Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Tri-Weekly Courier
February 22, 1912

At Centerville last Wednesday occurred the marriage of Roy Cunningham to Miss Nellie Smith, both being residents of this city.  Mr. Cunningham is employed in the F. M. Johnson grocery.  They have the best wishes of the entire community.

On Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Noel, occurred the marriage of their daughter Maude to W. H. Hoke of Creston.  Only a few of the relatives were present to witness the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. A. E. Clemens.  They left on the night Milwaukee for Omaha where they will visit a few days with relatives after which they will go to Creston where Mr. Hoke has a home for his bride.

Fred Armstrong was visiting in this city Wednesday with his parents.

Mrs. D. A. Williams returned Sunday from Lucerne, Mo., where she had been visiting with relatives.

Miss Stella Akers of Frederic visited Friday and Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Rambo.

Mrs. Dora Patterson and children returned home Wednesday after several weeks’ stay at the J. A. Pinegar home. She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Grace Leeson, who expects to spend some time here.

H. P. McFadden has moved to his farm north of town.

Mrs. A. J. Mitchell visited the latter part of last week with relatives in Ottumwa.

Born, Sunday, Feb. 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stump, a daughter.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowen, Thursday, Feb. 8, a daughter.

Rev. G. W. Barber, pastor of the M.E. church is holding revival meetings.  Quarterly meeting services will be held here Sunday, Feb. 25.

Mrs. Walter Soots who has been seriously ill is no better.

[transcribed by L.Z., Oct 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County