Iowa Old Press

Dysart Reporter
Dysart, Tama County, IA
September 10, 1925

Tuesday afternoon the reorganization of the Lincoln Savings Bank took places in the parlors of the bank and that will-known and solid financial institution is off for another run of twenty or thirty years. Lincoln has always been proud of its banking institution and well they may be for it is regarded as one of the best small town banks in the state. As announced several weeks ago Cashier REHDER disposed of his stock to the other stockholders who in turn passed it out to the friends of the bank in this section. The following are the officers of the bank.
President – Claus SORJOHANN
Vice-President – M. H. BILTERBECK
Cashier – Wesley HECKT
Ass’t Cashier – Geo. A. REHDER
It will be noted that Louis GETHMANN takes the place of Mr. REHDER as director of the bank, and that Mr. HECKT who is assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Dysart is the new cashier. Mr. HECKT was sold a nice block of stock and thus became financially interested in the business interests of Lincoln. He has had many years of experience in the banking business and is considered a very careful and painstaking business man. Gladbrook Northern. Mr. HECKT, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. HECKT and is strickly a Dysart young man. He has been associated with the First National Bank six years and has made good in every respect. Mr. HECKT plans to leave Dysart some time next eek and will take up his new duties at Lincoln. Mrs. HECKT and little son will take up their home in Lincoln as soon as a residence can be secured. Their many Dysart friends will be sorry to have them leave the vicinity but will wish them continued success in their new location.

Mrs. Mary VAUPEL who had been staying in the home of her son Mr. and Mrs. Ben VAUPEL, had the misfortune to fall Wednesday evening at their home and received a bad fracture of the right arm near the wrist. She was taken to the home of her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Will SCHNELL west of town, and will probably be laid up several weeks as a result of the injury.

Homer ZOBEL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ZOBEL residing south of Dysart cleaned up about all the prizes on his Tamworth swim at the state fair at Des Moines last week. Carl SANTMAN also won premiums on his Poland Chinns. The boys are taking a great interest in the production of high class livestock and will be numbered amongst our real producers within a few years. Congratulations.

The basement barber shop which has been operated by Selby SCHUCHERT for some time past, was sold the last of the week to Dale STEWART and Claude RIDGE, with possession at once. Dale is a Dysart lad who has been employed in the shop for sometime past and is making good. Mr. RIDGE formerly barbered here but has been working in Traer for some time. It is understood that the RIDGE family are moving into the Aug. ERBE property. The SCHUCHERT’s have left town presumable to locate at Belle Plaine or at Mason City.

I have just received notice of a very marked reduction in the prices of the Radiola-Heterodyne former retail price $236.00 – new retail price $149.00. Better get yours now. Call for a demonstration to your entire satisfaction. E. E. BARKDOLL

Dysart friends are in receipt of word announcing the recent birth of a fine eight pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. George KRUSE at their home, 542 Samuel Drive, Whittler, Calif. All concerned are reported as doing nicely. Goerge’s many Dysart friends will join with The Reporter in extending congratulations.

Mrs. E. F. DOUGLASS, the subject of this brief memorian, whose sudden death was noted in the Reporter last week, was born January 4th, 1848 at Dixon, Illinois, her maiden name being Nina MORRISON. She was united in marriage to Mr. E.F. DOUGLASS July 10th, 1873 at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. They made their home the following three years at Necedah, Wisconsin, then taking up their residence at Postville, Iowa, where Mr. DOUGLASS was in business. In the year of 1885, she came with her husband to Dysart, where they have since continued their home. Mrs. DOUGLASS assisted her husband in the conduct of his drug store here, and also assisted in the post office when he was postmaster. Mrs. DOUGLASS was most active in the church, social and lodge circles of our city and community, being affiliated with the Presbyterian church. She affiliated with the order of Eastern Stars in Vinton, and later when the lodge was organized at Dysart, she became a charter member of the local Chapter. She was an honored Past Worthy Matron; having been presented with her jewel at the ceremonial program in February, 1923. She was also a charter member of the Hearthstone Circle of Dysart. Mr. and Mrs. DOUGLASS were never blessed with children in their home, yet their fifty-two years of travel down life’s pathway have been happy ones. On July 10th, 1923 they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, holding open house during the afternoon and evening, when a large number of friends called to greet them and wish them continued joy and happiness. Mrs. DOUGLASS’ friend were numbered by her acquaintances, to know her was to lover her, and she will be greatly missed by the sorrowing husband, other relative and friends. Funeral services were held from the family home in Dysart last Friday afternoon at two o’clock, being in charge of the Dysart chapter O.E.S., the order also having charge of brief services at the grave. The casket was banked with beautiful floral offerings, attesting the high esteem in which deceased was held. Among those from out of town to be present for the obsequies were: Miss Marjorie BURLINGAME, Alhambra, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Thos GALLAGHER and son Douglass of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. C.R. STEVENS of Chicago, Mrs. R.N. DOUGLASS, son Ray and daughter Ruth of Postville, F.L. MORRISON of Minneapolis, the later being a half brother of Mrs. DOUGLASS. Mr. and Mrs. R.W. WAITE and Mrs. S. CREPS of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. John MARSAU of Traer, and Mrs. C.C. GARDNER of Des Moines.

