Iowa Old Press

Creston Daily Gazette
Creston, Iowa
December 2, 1891

Mr. W. H. Tuttle has got his new home almost finished.

Mr. Besby, insurance agent of the Fidelity, of DesMoines, was in Platte last week transacting business for his company.

Dr. Dunlap, of Creston, was down in Platte last week.

The snow left very fast last Monday and sleighing is about played out.

School at Rice's grove school house will begin next Monday, Miss Kennedy, of Creston, teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lockwood and daughter, Mamie, were in Creston last Monday.

Several of the young people of North Platte attended the Epworth League at the Grove Chapel M.E. church last Sunday evening.

Mr. Dayton Dobbs left for Corning last Monday morning where he has been attending school.

Mrs. Eliza Long was in Kent last Thursday.

School began at Hazel-dell last Monday morning. Mr. Turney, of Monette, teacher. There was about twenty scholars present.

There was preaching at Union City last Sunday and evening.

Miss Myrtle Howell, of Cromwell, will teach the Frog Pond school this winter, school began last Monday.

Last Saturday was quite a cold day. Nine degrees below zero.

Mr. Willie Out and R. N. Howell visited in Adams county last Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Howell and family.

The oyster supper at Mr. M. B. Dobbs last Thursday night was fairly attended there being about sixty-five present. They realized about $18, the night not being favorable.

Mr. Dayton Dobbs, of Corning, was in Platte last week, spending Thanksgiving at home.

Miss Belle Howell, of Lincoln, Neb., returned home last Wednesday to visit with friends for a couple of weeks in this part of the country.

Mr. E. M. Kemp has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks but is better now.

Sleighing has about played out for this time. It was splendid sleighing for a few days.

Mr. Ernest Britton, of Cromwell, was down in Platte last week and attended the oyster supper at the M. B. Dobbs' Thanksgiving night.

Mr. E. J. Lockwood and daughters Mamie and Maggie and Master Paul attended the play, "The Union Spy," at the opera house last week.

Mr. B. A. Robberts, of Albion, Neb., is visiting in Platte this week.

Mr. Elmer Lon, of Adams county, was in Platte this week.


R. W. Emerson, of Creston, representing the DesMoines Insurance Company, was a Nevin visitor last week.

A. F. Harsh attended J. L. Ellis' sale last Friday.

Some of our ambitious farmers are husking corn amid the beautiful snow.

J. M. Horton and wife ate Thanksgiving dinner with Creston relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. William Joy are enjoying a visit with a sister, Mrs. Ware. We did not learn her place of residence.

Mr. Albert Delaney, our genial host of the D. Laney Hotel, had an attack of rheumatism last week.

Uncle D. C. Scott is still on the list of the sick.

The sudden death of Mr. F. B. Cochran, of Cromwell, was a shock to many of our town people, who knew and respected the deceased. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family in their great affliction.

We have to chronicle the union of two happy hearts. Mr. Fred Ross and Miss Minnie Ewing were united in marriage on Thanksgiving eve at the home of the bride's parents in Richland township, Adair county. Rev. H.L. Wissler officiating. We wish this highly esteemed young couple all the happiness in life. May their pathway ever be lighted by the sunshine of felicity.

The Sons of Veterans will have an oyster and fruit supper at the Nevin school house on Friday eve, Dec. 4th, 1891, also a patriotic program. Come out and help a good cause along.

The Nevin school opened on Monday morning with E. Cochran, teacher. Alice Hopkins is teaching her winter term in Adair county.

J. L. Ellis' sale was well patronized and everything commanded a fair price.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2006]


Creston Daily Gazette
Creston, Union co. Iowa
December 11, 1891


Married-last evening at 6:30 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Scott, on the corner of Summit and Cedar streets, Mr. Geo. Evans and Miss Ida Starr, Rev. L. N. Lafferty performing the ceremony which made them man and wife. The happy event was attended only by immediate members of the family circle of the young couple. Mrs. Scott being a sister of the bride. The young couple will go to housekeeping in the splendid rooms now being prepared for their occupancy in the Dunn Johnson block on Maple street, as soon as they are completed. They leave Monday for West Liberty and other points in that vicinity for a visit with relatives of Mr. Evans. The bride is a young lady well known and popular among acquaintances. She had been employed at the ADVERTISER bindery for several years past, but resigned her position about a year since and has since made her home with her sister, Mrs. W. F. Scott. She has always been surrounded by numerous friends, who were attracted by her splendid attainment and lovable ways, and will gracefully fill the position she has assumed. Mr. Geo. Evans was a member of the firm of R. S. Keith & Co., which recently changed hands and is now known as H. B. Holcomb & Co., Mrs. Evans still retaining his interest in the firm and will occupy the position of manager of the business for this new firm. He has been a resident of this city for several years and has formed an extended acquaintance among our citizens and is universally held in high esteem for the many sterling qualities he has shown himself to be possessed of. Of steadfast purpose and splendid business ability, Mr. Evans gives promise of being numbered among our prosperous and successful business men in a few years. He is a member of the Lotus club, whose rolls about a year since consisted of sixteen young gentlemen, all unmarried, but Mr. Evans is the seventh member who has been affected with the contagion of desiring to enjoy the comforts of connubial bliss. The congratulations of friends is heartily extended to the young married couple on this step, and THE GAZETTE desires to add its wishes for prosperity and happiness, and a hope that their happiness may never be marred by misfortune or sorrow.

-W. S. Peterson, of Osceola, came up on a business mission yesterday.
-Miss Minnie Kilburn, of St. Louis, is visiting the family of Geo. A. Berry.
-Mrs. J. S. Davis, of Fontanelle, was visiting friends in the city yesterday.
-Mrs. C. L. Wilson, of Fontanelle, was in the city on a shopping expedition yesterday.
-John F. Slattery, wife and boy, of Lenox, were in the city yesterday visiting friends.
-Rev. O. Ebert, who has been in Lenox, and came up yesterday, returned to that point this afternoon.
-N. Knouse, of Kansas City, a brother-in-law of Conductor, C. H. Orhler, is visiting that gentleman for a few days.
-Mrs. J. C. Walker, who has been at Pleasantville, Iowa, where she was called by the death of her mother, arrived home last night.
-G. T. Porter has resigned his position with the barber shop under the First National Bank and departed for his home at Greenfield, this morning.

[transcribed by L.Z., August 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Union County