Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Daily Courier
Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
Saturday, May 9, 1903

Douds, [Van Buren Co, IA] May 4-
- W.W. Jackson, who has been agent at this place for the past twenty-five years resigned his position, and D. Cheney of Bonaparte has been appointed to succeed him. Mr. Jackson will remain here for the present. Mr. Cheney will not move his family here until later on.
- The old school building was sold Saturday to the highest bidder, Dr. T. G. McClure, for $101. The board will have a new two room building erected on the present site as soon as the spring term of school is ended.

Birmingham, [Van Buren Co, IA] May 5 -
- Miss Grace Bell of Salem is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Byers and friend, Miss Lillie Ogilbee.
- Misses Marie Corry and Nellie Skinner very charmingly entertained a dozen of their friends at a violet tea Friday from 4 until 7 at the home of the latter. Progressive flinch was played, the prize being won by Miss Carrie Cooke, the consolation prize going to Mrs. Crate Murphy. The rooms were very prettily decorated with purple lilacs and violets. A delicious menu was served and a delightful time enjoyed by all.
- At a meeting of the school board last week the following teachers were elected: First primary, Lib McMillen; second primary, Amy Smith; third room, Nellie Morrow; fourth room, Etta Miser. The election of principal and
assistant was postponed until this week.
- Crate Murphy and wife went to Mt. Pleasant Saturday evening to visit the former's parents.
- The creamery commenced receiving milk May 1 and will soon be in full operation.
- Mrs. D. McMillen and Ed McMillen have returned from Des Moines, where they attended the McMillen-Wilson wedding.

Douds, [Van Buren Co, IA] May 7-
- W.F. Grimsley, an old resident of this county, died at his home near Leando, May 1, 1903 and was buried at the Leando cemetery on Sunday.
- Albert Siemon, whose hardware store was broken into by thieves about two weeks ago, discovered trace of his goods by the thieves being caught after breaking into the tool house of G.W. Morrow, a farmer living three miles east of town, and making a confession of both burglaries. They wanted preliminary examination and were bound over to the grand jury. In their confession they told the jury that they had sold the goods stolen from Mr. Siemon to a second hand dealer in Des Moines. Mr. Siemons in company with City Marshal Frank Johnson, of Keosauqua, went to Des Moines with the assistance of the chief of police of that city succeeded in recovering part of the stolen goods and believe will find most of them. One of the thieves claims to be from Ottumwa, one from St. Louis and one from Valley Junction. Appearances show them to be aged about 15, 19 and 21 years. A term in the penitentiary certainly stares them in the face.

Salem, [Henry Co, IA] May 5-
- On Friday evening, May 1, the public school declamatory contest was held in the new opera house. The house was full to overflowing and the contestants showed the effects of good training combined with natural
talent. The first prize was awarded to Miss Francis Bicksler of the high school and Miss Maud Collatt of the grammar school. The second prizes were awarded to Miss Lola Parkins of the high school and Miss Neva Foss of the grammar school. Good music was provided and the entire entertainment was of a very high order. About $18 was realized after paying all expenses, which will be used to buy books for the school library. On this occasion the Woman's club presented the public schools four beautiful pictures handsomely framed for ornamenting the rooms. Many thanks to the club for the pictures.
- Teachers for the Salem public schools for the ensuing year: Prof. F.S. Hill, principal; assistant principal not chosen; grammar department, Miss Nettie Cammack; second primary, Miss Mabel Wilmeth; first primary, Miss Anna Cramer. Prof Hill's faithful and excellent work is appreciated by Salem citizens and all are pleased that he is retained for the third year.
- Mrs. Ellen Lysle is still helpless from the stroke of paralysis received recently.
- Mr .and Mrs. John Marshall are entertaining Mr. Marshall's sister, Miss Abbie Marshall from Richmond, Ind.
- Mrs. Scott of Chicago is a guest of her brother, Mr. Wheelan and family.
- Mr .and Mrs. Amos Mosier are the happy parents of a little daughter.
- Mrs. I. Newly and daughter, Miss Nellie Martin of West Point were at Salem and Mt. Pleasant last week on a visit.
- Mrs. Southerland of Kansas City, is visiting at the home of her father, A.H. Arnold.
- The death of George Armour occurred Thursday night at the home of his parents, Mr .and Mrs. J.M. Armour three miles east of town. The deceased was 28 years of age. The services were held from Donnellson Chapel Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J.A. Sinclair. The interment was made in City cemetery.
- The funeral services over the remains of Leah, the 20 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Linn Cook were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family residence, one and one half miles east of town. Rev. J.A. Sinclair conducted the services. The interment was made in City cemetery.
- Friday morning the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lupton met at their sorrow stricken home just west of town to attend the funeral of their daughter which was conducted at the Cedar church at Denova by Rev. Bessie

[transcribed by C.J.L., May 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County