Iowa Old Press
The Democratic Union
Keosauqua, Van Buren, Iowa
April 2, 1853
To All Whom It May Concern
1. Article of Incorporation made and
entered into between John D. Baker, John Fairman, George W. Hoover, Nathan L.
Milburn, Abraham Smith, William Higgins, A.E. Dodek Bousquet and others,
Stockholders now or hereafter subscribing stock in said company hereby
constituted and organized.
2. This Company shall be known as the Des Moines
Steamboat Company, and in that name shall sue and be sued, and be known and
recognized for all legal purposes.
3. The business to be transacted by this company shall
be the building of a steamboat or steamboats, and to run the same in the usual
course of trade upon the Des Moines and Mississippi rivers, and to transact all
business including the building and freighting of barges usually done in said
4. The capital stock of this company shall be twenty
thousand dollars, which shall be divided into eight hundred shares of
twenty-five dollars each.
5. It is the intention of the person forming this
corporation to incorporate themselves under the act of incorporation for
pecuniary benefit now in force with all the rights and privileges of such
corporations, and to won in their corporate capacity the steamboat now building
at Iowaville, in Van Buren county, State of Iowa and jointly owned by the
persons hereinbefore named and hereto subscribing and heretofore known as the
Des Moines Steamboat Company.
6. The full amount of such shares shall be due when
subscribed and the company shall be deemed fully organized and authorized to
transact business when two hundred shares have been subscribed and these
articles recorded and published as required by law.
7. The officers of this company shall be a President,
Vice President and Treasurer. The President, Vice President and Treasurer shall
be exofficio directors.
8. There shall be a board of Directors, consisting of
five, including the officers, who are constituted Directors.
9. A.E. Dudok Bosquet is hereby constituted President;
Abraham Smith, Vice President; George W. Hoover, Secretary; and John D. Baker,
Treasurer; Ransom Nogg??and William Higgins members of the board of Directors to
act until there successors are duly elected and qualified.
10. The annual elections and meetings of the company
shall be held at Iowaville on the 2d Wednesday in July in each year commencing
July, 1853
11. At the annual elections the officers and board of
Directors shall be chosen to hold their offices for one year and until their
successors are chosen and qualified.
12. Each stockholder shall have one vote for ever share
of stock by him owned, in all elections and the exercise of all other powers not
herein or otherwise delegated, said vote may be cast personally or by
13. The President shall have power to preside at all
meetings of the Stockholders or Directors, to call special meetings of same, to
sign all orders for money upon the Treasurer audited by the board of Directors,
and to make all contracts for purposes within the legitimate range of the
business of this company.
14. The Vice President shall perform all the duties of
the President when the President is absent or unable to act by reason of
disability or personal pecuniary interest.
15. The Board of Directors shall have power to transact
the ordinary business of the company, subject to any prior restrictions by the
stockholders made when voting in their annual or special meetings- which
ordinary business includes the auditing of all claims against the company and
fill all vacancies in the Board until the next annual election thereafter.
16. The Treasurer shall before entering upon the duties
of his office execute to the company a bond in an amount and with security to be
approved by the board of Directors. It shall be his duty to safely keep all
moneys belonging to the company and pay out the same only upon the order of the
President, countersigned by the Secretary, and to make a report to the board of
Directors once in every three months, or as often as the Board may require, of
the condition of the finances of the company. He shall receipt for all moneys
coming into his hands to the person from whom he receives it, and file a
duplicate with receipt of the same with the Secretary.
17. The Secretary shall have charge of all books and papers
belonging to the company; shall keep a regular minute of the proceedings of the
meetings of the stockholders and directors, and a register of the names of all
stockholders and transfer of stock and shall countersign all orders upon the
Treasurer for money.
18. The board of Directors shall meet on the first
Wednesday of each month and as often as called together by order of the
19. Certificates of part ownership in the steamboat new
building at Iowaville or receipts for work and labor performed upon said boat
under the old association, shall be received in payment of stock at their face,
and the company shall receive the right of said part owners subject to all
mortgages or liens heretofore given by said part owners.
20. Certificates of stock shall be issued by the
President and countersigned by the Secretary, when the full amount of such
shares shall be paid and the same may be transferred according to law.
21. This company shall continue for twenty years from
and after its organization unless sooner dissolved by the consent of two thirds
of the votes of the company.
