Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Democrat

Saturday, June 2, 1883

A very spicy case came up before Justice Lewis yesterday, in which a woman named Nancy Hough appeared as plaintiff and a farmer named T. J. Sellers as defendant.  Nancy is after the hirsute ornament of the festive T. J. to the tune of $80.50, asserted to be due her for labor performed as housekeeper for him.  From the character of the evidence, it would seem that the relations which these two people occupied toward each other was at the best “equivocal.”  If we mistake not, Nancy is the same female who once figured rather conspicuously in a shooting scrape in Smoky Row, in which she shot and severely wounded a man who took undue liberties with her.  The case was adjourned until this morning at 9 o’clock. 

[transcribed by LZ, Dec 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County