Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Daily Courier
Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
April 2, 1903

Douds [Van Buren Co, IA], March 30
- Mrs. John Trout, an aged lady and an old resident of this county, died at the home of her son, Charles, northeast of town, on Thursday, and was buried at the Mt. Moriah cemetery Saturday.
- Captain James Elrick has bought the J.S. Arbaugh residence property and will move there after making some repairs.

Stockport [Van Buren Co, IA] March 31-
- The Farmers' Telephone Co., will locate their office on the property of Robert Dorothy.
- B.A. Dill has gone on the road for the Rock Island railroad.
- Frank Old will go to Fort Madison this morning to work in the Santa Fe round house.
- Wm. Newman and wife, John Brown and Elmer Morris, left Tuesday for Cooperstown, N.D., to make that place their future home.
- John Vance has secured a position in Colorado and will leave for there for a few days.
- Ben Newman returned to his home Monday being called there by the death of his brother's wife.

Salem [Henry Co, IA], March 31
-Aaron Mills of Denova, will go to Oklahoma in the near future.
- Miss Crete Weeks arrived from Oklahoma Wednesday and will care for her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Weeks.
- Mrs. James Brady of Farmington visited at Mt. Pleasant and Salem last week. Mr. Brady came Thursday and remained until Friday. He has been promoted from his position at Farmington to Centerville, where he will be telegraph operator at a salary of $90 per month, and have the assistance of five subordinates. "Jim" was a Salem boy.
- Mrs. Rhoda Wilmeth is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Miller Beckley, at Memphis, Mo.
- Mrs. Marian Parker came from Ottumwa Thursday and visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott, until Friday.
- Mrs. and Mrs. D. Grim received a message Tuesday that their son, Roy Grim, was very sick at his home at Marshalltown.
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrie of Newton, Kansas, are enjoying a visit at the home of Mrs. Andrie's father, Reuben Tomlinson.
- Foster Trueblood has purchased Aaron Mills' farm west of Big Cedar.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Ingrim left for Danville Saturday to visit Mrs. Ingrim's mother and his sister, Mrs. K.M. Swan.
- Mrs. Frank Hawkins and son, Merrill, of Keokuk, are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins for a two weeks' visit. Since their arrival little Merrill has been confined to the house with an attack of croup.
- Saturday at his home in the east part of town, occurred the death of Thomas Sampbell, an aged citizen. Funeral services were held at the Friends' church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Sinclair, pastor of the M.E. church, and the remains were laid to rest at the Friends' cemetery.

Irish Bend [Van Buren Co, Iowa], March 31
- Peter Davis, of this place, transacted business at Keosauqua Wednesday.
- Willis Luce and family from near Leando moved last week to what is known as the Al Rousch farm, now the property of Samuel Rousch, recently vacated by John Else and family who moved to their new home near Lebanon.
- Lee Wolf, one of the prosperous farmers of the Bend, is preparing to build a new residence on his farm, has the timber all on the ground. George Wiley, of Leando is the contractor.
- Miss Blanch Strait and Lela Parson were Keosauqua visitors this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Channell are the proud parents of a second pair of twins born Friday.
- Rob Buckmaster has been sick of pneumonia.
- Miss Mahala Green, of Ottumwa, is at the bedside of Mrs. Frazee.

[transcribed by C.J.L., October 2005 & May 2006]

Ottumwa Daily Courier
Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
April 20, 1903

Enlist in Iowa Guard.
New Hampton, April 20 - M.L. Opdyke, who has been authorized to enlist men for a company of the Iowa national guard, is receiving a large number of applications for membership, and it is expected that the organization will be in readiness for examination and inspection for muster within a short time.

Is Named for Senatorship.
Corning, April 20 - D.W. Turner of this city has been endorsed by the republicans of Adams county for the senatorship in the Adams-Taylor district. As Taylor county has conceded the candidate to this county, Mr. Turner will be nominated.

Atlantic Boy is Honored
Atlantic, April 20 - Shirley Allen has been named by Congressman Smith to take the cadetship examination at Des Moines Tuesday.

Breckenridge to Northern.
Iowa Falls, April 20 -- Master Mechanic Breckenridge of the Iowa Falls road has accepted a position with the Great Northern.

Old "Vet" Victim of Robbers
Council Bluffs, April 20 - William Wyoff, an old soldier, was held up and robbed while enroute to his home. The thieves secured $50.