22. Except for the purpose of building or obtaining a
steamboat the indebtedness of the company shall be limited to five hundred
dollars, and for that purpose may be increased to any amount not exceeding
twenty-five hundred dollars.
23. The private property of stockholders shall in no
case be subject to liability for the debt of the company except for an amount
equal to any balance due and unpaid upon stock owned and subscribed.
24. The principal place of business shall be at
Iowaville, in the county of Van Buren and State of Iowa.
25. Dividends of the profits of the company may at any
time be declared by the directors subject to the exception contained in the next
26. No dividends shall be declared until the net
proceeds of the company shall exceed five per cent, upon the amount of stock
actually subscribed above all indebtedness of the company, and no dividend of
said five per cent shall be made whilst the company continues, but the same
shall be and remain a contingent fund to defray incidental expenses.
Iowaville, March 1, 1853.
Medical Notice.
Dr. William Craig,
Having permanently located in Keosauqua, is prepared to attend
to all Professional calls in the City and surrounding country. Dr. C will pay
particular attention to the practice of Surgery. Operations for Strabismus
or Squinting, Hair-lip, Cleft-palate, Wry-neck, Club-foot, deformities
from burns and acids, removal of tumors and all morbid and unnatural
growths, whether of the bones or soft parts, &c. skillfully performed.
Office in the Keosauqua House.
July 17
Will attend promptly to calls in Town and from the
Dwelling on Main Street, first building from the River
in the rear
of the Postoffice, Office nearly opposite..
Aug 7, '52
Dr. W.J. Laney
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Dye-stuffs,
Patent Medicines, and pure Liquors for
medical purposes, &c., &c.
Medical prescriptions carefully put up at
all hours.
Keosauqua, Water street, near the Ferry Landing.
July 17
Dealer in
Drugs and Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs,
Window Glass, Paint
Brushes, &c.
And Agent for the sale of all the most popular Patent
Medicines of the day.
Wines for Medical purposes.
I feel confident that I can offer genuine and
medicines at satisfactory prices. Physicians prescriptions
accurately compounded at all hours.
Store at the Ferry Landing.
July 17
Remaining in the Post Office at Keosauqua, Iowa, on the
first of April, which if not taken out within three months will be sent to the
General Post Office as dead letters:
Akey Daniel | Kent Robert |
Antrem Mr | Kind John |
Briggs Minerva | Lane J W Dr |
Brown Sarah A | Marion Hiram |
Beadles Robert | Miller J A |
Clinkilind Mary Jane | McCrary A |
Cox Lewis | Moss Henry |
Conwell Asbury | Money Wm |
Davis Alexander | Mann John |
Drake Geo W | Nesmith Elizabeth C |
Davis Richard W | Powd Elen |
Douglass Wm | Powl Elihu |
Dewel Jacob | Phares Wm |
Dehavin George | Phillips Wilson |
Dearman J | Ramsey Robert |
Evans Phillip | Sweet A W |
Ferrin Wm | Simpson W D |
Frami James | Shepler O C |
Glover A or his heirs | Swasey A M |
Hartsell Abraham | Stanley Phillip |
Haynes Cyrus | Tracy Geo W |
Hammons Johan | Tass Lucius |
Howe John F | Wirl Wilhelmine |
John Jones | Wight Gelbert N |
Jordan John | Willis David M |
Ingram James | Wilson Isaac |
Persons calling for the above letters
will please say they are advertised.
Keosauqua, April 1st, 1853.
Stoves and Tin Ware
The subscriber has on hand an assortment of COOKING STOVES AND TIN WARE for
Emigrants crossing the Plains. Has Camp Kettles, Lard Cans, Churns, Canteens and
everything accessible to his line, at prices that cannot fail to give
Call and examine. Shop one door west of H. Whelen's Drug
The Subscriber may be found at his old stand on the
corner of Front and Van Buren streets, ready to accommodate the Traveller, and
the "rest of mankind," as usual, and as much better circumstances will
admit of.
He has recently fitted up his house. His Stable is
good, and generally well furnished with hay and grains.
Rooms on the Hill, Corner of Fourth and Van Buren Streets, Keosauqua, Iowa.
"Secure the shaddow e'er the substance fades,
Let nature copy that which nature made."
