Iowa Old Press

Brighton Enterprise
Brighton, Washington co. Iowa
March 14, 1908

Old School Records - Brighton School District Fifty Seven Years Ago.
The Brighton School records go back to 1851. At that time. Joseph Pollock was secretary of the district which was known as No. 3 and comprised about the limits of the present enlarged town of Brighton except that it ran north to the river. A half mile has since been added to the district on the east.

The first recorded paragraph says: "May 1851 the directors employed T. B. Abercrombie to teach a quarter for $60, one third, to be paid out of public school fund, the balance to be paid by those that send and collected by himself."

In the school taught by Abercrombie the whole number of pupils enrolled is 61 and the average daily attendance was 33 as appears by this report.

A list of the white inhabitants o the district school age between 5 and 21 is given and number 115.

At a meeting of the directors October 25, 1852, Elam Flower was employed as teacher at $20 per month of "twenty one and two thirds days" with privilege of canceling contract at end of any month by giving 8 days notice. School to commence first Monday of November.

On May 3, 1852, at the regular meeting, this new school board was elected: John Rolland, President; G.W. Tuell, Treasurer and Ralph Dewey secretary. In 1853, there were 140 white inhabitants between the age of 5 and 21 in the district.

The annual report of Gilbert Fisher, the secretary, made Sept. 15, 1853, gives the division as 68 males and 72 females. Pupils enrolled 67. No. days taught 170, teachers fund paid out during the year $9. Average attendance 40. Contingent expenses $25.60. School house cost $400.

The report for 1854 give the courses taught as Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, and Grammar. The next year Algebra and Physiology were added to the course of study.

[transcribed by N.J., Nov. 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Washington County