Iowa Old Press

Keosauqua Republican
Keosauqua, Van Buren, Iowa
Thursday, January 4, 1883

DIED-Of gastric fever at her home in Kilbourne, December 27, 1882, Miss Victoria Porter, daughter of Charles Porter, aged 26 years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Barber of the Methodist church and her remains were laid away on Friday the 29.

MARRIED- At the residence of the bride's parents in Keosauqua, December 26, 1882, Conductor C.W. Smith, of the Keosauqua branch of the C.R.I. & P. R.R. to Miss Jennie Kaley; Rev. James Hunter officiating.

MARRIED- On Christmas day, 1882, at the residence of the bride's parents near Mt. Sterling, Iowa, Charley Stonebraker to Miss Della Mankin, Eld. T.A. Renfro, of Milton officiating.

MARRIED- December 28, 1882, at the residence of the bride's parents in Van Buren township, Van Buren Co., Iowa, Jacob Guy Hootman to Miss Mary E. Bell, Rev. Hunter of Keosauqua officiating.

MARRIED- At the residence of the bride's parents at Van Meter, Dallas county, Iowa, Wednesday evening, Dec. 27, 1882, Horace Lyon formerly of Harrisburg township, this county, to Miss Neva Semans.

MARRIED- At the residence of the bride's mother in Keosauqua Dec. 24, 1882, Wilson Wiley to Ella Fasnacht, Eld. A.H. McCrary officiating.


MILTON.-...Married, at residence of bride's parents, near here, on New Years' day, Jos. W. Kirkheart to Mary A. Brumley, Rev. Wright saying the ceremony...The inch of snow Sunday night brought out a few sleigh bells, but it was so rough thaty they soon hushed their music...Henry Buach and family went out to Axline Saturday for a New Year's visit.

CANTRIL.- ...Alex Hearn, of the C.B. & K.C., was in town last week shaking hands with his friends. He had the misfortune to get two of his fingers so badly mashed while coupling cars at Moulton that it became necessary to amputate them. He is still under the doctor's care...Rev. Haines, of Lebanon, was on our streets Saturday... Benj. Talbert left his team standing in the street while he went back into the store and when he came back they were gone. They ran home, upsetting the buggy and demolishing it,also injuring one of the horses very bad. Ben says he will be more careful in the future. ..M. Stewart, our enterprising barber, has purchased a new chair of the latest patent. He has also bought a shop of Mr. Tiffey located on front street, which will make a good location...W.W. Drew now occupies his new dwelling...J.J. Mailey has moved into his new shop...The band boys were out at Niles Saturday night making music for the anniversary of Wm. Sparks; they report a good time...The Sunday school review given at the M.E. church Sunday night was very interesting. J.L. Talbert was chosen superintendent of the school held at the M.E. church and J.W. Wilkinson superintendent of the school held at the Christian church for the ensuing quarter...Mrs. Boyer, of Vernon is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Schwachheim...S.F. Cantril has purchased a team and wagon for the accommodation of the bummers.

BIRMINGHAM.- Andrew West, formerly of our town, now of Des Moines, is visiting his parents here...Lon Newell and wife, of Mound City, Kansas, are here visiting their many friends and relatives...Anna and Charlie Bogle are in Keokuk spending the Holidays...W.A. Woodward, of Valisca, Iowa, spent Christmas with relatives and friends in this place and vicinity. His son who had been visiting here for some months accompanied him home...Anna Bishop of Libertyville is visiting relatives here...Willa and Frankie Talbot, of our town, are visiting their brother at Winfield...

SELMA- Every thing quiet since the holidays...J.A. Davis is very sick at this writing...The saw mill owned by J.M. Walker is fired up and doing a good business...G.A. Barker has been called to Ohio to see a sister who is dangerously ill...Selma now has a new bakery...G.W. Bigford is filling his ice house.

MT. STERLING- L. Lester, of Chicago is visiting friends here and Thomas Allen, of Ringold county, this state, is here visiting friends too...Maggie Peacock, of Pittsburg, is teaching a very good school at the Wiley school house northwest of here...Grant Blackledge passed Sunday the 24, with his uncle Harrison B., of Des Moines township...Mrs. Melissa Prall has returned home from Missouri where she has been to see her sick father...

-Those who desire to pay their subscription in wood should bring it at an early day as possible.
-Mary, daughter of Benj. Vance, near here, has been confined to her bed for two weeks past with a severe attack of rheumatism.
-W.O. Crosby, of the Centerville Citizen, has been appointed special pension examiner at a salary of $2,250 a year.
-SKINNEY MEN- "Well's Health Renewer" restores health and vigor and cures Dyspepsia, impotence Sexual Debility. $1.
-"The Great Rock Island Route" is the title of a sheet of music received by us the entire composition being by J.A. Roff and dedicated to the General Ticket Agent, E. St. John

A RUMOR- A rumor reaches us that a woman named Bowen living near Mt. Sterling, shot her daughter last Saturday night, seriously wounding her. The report is that she kept company with a young man contrary to her will and on that evening, as the daughter started out to meet him, the mother commanding her not to go, but go she would and before she got out of the yard she shot at her with the result mentioned.
     P.S. we now have the straight of it, and it is a fact. The mother's name is Cross instead of Bowen and she and her two daughters one evening the latter part of the week went to a party at the residence of Mrs. J.A. Ross about tow miles east of Mt. Sterling...[rest of article not copied.]

BIRTH-DAY DINNER- December 24, 1882 a number of friends assembled at the residence of J.H. Rockey, in Cedar township, to celebrate his thirty-ninth birth-day. The guests included J.S. Loofboro, wife and children, Mrs. W.E. Taylor, N. Boley and wife, J.W. Askew and wife, Jacob Rockey and wife, D.K. Helterbran, wife and son, all of Cedar township, also G.W. Alten and wife Elliot Alten and wife and Mr. Stine, of Hillsboro. The good wife of Mr. Rockey prepared a bounteous dinner for the friends present who partook of it, feeling that they were happy indeed to sit at such a table loaded down with the good things of this life. When through the guests doubtless felt like the little girl, who at the close of a good dinner began to cry, and when asked what was the matter answered, "I am so full I can't eat any more and I han't tasted near all the things." The afternoon was passed in a social and old time chat, neighbor with neighbor and not until the day began to draw her mantle down did the friends disperse with many kind wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Rockey, who had entertained them so well.
                     A GUEST.

Iowa Old Press
Van Buren County

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