Iowa Old Press

The Keosauqua Weekly Republican
Keosauqua, Van Buren, Iowa
Thursday, June 7, 1866

To Returned Soldiers and Others.
Washington, D.C., May 30, '66

     DEAR SIR:- Herewith enclosed please find rolls of missing men. Nos. 3 and 4, accompanied by an explanatory heading, which I trust renders their object and character sufficiently apparent.
     If not to much trouble will you have the kindness to publish the list of your State (with the heading) in your paper. Your readers may know the fate of some of these brave men and comrades who have so nobly given up their lives, and whose uncertain history is deepening the shadows in so many thousand homes.
     In the hope that we may be able to throw light upon these obscure cases, and relieve some of the anxiety and distress attending them, I have taken  the liberty to solicit the co-operation of yourself and your readers.
          Yours very respectfully,
                          CLARA BARTON.
          Washington, D.C., May 1, 1866.

Soldiers and Friends of Soldiers,
     This roll, No. 3, is composed entirely of names of soldiers who have been killed in battle, died in Southern prisons, or otherwise lost in the service, and whose fate is unknown to their friends.
     Each name here enrolled is taken from the letter of some relative or friend, who has written to me asking my aid in their painful search; and in their behalf I appeal to you to give such facts relative to the fate of these men as you may recollect or can ascertain. They have been your comrades on march, picket or raid, or in battle, hospital, or prison, and falling there the fact and manner of their death may be known only to you.
     The thousands of letters making those inquiries are in my possession, filed and recorded, and the bereaved families and friends are anxiously waiting the information which they hope to obtain from you.
     Please examine the rolls and if you have facts relative to any one herein named, communicate them to me by letter, with your full  address so that the information may be immediately forwarded to the inquiring family.
     As some may have returned since the inquiry, or a comrade whose name appears here may be known by you to be living, please inform me, that the name may be withheld from future rolls.
     Letters of inquiry for missing soldiers need only to contain the names, with the regiment, company and State, or other organization to which they belonged, and the address of the writer plainly written.
     No apology is necessary for writing me; and if a letter fails to receive an answer, please write again, as no letter will ever be intentionally neglected, and in no case will any compensation be accepted.
          CLARA BARTON.
          Miss Clara Barton,
                   Washington, D.C.


Allen, James T, co C, 2d inf.
Burns, James, co. B, 15th inf.
Clark, John C, serg't co H. 31st inf.
Clark, Edward B, co K, 8th cav.
Cjernos, Smith, co G, 3d inf.
Coles, Joshua, co. G, 3d inf.
Downing, Hezekiah A, co C, 24th inf.
De Witt, Elisha, co. E, 8th cav
Dorland, G.S., co F, 2d cav
Esuay or Esnay, Francis J, co A, 24th inf.
Fey or Foy, Wm, co. E, 2d cav
Frost, Edmond, co. L, 8th cav.
Funston, Charles R. co. C, 2d cav
Grayson, Thomas ,co. D, 21st inf.
Heckart, Joseph, serg't, co. D, 15th inf.
Hoisington, Lucian P, co D, 7th inf.
Jackson, Samuel Y, co. C, 9th cav.
James, Wm, Warren, co. G, 15th inf.
Johnson, James F, co. F, 2d cav.
Leach, Kendrick, co. C, 2d cav.
Livingston, James A, co. A, 4th cav.
Long, Daniel R, co. B, 9th inf.
McCracken, George, co. A, 5th cav.
McKay, Hugh, co. K, 15th inf.
Meeker, Francinny D, co. I or L, 8th cav.
Norton, Patrick, co. A, 15th inf.
Peters, Peter, co. E, 2d cav.
Pierce, Wm., co. E, 6th inf.
Pierson, Martin, co. E, 6th inf.
Kabun, Lewis, co. G, 2d inf.
Raser, Albert, Co. I or L., 8th cav.
Reel, John, co. B, 4th inf.
Ren, Thomas, co. A, 40th inf.
Rider, Nelson, co. ___, 13th inf.
Rose, Thomas W., co. K, 30th inf.
Shely, Horace, co. I, 13th inf.
Spink, Edwin, co. I, 5th cav.
Streetor, Levi J., co. H, 15th inf.
Taylor, Michael, co. F, 35th inf.
Tibbetts, A.W., co. H, 14th inf.
Thompson, Jas. D, co. M, 8th cav.
Thompson, Thos. B., co. D, 32d inf.
Thompson, Adam, co. D, 32d inf.
Vinton, Charles B, co. G, 15th inf.
Ward, Amos W., co. B, 5th cav.
Walton, Theodore, co. E, 31st inf.
Westby, Miller , co. F, 16th inf.
Work, Wm., co. H, 3rd cav.