Clean Cotton and Linen Rags, will be taken at this office in payment for
subscription and job work, for which we will allow 2 1-2 cents per pound.
The Democratic Union
Keosauqua, Van Buren, Iowa
April 23, 1853
Report of the second Fair held in Keosauqua on the 6th and 7th days of
October 1852.
Pursuant to previous notice the members of the
"Van Buren County Agricultural Society" met in Keosauqua for the
purpose of holding the second annual Fair of said society.
At 9 o'clock A.M. the members of the Society and
citizens of the County generally, assembled at the "Purdom Grove,"
when SETH MILLINGTON, Esq. delivered an appropriate address.
At the conclusion of the Address, the President of the
Society called the names of the persons composing the respective committees and
filled all vacancies.
The different committees were then furnished with
directorys by the Secretary of the Society, and proceeded the discharge of
their duties.
The Committee after making the necessary examinations
reported- Awarding premiums and certificates as follows:
Best Stallion, 4 years old and over, Samuel Scott, Prem. $5.00
2d do. , Jacob Smith, Prem. $2.50
3d do., Jas. Bell, Cert.
Best Stallion, 3 years old and over, A. Van Fleet, Prem. $4.00
2d do, Thos. Jones, Prem. $2.00
3d do, Wm. Jones, Cert.
Best Colt, 2 years old and over, Brad Ellis, Prem. $2.00
2d do., None
Best mare Colt, 2 years old and over, A. Van Fleet, do. $2.00
2d. do, H. Hootman, do, $1.00
3d do, H. Hootman, cert.
Best stud Colt, 1 year old and over, Samuel Scott, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Samuel Miller, Cert.
Best mare, 1 year old and over, A. Van Fleet, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Samuel Miller, cert.
Best sucking colt, Samuel Miller, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Jacob Smith, Cert.
Best Brood mare, ? by her side, A. Van Fleet, Prem. $4.00
2d do, Samuel Scott, Prem. $2.00
3d do, Jacob Smith, Cert.
Best Gelding or mare, Obed Stanard, Prem. $2.00
2d do, Thos. Jones, Cert.
Best draft Horse, A. T. Brooks, Prem. $2.00
2d do, E. Morris, Cert.
Best saddle Horse, A.T. Brooks, Prem. $2.00
2d do, 2 yrs old gelding, Jas. (or Jos.) Webster, Cert.
Best Mule over 4 years old, J.E. Miller, Prem. $3.00
2d do, J.E. Miller, Cert.
Best Mule over 3 years old, J.E. Miller, Prem. $2.00
Best Mule over 2 years old, Samuel Scott, Prem. $1.00
Best 1 year old Bull, T. Day, Prem. $1.00
2d do, J.E. Miller, Cert.
Best beef Steer, 4 years old, T. Day, Prem. $3.00
Best beef Steer, 3 years old, Wm. E. Day, Prem. $2.00
2d do, T. Day, Cert.
Best beef Steer 2 years old, T. Day, Prem. $1.00
2d do, T. Day, Cert.
Best Heifer, 1 years old, T. Day, Prem. $1.00
2d do, T. Day, Cert.
Best Steer, 2 years old, R.H. McDow, Prem., $2.00
Best milch Cow, R.H. McDow, Prem. $2.00
Best Calf, R.H. McDow, Cert.
Best ox-yoke, Obed Stannard, Prem. $2.00
Best Buck, Obed. Stannard, Prem. $2.00
2d do, Wm. Campbell, Cert.
Best Ewe, Obed Stannard, Prem, $1.00
Best half dozen chickens, Harvey Brewster, Prem., $1.00
Best sample bushel of Potatoes, J.H. Clayton, Prem. $1.00
Best sample of sweet Potatoes, T. Day, Prem. $1.00
Best sample of Pumpkins, Geo. Parker, Prem. $1.00
Best sample Turnips, Thos. Miller, Prem. $1.00
Best upper Leather, Charles Porter, Prem. $1.00
Best sole Leather, Charles Porter, Prem. $1.00
Best harness Leather, Charles Porter, Cert.
