Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Evening Democrat
May 17, 1904

Did Alex Hartley impersonate an officer and in that capacity fire three shots yesterday at B. Wilmuth down in historic Sugar Creek?  That question is being threshed out today in Justice Ballard’s court.  Wilmuth claims that Hartley attempted to arrest him and when he, Wilmuth, objected, he was made the target of a few stray bullets.  The case has been on all day and no decision had been arrived at when THE DEMOCRAT went to press.

Mrs. Judson Treneman and son, 1529 East Main street, left this afternoon for Chicago, Boston and other points in Canada, where they will make a two weeks’ visit with relatives.

Mrs. C. C. Corner, of Columbus, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. von Schrader, North Market street, the past two weeks, returned home this afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allman, accompanied by Miss Selma Jones, of Eldon, visited friends in the city today.

Mrs. Don A. Pool entertained the Bay View Reading club yesterday afternoon at her home, East Fifth street.  The usual number were present and the study of the German empire read.  The latter part of the afternoon was spent socially.  Mrs. Pool serving delicious refreshments.

[transcribed by L.Z., Nov 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County