The Keosauqua Weekly Republican
Keosauqua, Van Buren, Iowa
Thursday, June 28, 1866

Abstract of the Proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Van Buren County Monumental Association.
June 22d, 1866

     Board met pursuant to adjournment. The members of the Board present, presented their reports of number, names, &c., of the deceased soldiers from their respective townships.
     John G. Brown is appointed Treasurer of the Association.
     On motion of Mr. Calhoun, persons delivering orations in this county on the 4th of July, are requested to make the erection of this monument a point in their oration.
     Ordered that the names of the deceased soldiers from each township as far as ascertained be published; and that relatives and others be requested to furnish the names of any who have been omitted. Also, corrections, if any needed, in the orthography, letter of company, regiment, &c.
     The President is instructed to call as mass meeting of the citizens of the county, to be held on the 1st day of August next, for the purpose of furthering objects of the Association.
     On motion, it is resolved that the monument be built of American Marble.
     The following is a list of names of deceased soldiers as far as can be ascertained:

Henry McDougal, Co. E, 7th Inft..
Wm. A. Sherod, Co. C, 8th Cav.
Amos Sherod, Co. I?, 19th Inft.
Oliver H. Miller, Co. E, 2d Inft.
John W. Byers, Co. C, 12th Kansas Inft.
Capt. W.H. Randall, Co. D, 30th Inft.
Milton Shaw, Co. H, 5th Inft.
Sergt. Reason B. Hughs, Co. H., 5th Inft.
Hamilton B?ggers, Co. H., 5th Inft.
George Overturf, Co. H., 5th Inft.
David M. Smith, Co. C, 8th Cav.
John W. Swartz, Co. I, 19th Inft.
Ferguson Teal, Co. I, 19th Inft.
Je??? F. Johnson, Co. F, 2d Inft.
C.M. Bechtel, Co. H., 3d Cav.
Samuel Calhoun, Co. H., 3d Cav.
George ??orrow, Co. I, 19th Inft.
John M. Burnett / Barnett ?, Co. D, 30th Inft.
Benjamin Anderson, Co. D., 30th Inft.
Samuel S. Culbertson, Co. H., 30th Inft.
Milton Easter, Co. H, 5th Inft.
Franklin Whitaker, Co. H, 3d Cav.
Thomas L???ow, Co. H, 3d Cav.
John A. McGuire, Co. H, 3d Cav.
Perry E. Newell, Co. H, 3d Cav.
Jacob C. Boon, Co. H, 3d Cav
? I. Robertson, Co. ?, 30th Inft.
Robert Cunningham, Co. H, 5th Inft.
William Deal, Co. H, 3d Cav.
Capt. Saml. Linsey, Co. H, 5th Inft.
Wm. Chapman, Co. H, 3d Cav.
John Stookey, Co. H, 5th Inft.
Robert Grousbeck, Co. H, 3d Cav.