At this time words are inadequate for my sincere expression for the many kindnesses which were extended to me by the numerous friends in my sad hour at the time of the death and burial of my dearly beloved wife. The many kind acts of neighbors and friends, the assistance of the O.E.S. members and other organizations, the singers, pall bearers, those who tendered the beautiful flowers, those who gave of their time and lent assistance in any way. I appreciate your assistance and I say thank you from the depth of my heart. E.F. DOUGLASS

Mrs. C.B. COOK, well known Vinton resident was shot and killed in her home there about ten o’clock Monday night of this week. The shot was fired by some unknown person from outside the house, the bullet going through the window striking the lady in the arm and entering her body just below her heart. Her mother, Mrs. E. UNDERWOOD, was upstairs, heard the shot and her daughter’s screams and rushed to her assistance, but Mrs. COOK passed away about an hour later without being able to give any information that would enlighten the officials. Mrs. COOK was president of the Benton County W.C.T.U. and had been very active in the organization. She had been prominent in anti-liquor activities and it has been suggested that the fatal shot was probably fired by a bootlegger or rum runner. Clifford B. COOK, the husband who had been in Sioux City, arrived in Vinton Tuesday afternoon and is grief stricken over the tragedy. Mrs. COOK was about 49 years of age. A corner’s inquest was held Tuesday and Wednesday, but details have not been made public. The State is not offering a $500 reward, and state officials have arrived at Vinton, and are assisting the local authorities in their search for the murderer. This is one of the most astrociuos [atrocious] crimes in the history of this section of the state, and if the murderer is captured he should be given the limit and then some if necessary.

Yes, probably you have heard that statement – “Delays Are Dangerous”, and it seems to be very true. You ladies who have been promised and who have been planning a new kitchen range for some time past – don’t forget. Friday and Saturday of this week is the last two days of the big Majestic Range Demonstration at the Dysart Hardware Co., store. Many of these high class ranges are already doing satisfactory service for the housewives of this vicinity. Several have been sold this week at the special sale. Only two days are left in which to get busy and receive the benefit of the extra specials offered. A tip to the wise is sufficient. See ad in this paper.
Ask about the coupons on these dish sets. Call and see them at Wareham’s.
Boys Sweaters $1.65 to $3.95. Dick THOMAS Clothing Store, Dysart, Iowa

Mrs. M. KERNER, long time resident of Dysart, has decided to discontinue housekeeping and will probably go to Chicago and spent the winter at least with her daughter Miss. Bessie KERNER. As a consequence Mrs. KERNER will have an auction sale on Saturday, Sept 19 commencing at 3 o’clock. She will sell her fine home with three acres of land in east Dysart, also some household goods, etc. See large ad in this paper for particulars.

A public social dance will be held at the opera house in Dysart Friday nite, Sept. 11th, with real old-time and popular music by Mathiesen’s orchestra. Everybody invited to attend and have a good time. Dance under management of Adelphia MOELLER.

Mr. and Mrs. George LEO of Dysart were in Cedar Rapids Sunday to be in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. LEO’s father Dr. Charles T. BROWN who passed away Thursday suddenly from a stroke of apoplexy while visiting his patients at St. Luke’s hospital. He was 59 years of age and had been a prominent physician of [copy stops here]

[transcribed by J.H., April 2008]


The Tama News-Herald
Tama, Tama co. Iowa
Thursday, September 17, 1925


Judge WILLETT Disposes of Much Business in Court
Judge Willett held court Monday and Tuesday, adjourned Wednesday and is again holding court today. This is a continuation of the May term. Judge Willett disposed of considerable district court business, handling several criminal cases and some civil and probate matters.

