Iowa Old Press

The New Era
Humeston, Wayne co., Iowa
January 26, 1898


New Orleans - Jan. 20 - Michael Ringrose, a well-to-do farmer from Des Moines, Ia., came to this state a few years ago and, buying $10,000 worth of land, has been doing well ever since. He received word a few days ago that a brother had died in New York and left him $20,000. The news turned his mind. He came near killing all the members of the family with brickbats. The officers had a hard struggle to subdue him and get him to a retreat.

Woman Justified in Shooting.
ELDORA, Jan. 20 - The case of the state vs. Lena Ricks was tried in the district court. The jury, after being out about forty minutes, returned
a verdict of not guilty. Mrs. Ricks is the wife of T.J. Ricks, a barber living in Stanhope. She was living at Stanhope last fall, and when alone
late one night in her home with her small child she discovered a man prowling around the house. She opened the door a little and fired a revolver and inflicted a wound in the leg of a man. The man proved to be J.A. Parks, a well-to-do farmer living near Alden.

Defaulter Adams Sentenced.
SIOUX CITY, Jan. 22 - George B. Adams, the defaulting cashier of the local office of the American Express Company, was sentenced to serve a term of two years in the state penitentiary at Anamosa. Adams pleaded guilty to the embezzlement of about $2,888 of the company's money. He was brought to Sioux City a few days ago by Superintendent Garner, of Omaha. Adams made a plea for clemency and said liquor was the cause of his downfall.

Postoffice Robber Confesses.
FORT DODGE, Jan. 21 - The robbing of the postoffice at Pioneer, the little station just north of Webster county line on the Rock Island road, which has occurred at different times during the last fall and part of the winter, has been cleared up by the confession of Oscar Webster, a carpenter of Pioneer.

CHEROKEE, Jan. 21 - A terrible accident occurred in Silver township by which Henry VanSickle will die and his brother, Steve VanSickle will be maimed for life. Both young men were at the farm of Joshua McCammit, a big farmer and cattle feeder, helping operate a horse power feed grinder. Steve VanSickle was working at the power when a knuckle burst and a piece of it struck him on the head, breaking his jaw and fracturing his skull. Later, when the machine was started again Henry Van Sickle was passing near the power when the tumbling rod flew out of place. It struck him in the forehead with such force that the entire front of his head was crushed in. Doctors say he will not recover, and have but slight hopes for his brother.

Arnold Murder Trial.
WAUKON, Jan. 21 - The trial of Frank Arnold for the murder of Henry Duffy is on here and continues to excite the greatest interest. It will be
remembered that Duffy was found dead in his store with a bullet in his brain; in his hand he grasped a revolver and it is supposed that he had
suicided. Upon close examination, however, it was found that every chamber of the weapon contained an unexploded cartridge. Another revolver was found, one belonging to Frank Arnold, with a chamber discharged and this circumstance pointed to him as a probable murderer.

Sensational Sigourney Suit Ended.
SIGOURNEY, Jan. 27 - The Woods-Brunt damage suit ended by the jury bringing in a verdict for the defendant, S.W. Brunt, thoroughly vindicating him. Public sympathy seemed to be entirely on Brunt's side. The suit was brought by P.L. Woods against Mr. Brunt, who is cashier of the Keokuk State Bank, for alienating the affections of Wood's wife.

Wheeler Found.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Jan. 21 - Albert Wheeler, who mysteriously disappeared from Cedar Falls, December 27, has been located at Bowman, S.D. He says the team attached to his sleigh ran away and he knew nothing more until he found himself in Bowman.

[transcribed by C.J.L., January 2007]

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