Iowa Old Press

New Era
Humeston, Wayne co., Iowa
March 7, 1900


John Davis Fatally Shoots William Halloway
BUSSEY, March 2 - A shocking tragedy occurred at Weir City, a coal mining suburb one mile south of Bussey. A dance was in progress at the house of a miner named John Davis and several young men from Bussey proper were in attendance. William Holloway, son of Dr. J.G. Holloway, got into an altercation with Davis and was ejected from the house. It is stated that Halloway started in again with a knife in his hand and that Davis drove him out with a stick of wood. Davis is said to have then got his rifle and took up a position to guard the door and when Halloway again appeared in range Davis fired and Halloway turned and walked half way around the house and fell, expiring almost instantly and without uttering a word after he was shot. The ball passed through his left arm, striking the body near his suspender buckle and ranging through the body in a slightly downward course. Sheriff Davis arrested the murderer who readily gave himself up. Davis is the man who was suspected by many of being guilty of the murder of Dan McCarthy of Marysville some years ago, but no proof was ever found against him.

Woman Awarded Damages
GOLDFIELD, March 3 - Mrs. Martha J. Beaver, wife of Jonas Beaver, formerly of Goldfield, sues the town of Eagle Grove for injuries sustained from a defective sidewalk. At the last term of court Mrs. Beaver sued for $8,000 damages and the jury brought in a verdict of $2,300.

Ex-Sheriff of Dallas County Killed.
ADEL, March 2 - Joe Payne, ex-sheriff of Dallas county, was killed in Welch, Louisiana, by a train. Mr. Payne went to the south about three weeks ago intending to make an extended visit there to cover the remainder of the winter.

Sold Adulterated Milk.
DES MOINES, March 1 - Justice Halloran decided against the defendant in the case of the state against A.D. Ehle, of Des Moines. He was charged with selling adulterated milk. A fine of $25 was imposed. An appeal will be taken.

Des Moines Criminal Believed to Have Died from Poison.
DES MOINES, March 2 - John West, alias, "Joplin Red," who was found dead in bed at the Northwestern hotel did not die a natural death. This fact has been established by the autopsy just completed by County Physician Shope. In the report furnished Coroner Ankeny he states his opinion that West came to his death from some unknown poison, taken into the stomach voluntarily or otherwise. It is stated that West's former pals were not averse to his being made away with, and that they succeeded in accomplishing what they may have considered necessary to their own safety. Shortly before his death West returned from Chicago with between $600 and $700 which it is supposed he got by giving information of a proposed attempt to rob the Adams Express Company.

Family Poisoned.
HUDSON, March 1 - Nine members of the household of Robert Wyett, living five miles southwest of Hudson, are very sick, as the result of eating canned vegetable oysters. The poison is supposed to have been wild parsnip, which had accidentally got mixed with the plant. The dish was eaten for dinner and soon all were taken violently ill. Neighbors summoned physicians and two doctors and friends labored with the stricken family all night. All are now believed to be out of danger.

Suicide of a Little Girl.
FORT MADISON, March 3 - Hazel Rogers, 12 years of age, a bright and prepossessing child, committed suicide by shooting herself in the heart. Although little is known regarding the cause, it is believed she grieved over a childish love affair until death seemed the only relief.

Said to Be Short $20,000
WATERLOO, March 3 - A.I. Breckenridge, for several years secretary of the Perpetual Building and Loan association, has been arrested, charged with embezzlement. His shortage is claimed to be nearly $20,000. Wine and women are the alleged causes of his downfall.


- An explosion at the farm house of Gustavus Horn, four miles east of Dunkerton, wrecked his house and injured his two young children so badly that they will die. The explosion is supposed to have resulted from a keg of gunpowder stored in the garret.

- Mrs. Martin Renegar, wife of a well known farmer near Clarion, committed suicide a few days ago by hanging. Mr. Renegar had sold out, making plans for a move to Minnesota. He came to Clarion and chartered a car and made other necessary arrangements. When he arrived home he inquired for his wife and the children said she was upstairs. He went up and found her dead. She leaves a number of small children.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]

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