Iowa Old Press

Kalona News
Kalona, Washington co. Iowa
Friday, February 17, 1893

Local Notes
James Hodges has rented John Wilson's house and will move there about March 1st.

Mrs. George Billingsley has purchased W.T. Hamilton's property here, consideration, $800. Takes possession March 1st.

Rheub Hess, of Wellman, passed through Tuesday evening bound for Spokane, Washington. Rheub is a good boy and we hope will make his fortune in the great west.

James Kalarick [sic], from Oxford, Iowa, visited his cousin, Anthony Kalasick [sic], and his sister who lives with Anthony, the first of the week. He is in the life insurance business.

For sale - S.C.B. Leghorns and S.L. Wyandott cockrels; also two Shepherd pups, three months old. - M.J. Stutzman, Kalona, Iowa.

Syl Sharp visited at Jacob Snider's in Iowa City Monday. Mrs. Snider and her daughter, Mrs. Vinn Hays, came home with him.

John Enrig was in town Wednesday.

One of D.F. Miller's little boys is sick.

James Hodges shipped a load of oats last week.

Sol Swartzendruber moved to Wright county Tuesday.

Mrs. Jacob Boller is quite sick. She has been poorly several weeks.

Jake Miller, from Iowa county, visited his brother, B.J., Wednesday.

Joe Swartzendruber and James Marsh visited at the county hub Monday.

It is reported that Wm. Carr, from near Wellman, is going to buy Jonas Miller's livery barn.

Mrs. J.G. Myers went to Wellman Wednesday to see Mother Mapel, who is very low.

John Durst and Miss Lizzie Miller were married Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T.V.W. Payne went to Rock Island Monday to visit their son, Richard, who was married this winter.

Lone Tree
Marion O'Laughlin, of Washington, visited his sister, Mrs. W.E. Harrell, of this place.

Frank Ritter, who is attending Willis & Williams academy at Iowa City, came home Friday, returning Sunday.

John Shillig has been bed-fast the past two weeks.

The Leader family moved this week into the Beardsley property on Pious Row.

Albert Thomann had the misfortune to badly mash three of the fingers on his left hand Wednesday morning in the cogs of a buzz saw.

Mrs. G.L. Shillig was called to Iowa City Friday evening by a telegram stating that little Helen was not expected to live.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wombacher, north of town, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Saturday the 4th.

L.R. Feldman and J.W. Southrick were up in Iowa county last week to buy cattle.

Fred and Charlie Kessler, of Creston, are shaking hands with relatives in this vicinity. They report plenty of snow in their part of the country.

Stringtown and Vicinity
Mrs. Amy Miller came home from C. Benders last Saturday where she has been staying this winter. She intends to work for Jake Brenimen near Green Center next summer.

David Miller is quite sick with lung fever at this writing. Dr. Smith is giving prescription. Mrs. J. Stutzman was also very sick but is reported better.

Mrs. Lucy Miller intends to build a new barn next summer.

Hill Siding
John Stutzman's wife was sick last week, but is better at this writing.

The Amish meeting was well attended at Lewis Miller's last Sunday.

Ephriam Hershberger took off two of his horse shoes last Sunday night on account of the deep snow.

Mrs. Frank Critz returned home Monday, after a few days' visit in Iowa City with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Schillig.

Lizzie Ehl, from Riverside is staying with her sister, Mrs. Frank Welt, who was taken quite sick Friday night with pleurisy.

Willow Grove
Fred Niffenegger sold his hogs to the Riverside buyers last week.

Edward Gingerich went down to Wm. Marner's to cut wood last week.

Milo Kempp is sick with grip at this writing.

The Amish meeting will be held at Joseph Shetler's Sunday.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Washington County