Iowa Old Press

Lenox Time Table
Lenox, Taylor co. Iowa
Thursday, April 29, 1937

Civil War Veteran Called
John David Goble, last Civil War veteran of Clearfield, died Friday morning after an illness of but a few days. He was nearing the 95 year mark. Mr. Goble will be greatly missed in many ways especially in the home, church and community life in general. The funeral services were held at the United Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon. The World War Veterans had charge; Sam Parrish and Glem Buby standing guard at the open casket.

John David Goble was born July 11, 1842, near Columbus, Indiana. At the age of five years he came with his mother and family to Iowa, and settled near what was then known as Amboy in Washington county. In April of 1852 the mother passed away, leaving a family of six children. For each of these a home was provided among relatives or friends. Fortunately, Mr. Goble's lot was to be located with the Cunningham family, in whose good Christian home he remained nine years.

Then the War of the Rebellion came on, and on August 10, 1861, he enlisted "for three years or during the war." He served his full three years, and enlisted again to serve until the close of the war which came in April of 1865. But his regiment was not mustered out of service until May 9, 1866.

Mr. Goble returned to Crawfordsville and pursued the occupation of farming. On December 10, 1868 he was married to Miss Lou H. Johnson, of Crawfordsville. After their marriage they moved to Missouri and resided there a few years. In 1876 they returned to Iowa and settled within the bounds of the Platte Valley United Presbyterian church. Upon the dissolution of that church in 1894 they transferred their church membership to Clearfield which has since been the point of residence.

They were spared to each fifty-seven years, seven months and three days. Mrs. Goble passed away in August of 1927. Mr. Goble survived his wife by the period of over nine years, his death occurring at his home on Friday morning, April 23, 1937.

To Mr. and Mrs. Goble, two children were born, W.I. Goble, who passed away November 19, 1937; and Mrs. E.D. Beamer, of Clearfield, the only surviving member of the immediate family. There are four grandchildren, J.Z. Beamer, of Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. D.O. Keith, of Windom, Minnesota; Mrs. Erle Lupher, of Tingley, Iowa; and C.E. Beamer, Mount Ayr, Iowa. There are three great grandchildren: Clifford Beamer, Gorden Keith and John Dean Beamer.

Funeral services were held in the Clearfield United Presbyterian Church on Sabbath afternoon, April 25, the sermon being preached by the pastor, Rev. H.B. Hutchman, who chose as his text the words of Paul to Timothy, "Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." Interment was in the Clearfield Cemetery beside his companion and his son.

-Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis were visiting in Missouri Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hurley of Des Moines, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hurley Sunday afternoon. Ralph is employed by the Jensen & Dunn Ford garage in Des Moines.
-Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bryant and son, of Red Oak, called on relatives here Sunday.
-J.H. Barber went Sunday and returned Monday from a visit with his wife who is caring for an aunt in Macon, Missouri.
-Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Strunce attended a funeral in Creston Tuesday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and son Dickie have moved into the Earl Smith home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ingram visited over the weekend with Mrs. Ingran's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Spoonemore. Dorothy Severn and Dorothy McKay returned to Des Moines with them for a short visit.
-Ray Cameron, who has been in the hospital at St. Joe, is reported as improving very satisfactorily.
-Mrs. Glenn Spoonemore came Tuesday from Omaha to help care for her grandfather, George S. Beach, Sr., who is still in a serious condition.
-Dr. and Mrs. M.J. Sluss were in Des Moines Friday on business.
-Miss Ada Butler was injured Saturday afternoon when she was repairing the roof of her garage. A hip bone was damaged badly.

Word has been recieved of the death of a son that was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Guard, of Pine River, Minn., April 10. The infant died April 19 at the Holman hospital in Fifty Lakes, Minn., and was laid to rest in the Whitefish cemetery. Mrs. Guard is a daughter of Sam Kirkman.

Mrs. Maud Marshall, of Cody, Wyoming, and her brother, Fred Jones, of Gretna, Nebr., visited one day last week with Mrs. Tip Jones. They were brother and sister of Mrs. Jones' husband and were former residents of Taylor county. Mrs. Marshall is the widow of the late Rev. C.A. Marshall.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed, of Des Moines, came Saturday evening to visit at the P.H. Cullings home and to attend the funeral of their friend, Mr. J.D. Goble.

Mrs. Lola Long came from Tingley last Tuesday to help her sister-in-law care for Mr. Goble. Mrs. Anna Strain has been housekeeper for Mr. Goble since the death of his wife several years ago.

-Mrs. Alice Lyddon suffered a heart attack Saturday at her home, but is much better at this writing.
-Mr. L.H. Andrews went to Des Moines Thursday evening to visit his daughter, Mrs. R.M. Hurley and to attend the Drake Relays.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alvirdo Grandfield have moved to Coon Rapids, Iowa, where he will take up his work as licensed embalmer.

Robert Wilson, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wilson, of Shannon City, passed away at the Methodist hospital in Des Moines Friday after a brief illness. He leaves his wife, two children, his parents, one sister, Mrs. Margaret Shaw of Creston, and one borhter Paul, of Des Moines. Other relatives and friends to mourn his passing. Robert was a nephew of Mrs. Lola Long and is known to many here. Funeral services were held in Spencer, Iowa, Sunday afternoon.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Taylor County