Iowa Old Press

The Ottumwa Daily Courier

Ottumwa, Wapello co., Iowa
June 6, 1935

Charles Davis, Young Relief Worker, Killed On Tracks Early Today
Body Found Near Milwaukee Bridge at 3:30 a.m. by Switch Crew; Two Young Children And Wife Survive.

The body of Charles Davis, 24-year-old relief worker, living on South Wapello street in Central addition, was found about 3:30 a.m. today, just west of the Milwaukee railroad bridge over the old tail race, after the young Ottumwan obviously had been struck by a train some time earlier.

Discovery of the body was made by a switch crew en route to the downtown yards with a “transfer” of cars.

The switch crew was composed of George Wellman, foreman, and Abe Jackson and Chester Johns, helpers. John Lucas was engineer and Ralph Replogle was fireman.

Coroner John Drake was called to the scene of the accident as were Capt. William Simmerman and Patrolman C. A. Elliott of the Ottumwa police force.

In his investigation, Coroner Drake said he believed Davis was struck several feet from the bridge, although the body must have been carried some distance. Articles of clothing were found along the right of way to the bridge.

Police discovered that Clyde Morrow, flagman at the Market street crossing, over which Milwaukee tracks pass from the race bridge, had seen Davis apparently starting for his home about 1:30 a.m. He was said to have warned the man to walk in the street instead of going up the tracks.

No marks of identification were discovered on the mangled body when it was found but the report later this morning, brought by Davis’ grandmother, Mrs. Mary Evans, to identify the body as that of her grandson.

Davis was born in Ottumwa, May 18, 1911, the son of Jim and Lillie Davis. His father preceded him in death.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Thelma Davis; two children, Clyde James, aged 4, and Mary Ellen, 2; two brothers, Roy and Alex of Ottumwa and three sisters, Merle, Edna and Catherine, all of Ottumwa.

Funeral services will be held at the Daggett chapel although arrangements have not been completed. Coroner Drake reported that no inquest will be held.

[transcribed by L.Z., April 2018]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County