Iowa Old Press

The New Era
Humeston, Wayne, Iowa
March 24, 1897


Burlington, March 20 - Archer Broderick, aged 9; Walter Calhoun, aged 18; Bert Dupree, aged 16; John Broderick 12; Archie Cunningham, aged 12; Charley Childs, aged 14; Barney McGuire, aged 14, and Charley Kelb, aged 14, were arrested by the police and a charge of larceny placed against them. By the arrest of this petty gang of thieves Burlington has probably gotten rid of one of the greatest nuisances that the city has had to contend with for some time. They have figured in more petty burglaries in Burlington than any other organized gang that has ever invested the city. The boys were sentenced to terms in the reform school, most of them confessing to the crimes charged against them.

Marshalltown, March 17 - Edward Jorpeland, a young man about 24 years of age, was struck by a street car and received terrible injuries. The accident was witnessed by some fifty spectators, who saw the man's danger and warned him in due time, yet he seemed to pay no attention whatever and walked directly before the moving car as unconcerned as possible. Jorpeland is employed as a starch shoveler at the glucose works.

Eagle Grove, March 20 - Dr. J.H. Travis of Eagle Grove, and Oliver Kirkberg, who lived four miles west of town, were drowned in the Boone river near John Wasem's. The doctor had been visiting his patients in the vicinity and had passed safely over the bridge a few hours before, but the graded approach had washed out and the horses sank and carried the buggy and its occupants into the water.

Dr. Bobo Indicted.
Anamosa, March 18 - Dr. Bobo, the Oxford Mills physician who has been before the grand jury in this city for several days under the charge of having caused the death of Miss Belle Sutliff by abortion, at Oxford Mills, a short time ago, has been indicted by the grand jury. The bond was increased to $3,000. This will be a hard fought trial and much interesting testimony will be brought in on both sides, but little doubt seems to be in the minds of the public hereabouts that he will be convicted.

Suicide at Creston
Creston, March 20 - Will Hanneman suicided by cutting his throat with a razor. He committed the deed in a water closet, where he was found by his wife. He had been in the asylum returning home three weeks ago. He leaves a wife and three children.

Mrs. Mains Wins
Des Moines, March 18 - Mrs. Mains, who was wedded to her husband, who came to Des Moines from Menlo to secure a wife, has been granted temporary alimony with which to procure a divorce.

Odebolt, March 19 - Dave Pennington loaded a shotgun and started out to kill a number of people who had incurred his enmity. He first hunted for A.P. Walter, against whom he had a grudge, but Walter saw him coming and hid. Then Pennington went to the house of Hiram Johnson and fired at Mrs. Johnson, seriously wounding her in the shoulder and back. He next emptied both barrels into Luther Traver, an aged man, killing him instantly. Then he pointed the gun at Mrs. Frank Stolt, a neighbor, who came to the door on hearing the noise. She ran into the doorway, closing the storm door behind her, but he fired through the door, wounding her in the abdomen. Pennington retreated across some vacant lots, loading his gun as he went, and called to an officer, daring him to shoot. He exclaimed: "Well, if you haven't got the never to shoot, I have." Then he placed the nozzle of the gun to his forehead and blew the top of his head off, scattering brains and pieces of skull fifty feet. Pennington was undoubtedly insane. It is thought Mrs. Stolt cannot recover, but Mrs. Johnson's injuries, while severe, are not fatal.

A Clinton County Woman's Suicide
Clinton, March 19 - Mrs. Wm. Semper, living two miles and one-half miles northwest of Calamus, escaped the vigilance of her family, made her way to the Wapsie river and jumped in. She was seen to jump by some boys, who gave the alarm at once. Mrs. Semper had had a mild form of insanity for several years, and had twice been an inmate of an insane hospital, but it was thought she was sufficiently recovered to warrant her staying at home.


- Advices from Minneapolis bring the announcement of the death of Mrs. Victor B. Dolliver, nee Augusta Larrabee, daughter of ex-Governor Larrabee, who was married to the brother of Congressman Dolliver six months ago.

- Richard Ripperton committed suicide in the Draco Sanitarium at Anamosa recently by taking morphine. He had a bone tumor growing in his throat as large as a goose egg and he had been at Iowa City and before a great many specialists, but none gave him any hope. He finally came to Anamosa and Dr. Gowley began a treatment with electric needles and, it is said, was curing him. He became despondent, and when the doctor was called he was in terrible agony and lasted but a short time. It was a very sad case. The doctor thinks there is no doubt that it was suicide.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]

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