Best Butter, Mrs. C. Kingsbury, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Mrs. J.H. Clayton, Prem. $.50
Best Cheese, Miss A. Phillips, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Mrs. J.H. Clayton, Prem. $.50
Best 10 yds. home made Jeans, Mrs. J.E. Miller, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Mrs. J. Bennington, Prem., $.50
Best Woolen Blanket, Mrs. A. Fellows, Prem. $1.00
Best 10 yds rag Carpet, Mrs. J.E. Miller, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Mrs. Silas Laird, Prem. $.50
Best pair woolen Socks, Mrs. Phebe Pierson, Prem. $.50
2d do, Mrs. A.C. Annabal, Prem. $.25
Best pair Stockings, Mrs. Sylvester Taylor, Prem. $.50
2d do, Mrs. A.C. Annable, Prem. $.25
Best Quilt, Miss Nancy Nixon, Prem. $1.00
2d do, Miss Mary Nixon, Prem. $.50
Best lamp Mat, Miss Melissa Stanard, Prem. $.25
2d do, Miss Adaline Walker, Cert
Best specimen of cut Flowers, Miss O. Stuffle, Prem. $.50
Best bushel of Apples, Asa Phillips, Prem. $1.00
2d do, C.H. Bonner, Prem. $.50
After reading the reports of the
Committees, the Society proceeded to elect Officers and Directors for the
ensuing year. The following named persons were elected.:
President Timothy Day
Vice President Samuel Scott
Treasurer E. Mayne
Secretary H. C. Caldwell
Asa Phillips
J.H. Clayton
Jas. E. Miller
R.H. McDow
James Laughlin
On motion it was ordered that the foregoing proceedings
of the Society, be published in the "Democratic Union" and "Des
Moines Valley Whig."
Ordered that the Society now adjourn.
On the 13th inst., Mr. Thornton, an old citizen of this
county, committed suicide by shooting himself with a rifle-the ball entering
under the chin, and lodging in the head. When found, near the bridge over
Muscatine Slough, he lay face downwards across a log, near the road, and on the
open prairie. He seemed to have placed the breech of the rifle on the edge of
the log, and touched the trigger with a forked stick, which was still in the
guard. He evidently fell forward over he log and died instantly. His face rested
on the ground and was covered with blood, which had flowed copiously. He had
left his friends a short time before, apparently in his right mind, to meet his
brother on the road where he committed the deed, and seemed to have chosen his
position with a view of the discovery of his body by his brother. There was not
the least evidence of insanity. The act seems to have been deliberately
committed, and no possible reason can be assigned for it. Mr. Thornton was about
45 years of age, a man of good habits, highly respectable, well-to-do in
the world, and leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his distressing end.
The verdict of the inquest was "that he came to his death by wilfully
shooting himself with a rifle.' John Holliday, B. Tice, John Epperly, jury of
inquest.--Muscatine Journal.
W.L. Dodge, of Iowa, has been appointed Indian Agent for New Mexico, in place of John Greiner, he present Agent, who has been removed.-- St. Louis News.
MRS. BELOTE, who is insane, left home on Sunday, the
17th inst., and has not been heard of within or since.- She is about 41 years of
age, and in bad health. Had on when she left a dark calico dress, a leghorn
bonnet and a checked woolen shawl, and took with her a black alpaca dress.
If any person can give the undersigned any information
of Mrs. B. ?? will feel himself under great obligations, and will remunerate
them for all trouble.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been
appointed executor of the estate of Robert V. Holcomb, deceased, by the County
Court of Van Buren county, Iowa. All persons having claims on the estate are
requested to present the ???ally authenticated, and all persons indebted are
requested to make ????.
April 23, 1853
Burlington and Keosauqua Mail.
Two Horse Post Coaches
Leaves Keosauqua every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
at 4 o'clock A.M. Arrives at Burlington the same day at 9 o'clock P.M.
Leaves Burlington Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
4 o'clock A.M. Arrives at Keosauqua the same day at 9 o'clock P.M. Fare each way
The Subscriber's Ferry across the Chariton at Waterbery
is in good repair. And all emigrants going to St. Joseph will find Old St. Joe
Road the best and shortest route.
Waterbury, Appanoose, County ?????
The Subscriber may be found at his old stand, on the
corner of Front and Van Buren Streets, ready to accommodate the Traveller, and
the "rest of mankind," as usual, and as much better circumstances will
admit of.
He has recently fitted up his house. His Stable is
good, and generally well furnished with hay and grain.