Mrs. PLOWMAN Gets Divorce
Mrs. Laura PLOWMAN was granted a divorce from Clyde Plowman. She gets custody of their minor child, and the husband has the right to visit the child, providing he is not in default of his alimony. He is to pay $15 per month for the support of the child until the child reaches 18 years of age. The payments commence Dec. 1, 1925, and are to be made to the county clerk. All other questions of alimony were settled out of court.

Permission to spend not more than $600 for a monument was granted in the Matilda Phillips estate,

Authority to sell property was given in the Alice M. HOUDYSHELL estate. The appraisers appointed are T. J. BRACKEN, Chalmers WINDERS and G. AUSTIN.

A widow's allowance of $65 per month for a year was granted in the John C. ROMICK estate.

In the John KESSELRING estate the administrator was authorized to sell personal property.

The court authorized sale of the property left by the late Frank J. ZMOLEK at not less than appraised value. The appraisers appointed are John M. ZMOLEK, Joseph SKALA, and Peter ZMOLEK. Mrs Agnes ZMOLEK, who is guardian of the children, was required to furnish additional bond of $1,000.

In the Albert MUSEL estate authority to sell real estate in Howard county was granted.

In the Wm. DAVIS estate the court approved the sale to Sadie E. THURSTON for $2,420 the northeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 12 in Indian Village township, and sale for $5,280 to H.J. PRINCEHOUSE of the west half of the northwest quarter of section 12 in Indian Village.

In the N.P. HANSEN estate the court found that the federal income tax had been paid and the estate had been relieved of state tax. Marie C. HANSEN is owner of lot 3 and east half of lot 4 in block 3, Stearns addition, Gladbrook. Marie C. HANSEN also has a life estate in north half of southwest quarter and southeast quarter of section 33 in Lincoln township, and north half of northwest quarter of section 8 in Spring Creek township and all land north of the C. & G. W. railway of south half of northwest quarter of section 8 of Spring Creek. Shares of one-tenth for each of the following are established in this property: Hans HANSEN, Minnie BOLL, Marie SONKSEN, Thos. H. ELRIG, Peter N., HERMAN, John P., NICHOLAS P. Jr. and Henry L. HANSEN. The court order says that the sum in the bank amounts to $7,807.17. The final report was approved and executor discharged.

In the case of Wendel PAXTON, a minor, the court agree with a petition that property in which the ward has a share is unproductive and decreasing in value. The court authorized the guardian to give a deed and sell the property at cash value of $1,600. The share of Wendel PAXTON in this property is $266.66.

In the Etta C. COOPER estate the court found that the inheritance tax had been paid, that the special legacy of $1,000 to the Ladies Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church at Shawnee, Oklahoma, had been paid, and that full settlement had been made with Paul F. COOPER, husband of the deceased. The real estate, according to the will was divided among Ruby WOOD, John B. CALDERWOOD, and Arthur J. CALDERWOOD. The property consists of southeast quarter of section 7 and northwest quarter of section 18 in Clark township, and lot 16 in block 1 in Taylor's addition, Traer.

In the case of Josephine MACEK, by Agnes MACEK, her next friend, vs. Geo. KASAL, hearing was set for 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26.

In the case of Flossie BRADLEY vs. Mark A. BRADLEY hearing on the plaintiff's motion for temporary alimony was set for Sept. 26.

In the case of the Farmer's Bank of Farnham, Nebraska vs. E.R. LICHTENWALTER the attachment bond was exonerated and sureties released on motion of plaintiff.

The Dysart Savings Bank was appointed trustee of the trust fund under the will of Lucy E. HAYWARD, under bond of $12,000.

In the case of Ovell VAN HORN the court authorized Addie VAN HORN, acting guardian to join in a mortgage with the widow and adult heirs of Lewis VAN HORN for $10,000.

In the Christian KEEL estate the court authorized payment of $992 to H. BOETTCHER & Son, Traer undertakers, for funeral expenses.

In the Claus HOCK estate the court authorized converting of registered U.S. Liberty bonds into Coupon U.S. Liberty bonds.

In the Henry LOHSE estate the interlocutory report of disbursements was approved.

In the Alvida Persis KALE estate authority was given to sell real estate at stated price.