David Thompson, Co. G., 3d Cav.
John Van Dorn, Co. F, 2d Inft.
Benj. Cackley, Co. K, 12th Inft.
James Cackley, Co. K, 12th Inft.
John N. Rodgers, Co. K, 12th Inft.
Albert Herbert, Co. K, 12th Inft.
Isaac W. Detwiler, Co. K, 12th Inft.
Thomas Smith, Co. K., 12th Inft.
James W. Miller, Co. K, 12th Inft.
James Peterson, Co. I, 19th Inft.
B.C. Lee, Co. I, 19th Inft.
Wm. Alexander, Co. B, 3d Cav.
Levi Mitchell, Co. F, 2d Inft.
John Robinson.

Lemuel W. Bennett, Co. E., 8th Cav.
John Hines, Co. I, 3d Cav.
Ezra Bartholomew, Co K, 36th Inft.
Samuel O. Hara, Co. A, 7th Cav.
George Batchelor, Co. E, 8th Cav.
Charles L. Morrill, Co. A, 1st Cav.
S.M. Burnes, Co. G, 3d. Cav.
Perry Phillips, Co. E, 15th Inft.
William R. Lock, Co. H, 19th Inft.
Thomas Cochran, Co. G, 3d Cav.
Lawrence McGinnis, Co. G, 13th Inft.
John Brown, Co. B, 3d Cav.
John G. McIntosh, Co. H, 19th Inft.
Robert M. Parker, Co. G, 3d Cav.
Duglass C. Owings, Co. G, 3d Cav.
Simon Yates, Cav.

W.C. Crooks, Co. F, 2d Inft.
Wm. Teter, Co. H, 19th Inft.
Levi W. Taylor, Co H, 19th Inft.
Levi Keller, Co. H, 19th Inft.
Samuel M. Byers, Co. H, 19th Inft.
Joshua T. Phillips, Co H, 19th Inft.
Eli Vale, Co H, 19th Inft.
Anthony Cummings, Co F, 2d Inft.
Edwin M. Potter, Co. F, 2d Inft.
Pennel Garret, Co. C, 3d Cav.
Henry C. Potter, Co. F, 2d Inft.
George Shriver, Co. F, 2d Inft.
Andrew Shriver, Co. F, 2d Inft.
James. H, Watts, Co. G, 3d Cav.
Lafayette Holder, 32d Mo.
Goerge Holder, Co. A, 7th Mo. Cav.
Latan B. Pollock, Co. A, 7th Mo. Cav.
Albert Bean, Co. E, 15th Inft.

John W. Williamson, Co. D, 30th Inft.
Joseph Harridge, Co. A, 7th Mo. Cav.
John W. Smith, Co. E, 15th Inft.
George H. Cowan, Co. G, 3d Cav.
John Dunlap, Co. F, 2d Inft.
John Harbon.
Charles S.Wells, acting Master Mate U.S. Gunboat Chillicothe.

- The woolen factory of Siebel & Co, was destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The fire is supposed to have originated from the heating of the refused wool. All the custom work and most of the stock on hand was saved. The machinery was nearly all destroyed. The loss we understand to be estimated as follows: Building, belonging to J.A. Brown's estate, about $10,000 in insurance; Siebel & Co's. machinery, &c., about $40,000, $10,000 insurance. Besides the loss being a serious one to the proprietors, it is a deplorable loss to the community and country at large.

- The place to get something nice and refreshing these hot summer days, is at John Henry's Ice Cream and Lemonade Saloon, in the large frame house in the room adjoining Gaines & Hall. It has a room fitted up for the accommodation of the ladies.

- All who are indebted to Dewey & Co. are requested to be prepared to make settlement the first of next week when I shall call  around and expect settlement from all.

- We call the attention of our readers to the card of Mr. Sparks, a new Attorney in our place, who tenders his professional services to the contentious part of community and those desiring legal advice.

     On the 11th day of June, 1866, at the residence of the bride's father in Cedar township, by Eld. J.K. Cornell, Mr. Isaiah Harlan to Miss Elizabeth Masterson, both of Cedar township, Van Buren county, Iowa.



Iowa Old Press
Van Buren County