Iowa Old Press

The Kalona News
Kalona, Washington co., Iowa
Thursday, September 16, 1915

Still in a Critical Condition
Latest reports from Roy Niffenegger are that he rested better last night and seemed a little brighter and better this morning. Roy's condition has been extremely critical all the past week and at times it seemed he could not recover. His friends are still hoping for the best and that he may recover. It was found necessary to operate again, Tuesday, and altogether, his case has been far more serious than anyone anticipated.

- Mr. and Mrs. I.N. Bowman returned this morning from their far western trip, including the San Francisco exposition.

- J.J. Fisher was an Iowa City visitor this week.

- Emil Hesselschwerdt was a business visitor in Cedar Rapids Tuesday.

- E.C. Hasty left Tuesday morning for South Dakota for a week or ten days.

- Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Edmondson left Wednesday morning for Chicago to buy goods for the big store

- Joe Eimen, wife and little daughter, returned Saturday morning from their visit with relatives in Nebraska.

- Frank Marsh left last Friday morning for Marathon, Iowa, where he has accepted a position in a barber shop.

- Robert F. Hicks and son, Drennan, left Wednesday for Mexico. Mo. where Drennan will attend the Missouri Military Academy during the coming year.

- J.K. Mehaffey and family are moving back to town from the S. Work place south of the river, and will live in the Elijah Bailey property. Mr. and Mrs. Work will move back to their place, vacated by Mahaffey's.

- Lou McGuigan is taking his annual vacation from his duties on Route 4 beginning last Thursday. He is spending the most of it at home but will go to Burlington the last of this week to visit his brother Frank. Isaiah Yoder is his substitute.

- Elmer Eglin and Roy Sommers will again attend the state university this fall. This will be Roy's last year in the dentistry course, and Elmer's second in mechanical engineering.
- Mr. and Mrs. Chris C. Swartzendruber are the parents of a baby boy born Monday.

- Fred Niffenegger and son Alva went to Iowa City Friday, to visit Roy Niffenegger in the university hospital.

- Wm. Plank and Noah Kauffman were passengers for Davenport Tuesday morning.

- EliasStrickler, Thede Frederick, Chas. Strickler, Ober Niffenegger and several others, were passengers to Iowa City this morning.

- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Bontrager, who have been living in Cedar Rapids for several months, returned to Kalona Wednesday evening. They will live in the house north of the old livery barn.

- Ismael Shillig left Wednesday evening for Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he is attending school. His mother accompanied him to Iowa City, returning Thursday morning.

- Miss Viola Hochstetler left today for Des Moines where she will begin her senior year in the Drake University music school. She has instructed a large music class in Kalona all summer.

- Rev. W.A. Hunt returned Saturday from his trip through the East and along the Great Lakes last Saturday. Mrs. Hunt and the children also came in at the same time, after a visit with relatives in Des Moines.

- Mrs. Lewis, a former chiropractor, located in Kalona, came Wednesday for a visit at the Hicks home and with other friends here. She has been an instructor in the Palmer chiropractic school at Davenport for some time.

- J.D. Patterson is carrying his arm in a sling, the result of a hard fall last week. He injured his elbow, almost fracturing it. Jim also had another streak of hard luck last week. He found one of his best mares dead in the pasture. She had evidently been seriously injured in some way, and when found was in the creek that runs through the pasture.

- Mr. and Mrs. Chittum were at Ves Reiner's Tuesday helping them thresh.

- Z. Blecha's baby is on the sick list.

- Frank Shebek was a Washington visitor today.

- Pete McIlree and family spent Sunday at the A. Smith home.

- Mrs. Pete Shillig visited at John Winger's.

- Miss Hilda Kos visited at the A. Spevacek home.

- Joe Kos is moving his store goods in his house.

- Matilda Saur is working in the country.

- Milo Vacha was in town Sunday.

- Mrs. Rube Hall and daughter, Mrs. Miller Manasmith, Mrs. George Burkley, Mrs. Albert Ratzlaff and daughter, Mrs. Will Schleicter and Mrs. Clair Flynn and son, left Friday for a visit with relatives at Humboldt, Ia.

- Rob Hirt and family returned Monday from a visit with relatives at Clearfield, Iowa.

- School Dist. No. 7 began Monday with Violet Campbell as teacher.

- Mrs. Earl Campbell and daughters left Thursday for a visit with friends and relatives at Knoxville, Tenn.

- The marriage of Gertrude Ford and Sam Walker, of Douglas, Wyoming, will occur at the home of the bride's parents Wednesday evening, Sept. 22 at seven o'clock.

- Milo Bears, of near Cushing, has purchased 4,000 sheep that cost him over $22,000.

- Oliver C. Winter, aged 87 years, and a pioneer Allamakee county resident, died at his home in Waukon.

- E.L.Richards of Sheldon, was elected president of the National Harness Manufacturers association at the convention in Kansas City.

- H.C. Gruah, an aged resident of Waukon, made a misstep in alighting from an auto and was painfully injured when he struck the pavement with his head.

- Elisha W. Bushnell, familiarly known as "Buck" Bushnell for five years sheriff of Mills county, dropped dead while inspecting the new county jail at Glenwood.

- W.B. Palmer, candy manufacturer of Sioux City, is named by John F.D. Aue, editor of the Alton Democrat, as the logical nominee of the democratic party for governor of Iowa in the 1916 primaries.

- John F. Pitt celebrated his 87th birthday in Waukon, the members of the G.A.R., his old army comrades, treating him to a pleasant surprise. Mr. Pitt has resided in Allamakee county 60 years.

- The Rev. William R. Cole, one of the oldest Unitarian ministers in Iowa and formerly editor-publisher of the Anti-saloon League organ, Dial of Progress, died at Mount Pleasant. He was 87 years old.

- B.K Kilbourne, freight agent of the Illinois Central railroad at Fort Dodge who retires September 4, has been in the employ of this road thirty-four years. Ill health is the reason.

- The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Gerard Jr., of Oskaloosa, met with a fatal accident. He had climbed a tree to get a crow's nest, when he fell from a height of thirty or forty feet and sustained broken limbs and internal injuries which resulted in his death an hour and a half later. The child was visiting at his uncle's when the accident occurred and neither parent was there, but were summoned at once. He never regained consciousness.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Washington County