In the Alfred A. FURROW estate the final report was approved.

In the John SCHULZ estate the final report was approved and executor discharged.

Addie WALKER was appointed temporary guardian of Samuel WALKER.

In the Wm. ACHENBACH estate the final report was approved.

In the Martha DIEHL estate the final report was approved.

In the case of Ina M. STONEROOK, the executors was authorized to purchase notes secured by a mortgage for $4,635.00, which were purchased by Lulu B. RUSSELOW et. al. from W. B. NACHANICKY.

In the same estate the court approved a first mortgage loan for $2,000 with interest at 6% to M.T.TAYLOR.

In the estate of Etta COOPER the final report was approved and the executor discharged.

In the estate of W.H. GREGG the final report was approved and executor discharged.

In the Hugh CALDERWOOD estate the intermediate report was approved.

In the case of Ruth LESLIE, a minor, the intermediate report was approved.

In the case of Ruth H. HAYES, a minor, the guardian was required to give additional bond of $3,000. The court approved lease of land to Thomas THIESEN at $7 per acre. The guardian was authorized to invest $2,000 by purchasing a promisory note secured by mortgage from B.P. JEPSEN.

In the case of Ruth LESLIE, a minor, an intermediate report was approved. The guardian reported having in his hands all property of his ward in notes from J.E. JOHNSON and May JOHNSON, secured by mortgage.

The Model Laundry Co. has filed suit against Fred HOAG, of Lincoln, asking judgement for $60.79 on alleged promissory notes.

In the case of Thelma V. GERRY, her guardian, E.D. SAWYER, having died, the court appointed Harry E. GERRY of Benton county as guardian, under bond of $15,000.


R.C. VALENTINE has filed suit against Mrs. Glen STRILEY. He claims Dr. R. R. HANSEN had an account for $252 for professional services, which account has been assigned to plaintiff, and he asks judgement for the amount.

The Morrison-Richer Manufacturing Co. filed suit against P. McCARTY on an alleged account of $66.65.

O.J. HAYWARD, executor in the estate of Lucy E. HAYWARD, has filed suit to quit title to land.

Tama county district court is in for a trial over a check returned and marked "no funds", unless the parties come to an agreement. D.S.WINSLOW, who lives in Cedar Rapids and whose father-in-law is E.G. KRAUSE of Garwin, was in Tama, and last May and gave Mrs. Katie RADICEVICH, who conducts an eating house, two checks, one for $5 and one for $1 on the First National Bank at Cedar Rapids. Both checks were returned, and information was filed against WINSLOW, charging him with issuing a check when not having funds in bank. Police were on the lookout for Winslow and could not find him. In the meantime Winslow found he was wanted. He appeared in Justice HUFFORD's court Saturday and said he wanted to give himself up. He was duly placed under arrest, which costs $2. Winslow admitted he wrote the checks, but claimed he thought he had $6.25 in the bank, and wanted to show checkbook stubs to prove this. The admission was taken as a plea of guilty and Winslow was fined $25 and costs. Fine, costs and checks made the bill $41. Winslow had no money to pay this. His father-in-law, Mr. KRAUSE, was called. Mr. KRAUSE asked for the particulars, and then told the young man that as he thought he had money in the bank, he was not guilty and should plead not guilty. The authorities insisted that Winslow had already plead guilty. Attorney RUSSELL was called in. It was decided that the action of the Justice court would be left standing, but that an appeal would be taken to the district court for a higher trial. Justice HUFFORD named the appeal bond as $100, adn father-in-law, Mr. KRAUSE put up the appeal bond. Winslow went home, and intends to return to fight the case in district court.

Bert ANDERSON submitted to an operation at the state university hospital at Iowa City Friday for the relief of hernia. The operation was successful and his condition is satisfactory.

Vernon KEPFORD, of Toledo, and Miss Dorothy BLAKE, of Des Moines, were married at the home of the bride at 1821 Woodland avenue, Des Moines, on Friday evening. The service was read by Rev. Elmer Nelson OWEN, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church. The couple were attended by Richard REICHMAN of Toledo and Miss Mary Louise BEIGA of Des Moines. Following the ceremony and a wedding feast the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Omaha and on their return will be at home at the HERRING home in this city. Those from Toledo attending the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. A. E. KEPFORD, the parents of the groom, Mrs. W. F. MUCKLER and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. WALTERS.

