Iowa Old Press

Ottumwa Daily Democrat
December 23, 1881

Smoky Row is assuming prominence again, and another lot of dirty linen is to be washed in Esq. Devin’s court, at the expense of the county.  The court is not to blame, but if Smoky Row could be abolished, it would be a big thing for Wapello county.

[transcribed by L.Z., Nov 2019]

Ottumwa Weekly Democrat, December 29, 1881

DISTRICT COURT.           

A special term of the District Court commenced yesterday. There was but a little business transacted except of a chancery nature.  There are eighteen cases on the docket, divides as follows:

One replevin, damages one, two for divorce, two set aside conveyance, two to quit title, one for foreclosure, to restrain foreclosure one, to appoint receiver one, to foreclose mortgage one, one case for injunction, two partition cases and one case for custody of child, and two cases not stated.

Nancy Haugh sues John Haugh and Lucy Brooks sues Albert Brooks for divorce.


Dora E. Martin vs. A. L. Graves, No. 144, was called and trial commenced.  This is an injunction proceeding to restrain the defendant from mining coal upon plaintiff’s premises, claims right under a contract, which defendant denies ever having agreed to.  The plaintiff’s testimony was not concluded when court adjourned to 9, this morning. 

The special term will probably occupy most of this week.

From Wednesday’s Daily.

In the case of Alex. Wright, vs. Lucdocia Wright, the application for the custody of the child was set for hearing Saturday morning. 

The testimony in the injunction case of Martin vs. Graves, was concluded.  The court will take the case under advisement, and decide at the regular term to be held in January.


The County Clerk, of Wapello county, is an accommodating sort of fellow, and never is so happy as when making others happy.

During the few days last past he has issued license to marry to the following persons:

December 24, E. D. Burch to Laura B. Bass;

December 26, Jas. H. Springer to Ida M. Draper; A. S. Harrington to N. C. McGumphrey; E. H. Bryant to M. A. Cook; John A. Williams to E. M. Dotts; C. A. Brant to Nellie E. Dangtson;

December 27, W. R. Hammond to Lizzie E. Huston; W. H. Bramley to Clara E. Shank.

[transcribed by LZ, Dec 2019]

Iowa Old Press
Wapello County