Iowa Old Press

The New Era
Humeston, Wayne co., Iowa
January 22, 1885

- Edward Martin was killed by a fall of slate in a coal mine near Des Moines, on Thursday morning.

- At Traer, on last Wednesday night L. Davidson had his arms cut off while cleaning the ash pan of his engine.

- Charles Clark of Albia, charged with larceny, has been bound over to the Monroe county district court in the sum of $500.

- Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Tarbell, of Corydon, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding on Monday evening of last week.

- Finnis Allen, who was at Ft. Madison for murder committed in Fremont county was pardoned by the governor January ?. It is pretty clearly established that he is not guilty.

- The Wayne county bank at their annual meeting on Monday elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, J.W. Freeland; Vice President, Thomas Beal; Cashier, H.Bracwell.

- A crazy individual was found in Jefferson township who claimed that he was going to build a railroad at Mt. Ayr and wanted a million children to do the work. He said his name was Robert Conductor, but when called on to sign his name, wrote it Kriegel. He was declared insane by the commission and Sheriff Beard took him to the asylum.-Ringold Record.

- One night last week a wolf marched up boldly to the sheep-fold of a Mr. Lew Bonnet, and selecting one of the finest sheep in the fold, killed it and after making use of enough for a good supper, skulked off. Lew will give $10 for the arrest of that wolf dead or alive , and the man who captures it may keep the scalp to draw his money from the county.-Chariton Leader.

- John Meenan, of Albia, sheriff of Monroe county, took his departure suddenly, leaving behind him, it is said, debts that will average $3,000 to
$4,000, borrowed from banks and private individuals. It is thought he has gone east where he has relatives. He has proven himself a trustworthy official as far as known and rumor. (illegal discrepancies were promptly denied.-Constitution.

- James Wheetock who resides about four miles from Bedford, Iowa, committed suicide on Wednesday.

[transcribed by C.J.L., January 2007]

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