Funeral of Major Cram.
Dubuque, April 20 - The funeral of Major Dewitt Clinton Cram, who died at his home in this city Saturday was held here today. Major Cram was 7? years of age and has been assistant United States district attorney for the northern district of Iowa.

Death of Infant.
George E. Smith, the 1-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith, passed away last night at 11:40 o'clock at the home of his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Boulton, 418 South Walnut street. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W.H. Hormel pastor of the East End Presbyterian church at the family residence tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be interred in the Agency cemetery.

Immigrant Inspector
J.E. Whelan of Des Moines has been appointed immigrant inspector by Secretary Shaw.

Remains Laid Away
The funeral services over the remains of the late F.A. Freitag were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family residence, 608 North Court street. Rev. J. Haefner, pastor of the German Lutheran church, conducted the services. The remains were interred in the Ottumwa cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Messrs. G. Maschek, Henry Montagne, C. Milier, C. Kaiser, Wm. Rose and John Peach.

A Cheering Sight
The Red Oak Republican says nothing could be lovelier than the spectacle of Gov. Cummins and Hon. J.W. Blythe smoking the pipe of peace together.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2007]

The Ottumwa Courier

Tuesday, April 28, 1903 


Two Chessers and McBee Arrested for Larceny.


Rufus and Dave Chesser and William McBee Accused of Stealing Sample Case Full of Umbrella Handles Belonging to Commercial Traveler.

A crime which may result in a penitentiary sentence is charged against three Ottumwa men, Dave and Rufus Chesser and William McBee.  These three men have been in court several times on charges of larceny and have served several terms for the crime, but have never yet been sent to the penitentiary.  Now, however, it looks dark for all three.  They were arrested yesterday afternoon, charged with stealing from the baggage room in the Ballingall hotel a sample case containing a large number of umbrella handles and belonging to W. H. Madigan, a traveling man residing in Des Moines. 

The men were arrested yesterday afternoon by Special Officer Harry Leisenring, while they were attempting to dispose of five of the stolen handles at the repair shop owned by Philip Ehrmann, on East Main street.  When questioned Rufus Chesser admitted that the others were hidden under the floor of Dave Chesser’s house on Samantha street and they were recovered there by the officers.

May Be Serious.

The valuation placed on the sample case and goods by Mr. Madigan is $25, and if it can be shown that this is not too high the three prisoners may, if found guilty, get a sentence to the penitentiary on the charge of grand larceny.  The sample case has not yet been recovered.

“Shine” Makes Trouble.

“Shine” was unduly hilarious last night with the sacred precincts of Smoky Row, and she and her companion, Lyle Russell, were arrested shortly before midnight by Officer Nelson, who guards the peace and quiet of the Row.  "Shine’s” name in the family Bible , if it still be in existence, reads “Lottie Fox,” but even her next door neighbors do not know it unless they are questioned by a sharp attorney, and she was booked as “Shine” at the police station.  In addition to the charge of disturbing the peace, which is preferred against both her and Russell, she is said to have made a perfect ruin of Officer Nelson’s new felt helmet which fell off of his head during the scuffle incident to the arrest.  “Shine” promptly placed her foot on it and Nelson had to wear a handkerchief over his head the rest of the night. 

The officer says he wouldn’t care except for the fact that he is to march at the side of President Roosevelt’s carriage this evening in the parade and he would like to have had the new helmet last until then.

Trials Tomorrow.

The Chessers, McBee, “Shine” and Russell pleaded not guilty to the charges placed against them and will be tried tomorrow morning.  All but Russell will be compelled to remain in jail and miss seeing the President this evening.  Russell having been released on his promise to appear tomorrow morning.

Frank Ware Wronged.

Frank Ware, an old friend of Judge Moon and the whole police force, was in court this morning for the first time in months.  Frank has been setting type on the Batavia Watchman all winter and yesterday came to the city in order to see his idol, President Roosevelt, but unfortunately he became intoxicated and was arrested last evening.  This morning he got three days, but Judge Moon left special orders with the police to allow him his liberty at 6 o’clock in order that he may see the President.

Richard Cornelius, another old, almost forgotten attendant, was present at police court this morning.  He got fifteen days for intoxication and for past absences.  Three lodgers were turned adrift.

[transcribed by L.Z. May 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County