Iowa Old Press

The Courier, Ottumwa, Iowa, Friday, January 28, 1944

Winning The War –
News About Men and Women of Ottumwa
Vicinity In The Service of Their Country.

Pfc. Austin E. Watters, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Watters of 222 North McLean street, has been awarded the army good conduct medal, according to word received from headquarters of the eighth air force in the European theatre where he is serving.  Prior to his enlistment in the air force, he was employed as a painter by John Morrell & Co.

Paul M. Besco, who has been promoted to the rate of seaman second class, left Tuesday for the naval training base at Farragut, Idaho, after spending a 15-day leave with his wife, Mrs. Marjorie Besco, and their daughter at 946 South Sheridan avenue.  JPG

Aviation Cadet George A. Oxley has arrived at the Garden City army air field, Garden City, Kan., for the second phase of his flight training.  He had just graduated from primary flying school.  Cadet Oxley, a graduate of Grinnell college, is a former investigator for a commercial credit company here.  His wife is the former Miss Mildred Messette of 124 West Alta Vista avenue.

Mrs. B. M. Amos has received word that her husband, Pfc. Bill M. Amos, has arrived in England.  He is with the engineer combat battalion and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Amos, 116 South Foster avenue.

Coy C. McClellan, recently promoted to rank of seaman, second class, has returned to naval training base at Farragut, Idaho, after spending a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McClellan, 122 East Woodland avenue, and with other friends and relatives.  JPG

Harold Wooden, SC 2/c, and Mrs. Wooden have returned to Norfolk, Va., where he is stationed with the coast guard.  They spent a few days here visiting in the homes of their respective parents.

Lt. Darrell E. McGuffey, who attended Catholic Central high school here and St. Ambrose college at Davenport, is now a student in the four-engine pilot school at the Roswell army air field, Roswell, N.M.  He received his pilot wings at Douglas, Ariz.  Lieutenant McGuffey is the son of Mrs. Victor R. Clark of Sullivan, Ill.

William J. Burnside, fire controlman second class in the navy, has returned to his ship on the east coast after spending a nine-day leave at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. A. Burnside of 718 North Jefferson street.

Corp. Harold D. Vannoy has returned to his maneuver area in Louisiana, after spending a 12-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. Marjorie Vannoy of Allison avenue and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Vannoy of 1321 Mowery avenue.

George A. Duncan has been promoted from first lieutenant to the rank of captain in the army in Australia, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Elsie Duncan of 122 North Marion street.  JPG

Sgt. Barton B. Dunning, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Dunning of 526 North Green street, has arrived in England with a unit of the U.S. army.

Gerald Zwer, fireman second class in the navy, will be stationed at Farragut, Idaho, for a period of four months training in the school for electricians, according to word received by his wife, Mrs. Genevieve Zwer of Ottumwa.

Word has been received that Corp. Thomas A. Whelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Whelan, 156 North Willard street, has been awarded the Good Conduct medal at the bombardier school at Big Springs, Tex.

Ensign Bill A. Mathews, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Mathews of 232 East Fourth street, has been assigned to the Willemette Steel Co. ship building yards at Portland, Ore., as an observer and inspector.  Ensign Mathews has just recently graduated from the Maritime academy and has received his government license in marine engineering.  While serving aboard ship, Ensign Mathews was attached to the merchant marine but is now serving in the navy.  He was officially commissioned in Des Moines January 3, and has several months duty overseas in various war theatres.  JPG

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County