a resident of this place until about a year ago.

A Painful Accident
Mrs. J.E. Frane severely cut her left hand on a sharp paring knife Saturday while dressing a chicken. The hand was cut between the thumb and finger, severing an artery. The injury was a very painful one. Dr. McCulloch rendered the necessary medical attention.

Back From Texas
Chas. Roe and family, who have been residing on a farm near Shamrock, Texas, for the past year, returned Wednesday and will again make this their home. Mr. Roe recently purchased the Mrs. M.A. Ulm residence property in Fairview.

Allerton Youth Dead
Leslie Smith, aged nineteen years, of Allerton, who had his skull crushed by a falling timber about two weeks ago, died Sunday evening at his home from the effects of the injuries.

Deaths Shock Lineville
The people of Lineville and community were greatly shocked the first of last week by the sudden deaths of three people within forty-eight hours. Benton Barr, the newly elected assessor, died Sunday morning from blood poisoning resulting from a small scratch on his hand. Monday morning his only grandchild, Louis Bellows, aged about eight years, died of measles in the same house. Miss Jettie Wasson also died Sunday morning after a lingering illness.

Joel McGhee Dead
Joel McGhee, aged 63 years, died at his home near Leroy Sunday evening of cancer of the liver. The funeral services were held at the Humeston Baptist church yesterday morning at eleven o'clock, conducted by Rev. Wing. Interment was made in the Humeston cemetery.

Diphtheria at Corydon
Stanley, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Crowley of Corydon, died Wednesday night of diphtheria. Four other children of the same family are sick with the same disease but are getting along nicely and considered out of danger. The Crowley children had been suffering for several days with what their parents thought was the mumps, but upon summoning a doctor Wednesday evening, it was found to be the diphtheria and the place was immediately quarantined. No new cases have broken out. School was dismissed Thursday, and no public gatherings have been held.

1890 - Items Taken from The New Era of Two Decades Ago This Week - 1890
-J.E. Doze visited at Mount Ayr.
-Mrs. L.M. Stanton was reported very ill.
-Mrs. Stultz began teaching school at Lewisburg.
-Clever & McCulloch shipped a carload of horses to Ohio.
-Mrs. S.A. Stahl and children left for a visit in Pennsylvania.
-Ross Annis and family moved to Shenandoah to make their home.
-C.H. Angel moved into his residence property on Winter street.
-Dr. Stanton of Chariton was called here by the illness of Mrs. L.M. Stanton.
-E.W. Thorn began the erection of a new residencee property on Winter street.

Iowa State News

Popejoy - At the beautiful Popejoy home in Popejoy, near Dows, occurred a reunion of that family, which is one of the most prominent of the pioneer families in that section of the state. The seven children, now all growing gray with age, were gathered around the table, at the head of which sat the mother, hale and hearty, at the age of over 80 years. The father, Hon. J.I. Popejoy, who was one of the most wealthy men in this section of Iowa, died a number of years ago. The children who were all present, were, Mrs. Lizzie Fobes of Dows; Mrs. Jennie Gilger of Alden; Mrs. Ethel Eastman of Alden; Mrs. Fannie Thayer of Iowa Falls; E.P. Popejoy of Nara Vista, N.M.; J.H. Popejoy of Iowa Falls, and Miss Flora Popejoy, who resides with her mother.

Hinton - As Jas. Nash, a farmer, was starting home from Hinton, a freight train struck his horse and buggy and he was thrown 90 feet and instantly killed. Nash was 53 years old and leaves a wife and son.

Marshalltown - Sixty-three years of wedded life is a record maintained by Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus G. Quintard of Marshalltown, who celebrated their anniversary. Both were born in Norwalk, Conn., and have know one another from childhood. Mr. Quintard is 84 years old and his wife 79. They came to Toledo, Tama county, Iowa, in 1865. Nine of their children are living, and both of his grandchildren and twenty-one great-grandchildren. Mr. Quintard served in the civil war and both of his grandfathers were in the revolutionary war.

Waterloo - I. Feldman, a Russian Jew, hung himself in a barn at Waterloo. It is said that he had a hard time in Russia and was not as prosperous in this country as he hoped to be.

Doctors To Meet - Convention of State Allopathic Medical Society in May
Des Moines, Apr. 16 - Members of the State Allopathic Medical society will meet in convention at the Coliseum May 18 and 19. The influence of the public school life upon the physical development of the child will be one of the principal points of discussion.

Dr. A. Crawford of Mounty vernon will give an address on "School Life and its Influences on the Physical Development of the Future Mother." Dr. Frederick E. Franchere of Sioux City wil give an address on "Some Observations on the Examination of School Children for Physical Defects."

Upon the program of the opening session will appear Drs. G.C. Moorehead of Ida Grove, W.C. Philips of Clarinda, Max Emmert of Atlantic and J.W. Findley of Sac City.

At the afternoon session papers will be read by Drs. H.B. Jennings of Council Bluffs, F.A. Ely of Des Moines, M.N. Voldeng of cherokee, W.M. Rendelman of Davenport, J.W. Kime of Fort Dodge, Clarence V. Epps of Iowa City, Murdock Bannister of Ottumwa, Mary Tinley of council Bluffs and E.A. Merritt, Emerson.

At the evening session papers will be read by Drs. G.E. Crawford of Cedar Rapids and Ward Woodbridge, Central City.

During the sessions of the second day of the meetings, the papers will be given by Drs. L.W. Littig of Iowa City, D.S. Fairchild of Clinton, A.L. Wright of Carroll, G.E. Decker of Davenport, D.C. Brockman of Ottumwa, J.L. Augustine of Ladora, Van Buren Knott of Sioux City, J.S. Bigelow of Dubuque, William Jepson of Sioux City, O.J. Fay of Des Moines, G.G. Cotton, A.M. Pond of Dubuque, O.B. Moore of Cedar Rapids, and J.W. Cokenower of Des Moines.

At the closing evening session Dr. T.H. McManus of Waterloo, J.R. Guthrie of Dubuque and W.G. Gargart of Marion will give the medical papers.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2014]

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