Iowa Old Press

Keosauqua Republican
Keosauqua, Van Buren co. Iowa
June 14, 1861

John T. Sloan, of the Keosauqua company, has been appointed Quartermaster for the 2nd Regiment.

The second Iowa regiment had an unexpected call about one o'clock yesterday morning, and as soon as the men could array themselves for business, they were marched on board the steamer Die Vernon, and left Keosauqua for Hannibal. The Union men of the latter place had taken possession of a foundry that was engaged in manufacturing cannon and balls for the secessionists, which produced great excitement, and an attack was threatened by the secessionists – they also threatened to tear up the Railroad – hence the troops were ordered to that point.

Col. Curtis went down with the regiment and will take command at Hannibal, and possession of the Hannibal and St. Jo Railroad for the Government. The first Regiment, Col. Bates, went down later in the day.

[transcribed by M.O., March 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Van Buren County