Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Dailey Democrat
November 7, 1890

Gathered Here and There by Democrat Reporters.
Personal Paragraphs About People You Know—Police Points, Court Items, and Miscellaneous Matters.

Thomas for fine photos.

J. A. Mangan sells real estate.

Buy palace photos of Thomas.

One mild drunk before the mayor yesterday morning paid $5 and costs.

Miss Eva Clark, who has been visiting friends at Glenwood, Mo., returned home yesterday.

Julius Lyons, a popular young traveling salesman from Keokuk, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. O. E. Miller, accompanied by her sister, is visiting in Ottumwa this week.—Centerville Citizen.

Peter Stumps went to Ottumwa this morning for a short visit with his daughter.—Oskaloosa Herald.

The funeral of the late W. T. Major will occur at the family residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Clerk Norton issued a marriage license yesterday to Joseph Carr, 29, and Maggie Wright, 19, both of Ottumwa. 

The case of the state vs. Margaret Daggett, charged with keeping a house of ill-fame, will come up for trial before Justice Riordan.

Mrs. Mary Wheaton died yesterday morning at her home on Center avenue, aged 75 years.  The funeral will occur this morning at 9:30 at McIntire cemetery.

Ed. Chapman, the “Tyfoo” in “Pearl of Pekin” last night, struck the key to the situation when he remarked that “the state of Iowa and America have gone democratic.”

Mr. Thomas Kerns has recently opened a lunch counter and restaurant at 528 East Main, and is so snugly arranged as to merit the patronage of those wanting anything in his line.

The night watchman in the C. B. & Q. yards caught a fellow stealing coal from a car early yesterday morning.  He was taken before the mayor and fined $1 and costs and released.

Pete Redman, familiarly known to the boys as “Box-Car Pete,” formerly well known cigar maker of this city, but now “rolling smokers” in Oskaloosa came down Tuesday for the purpose of adding one more to the democratic majority in his home county.

Horace H. Ogborn, a highly esteemed citizen of Ottumwa, died yesterday morning at 10:40, at his home on Putnam street.  The deceased was a pattern-maker in the Machine Works, and was an industrious and worthy citizen.  He leaves a wife and children to mourn his loss. The remains will be taken to New Sharon, Mahaska county, for interment.

[transcribed by L.Z., Feb 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County