Many students from Toledo have left or soon will leave to attend various colleges. Those who will attend Grinnell college are George Herbert STRUBLE, Donald WOLF, Elizabeth BRIED; those at Coe, Cedar Rapids: Ralph BENSON, Russel WOLF, Catherine THOMPSON, Courtney MORFORD; Iowa State college, Ames: William GARRETSON, Joseph CHILDS, Ralph WILSON, Aaron BOWMAN, Ruth YOUNGMAN, Harold ELSTON, Kenneth KREZEK; State University, Iowa City: Chloe CARSON, Avis BRANDT, Ethel McDONALD, DeVoe BOVENMYER, Eugene RIBBY, Frances DUNCAN, Ralph DVORAK.

Miss Helen WALTERS will go to Faribault, Minn., to matriculate at St. Mary's school, a school for girls only. She will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J.P. WALTERS. Her brother, John WALTERS, left for Faribault Monday to enter on his second year's work at Shattuck Military academy.

Miss Zea HAYES terminated a few days visit with Toledo friends Monday and returned to her home at Cedar Rapids.

Mrs. W. J. DAVIDSON and daughter, Mary, spent Saturday at Marshalltown.

Sam MERICLE, of Paullina, visited a few days the last of last week at the Emanuel MERICLE home.

Karl J. WISE, F. R. RAYNOR, F. J. KREMENAK, Herbert P. GIGER and Zelic SIME attended Masonic lodge at Marshalltown Friday afternoon and evening, witnessing the exemplification of work in the Second and Third degrees.

Anton KARKOSH, of Cedar Rapids, spent Saturday with friends here.

Fred ZMOLEK, a former student of the Toledo high school, now attending State Teacher's college at Cedar Falls, spent Sunday here.

About eighteen members of the Clarence LeRoy REINIG Post, No. 72, American Legion, went to the home of Emil DuPRE Sunday afternoon, visited with him an dpresented him with a bathrobe and bedroom slippers as mementos of the Post. Emil, accompanied by his wife and son Robert left Monday for Fort Lyons, Colorado, where he will enter a government sanitorium for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. ALDRICH and son Maurice, en route from the north and Chicago to their home at Ames, spent Tuesday in town.

Mrs. and Mrs. Robert JOHNSTON terminated a visit in Toledo Friday and returned to their home at Cedar Rapids.

Miss Ena SHAFFER, of Elberon, visited over the week end with Miss Alice LeFEVRE.

Mr. and Mrs. Albin CHALUPNIK, who had spent several months visiting with Mrs. CHALUPNIK's parents at Traer, and her uncle, W. J. FUHLENDORF, at Toledo, were in town Monday. They will leave on Thursday of this week for their home in the Imperial Valley, California.

C.M. YOUNG, of Des Moines, spent Sunday with his son, C. R. YOUNG.

Aaron BOWMAN, a student at Iowa State college, Ames, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. BOWMAN.

Miss Etta DONAT returned Tuesday afternoon from a visit since November in California, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, and other western states.

Mrs. Harry ONNING returned Tuesday afternoon to her home at Des Moines after a few days visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. F.B. McPHERRAN. Her son Harry remained here and will make his home with his uncle and aunt and attend school.

Miss Holly SMITH spent two days the first of the week with her mother at Montour.

M.R. THOMPSON and Virgil REEDY spent Sunday in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HUTCHISON and daughter, of Traer, spent Sunday with Mr. HUTCHISON's mother, Mrs. G. A. HUTCHISON.

Mrs. W. STUMP, whose maiden name was Ann FIALA, is critically ill at her home at Madison, So. Dak. Her father, Jacob FIALA, returned home Wednesday after spending a week with her.

Miss Harriet STANNARD spent Sunday with friends at Waterloo.

Hiram of Tyre Lodge, No. 233, A.F.& A.M., met Wednesday evening and raised Berlin Shoemaker to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. There was a fairly large attendance of the members of the order and following the exemplification of the secret work luncheon was served.

Miss Ella BRACKEN will go to Grinnell Friday to matriculate at Grinnell college, having finished the Tama high school course in June.


Orlyn P.P. EHLERS, 26, Dinsdale, and Velva WILLER, 18, Reinbeck.

Herbert C. CLAUSSEN, 25, Reinbeck, and Amelia BUEMANN, 18, Traer.

