Iowa Old Press

Wapello County Iowa
Ottumwa Weekly Courier
15 Aug 1883


At his residence in this city, Sheffield Street, near Gen. Hedrick's,
at 2 p.m. August 14th 1883, of typhoid fever, Jacob BRUMLEY aged
about 58? or 68? years. Funeral on Thursday next, time and place
to be announced hereafter. He was an Odd Fellow and it is expected
his funeral will be attended by the order. He leaves a wife and
two daughters to mourn his loss. Jacob BRUMLEY was an excellent
husband, father, and citizen, and will be sincerely mourned by a
large circle of relatives and friends.

Merritt McALLISTER, father of Chris McAllister, died at Lineville,
(Wayne Co.) a few days ago, and was buried at Blakesburg at 10:00today.

James STEVENS, son of George W. STEVENS, living neary Dudley, died
Sunday, aged nearly 22 years. His funeral occurred yesterday at
noon, at Chillicothe and was very largely attended. His body was
interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County