Iowa Old Press

Indianola Herald
Indianola, Warren Co. Iowa
November 7, 1907

Some two weeks ago the "stork" sought the home of Lewis Gates and the proud parents welcome the advent of their only son with much joy.

We over looked the fact that Graham Picker, son of James Picker is attending Monmouth College in Illinois. Mr Picker graduated from the high school and modestly took up farming with his father as he had formerly done. Mind culture had charms for him and hence his entrance upon a higher education.


The mammoth warships that we boast
Are bound for the Pacific coast.
For Uncle Sam is wide awake
Our Islands he will not foresake.
The leading nation bound to be
Upon the land upon the sea:
And there must be no sham defense
No fruitless, impotent pretense.
The western coast needs greater strength
Against assult Throughout the length
Of all of Uncle Sam's domain
A halo of the glad refrain
Will echo far and echo wide
Defense is right. Our Nations pride.
All Hail: A thousand cheers to greet,
Success to the Pacific fleet.

Palmyra News

Mrs. Harrison and daughter of Monona County was visiting her sister Mrs. Sam Morris last week.

Mrs. Wilkerson and son Ray of Palmyravisited her daughter Mrs. Joe Morris and family Sunday.

Frank Curts and family visited his parents at Clarkson Sunday.

Walt Spurgeon was on our side of the river last Saturday discussing the money question.

Sam Moore and family spent Sunday with their parents W. J. Bruce and wife.

Mrs. Link Bails, southwest of Indianola, visited a few days last week
at the Frank Flesher home.

Mr. Bickle died at his home north of Palmyra last Saturday and was buried at the Hartford cemetery Sunday.


Mr. Van Dyke announced Sunday morning that the Methodists would have preaching every Sunday in the morning and evening.

Mr. Clark of the Christian church expected to preach last Sunday morning but could not keep his appointment.

Mr. Flyn is back from Dakota to husk his corn he is in haste to get back so is offering 4cts per bushel for help.

Sam Stewert is putting in a cement walk at the M. E. church and will put one in at the parsonage.

Miss Mae Andrew is in Des Moines for medical aid. We hope to see her return soon, much improved.

Geo. Myers, Chester Dewey, and Emmett Pitcock are rapidly filling up Dr. Porterfield's corn crib.

There was not much Halloweening done in this neighborhood. A few buggies were taken and tore up. We think the boys and their Halloween feeling dampened with stronger amusements.

Miss Hughes has resigned her position as "Hello Girl" here in favor of Bessie Callahan. The change will probably be made this week.

Edith Higgens expects to spend Nov. 10th with Mrs. Maud Bedwell of Valley Junction.

Maud Hughes spent Sunday with Edith Higgens.

The Methodists have Bible study every Friday evening. Miss Hansell is the leader.

Louis Sallesbury was home from school and spent Saturday with Mrs. DeMoss and Sunday with her father, returning Sunday afternoon to Indianola.

[transcribed by Barb, August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Warren County