Iowa Old Press

Washington Gazette
Washington, Washington co. Iowa
March 12, 1869

Ainsworth Items -- We are indebted to O. M. Holcomb for the following items relative to school matters at Ainsworth.

The election for school officers in Independent school district of Ainsworth, Washington county, on the 8th inst. resulted as follows: Wm. H. Livingston, President; O.M. Holcomb, Vice President; Geo. Hunter, Secretary; F. Tustison, treasurer; H. Cool, Director.

The meeting levied eight mills for school house purposes; five mills for teachers fund; and three mills for contingent fund on the taxable property of said district. The assessable property was reported as over $66,000. Very good, we think, for a district only one year old.

[transcribed by N.J., Nov 2012]


Washington Gazette
Washington, Washington co. Iowa
March 26, 1869

Dutch Creek Items
The bell now occupying the belfry of the Baptist Church no longer gives forth its clear sounding tones, the bell was not made of good metal and has cracked so as to become unfit for use. The officers of the church are making arrangements to obtain a new one.

The school districts Nos. 5 and 10 have been consolidated.

Mr. Brinkley has sold his farm, containing 100 acres for $3000. The soil of this township always brings a good price.

[transcribed by N.J., Nov. 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Washington County