Tama has something to be proud of in a residence improvement. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MacMARTIN are remodelling their home on State street, the improvement consisting of cutting a wall and building French doors which open the house directly into the fine garden which Mrs. MacMARTIN recently made. It is one of those improvements which beautify a town, and it may lead to other similar improvements.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed HARRISON and daughter Myrtle spent Sunday with relatives at Gilman.

A covered dish supper at the Masonic hall Tuesday evening preceded a meeting of Tama chapter, No.424, Order of the Eastern Star, nearly 100 of the members of the order being in attendance to enjoy the excellent meal and the program that followed.The initiatory degree was conferred on Mesdames Clair CORY, R. E. BERRY, Irvin McCARTY and Margaret McCORTNEY. In the course of the evening addresses were delivered by Judge WILLETT, Fred GOZA, and a visiting member of the order from Belle Plaine.

Five Couples Present Help Them Celebrate
A golden wedding at the Mr. and Mrs. M. L. GRAHAM home Sunday was made unique by the fact that among those present were five couples who had been married fifty years, and one woman who had celebrated a fiftieth wedding anniversary. The occasion was a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. M. L. GRAHAM. The guests arrived at the GRAHAM home in the evening with baskets filled with bits of tasty luncheon. Music and visiting made up a very enjoyable evening. It is doubtful whether there has been in Iowa another golden wedding at which five couples have been married fifty years. The five couples present, who have enjoyed a half century of married life are Mrs. and Mrs. M. L. GRAHAM, Mr. and Mrs. Nick SCHAFER, Mr. and Mrs. John BARD, Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. ROTH, and Mr. and Mrs. Asa MARTIN. Among those present also was Mrs. Lucy REAMS, widow of J.C. REAMS. Mr. and Mrs. REAMS celebrated their golden wedding some years before his death. In addition to those named above the anniversary at the GRAHAM home was attended by Miss Carrie SCHAFER, Miss Pansy BARD, Mrs. Eugene CONNER, Mr. and Mrs. John LIND, Mrs. Carrie COBB, and Mr. and Mrs. C.H. TOMLINSON, Mr. and Mrs. N.J. SMITH and family, all of Tama, and Mrs. Virgil BARD and children of Creighton, Nebraska, and Mrs. Minnie N. FOSTER of Chicago. Naturally the talk centered on courtship. Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM happily recalled that their half century of happiness was the result of a pretty romance that originated in a country school in Madison township, Poweshiek county.

Mr. GRAHAM was born at Clearfield, Pennsylvania, and came to Iowa in 1863, settling in Madison township. Mrs. GRAHAM was born in Massachusetts, and came to Iowa in 1867, also settling in Madison township. It was in Madison township that they went to school. There their romance began, and on Sept. 12, 1875, it culminated in a pretty wedding which took place near Haven, the officiating minister being Rev. HANNA. Mrs. and Mrs. GRAHAM lived on a farm in Madison until twenty-three years ago when they removed to Tama. They have remained here since. Both Mr. and Mrs. GRAHAM enjoy good health. They are especially fond of flowers, Mrs. GRAHAM having some plants which have won her distinction. Mr. GRAHAM takes an active part in public affairs and politics, being active in the Democratic party. He has served with credit as a member of the city council.

A somewhat unusual case of speeding went on the local court docket this week. Harold GRAY, who drives a sand truck and was delivering gravel to the Tama-Toledo road, was arrested by Marshal KRIEGEL on a charge of speeding. Justice W.F. SPOONER heard the case and said $5 and costs, which means $9.85. Mr. GRAY has the distinction of being the first driver of a sand truck to be fined in the history of Tama.

H.M. HUTT drove his car on the Northwestern railroad crossing at State street. Joe MIMRA, who is flagman, stopped HUTT and was having an argument with him when Marshal KRIEGEL arrived. HUTT was taken before Justice Geo. W. CARPENTER, and the justice said $1 and costs, which means $5.85. The charge was reckless driving. Mr. MIMRA asks the home paper to sound a warning. He claims that many auto drivers do not obey signals. He states that lately recklessness has developed to the extent where he will be forced to have drivers arrested, when what he would rather do is confine his energy to the peaceful work of giving signals.

Suit Over Steer, But Farmers Remain Friendly
Two Suits Against Town
Two suits have been filed against the town of Lincoln in north Tama county.
Both are based on the claim that the town maintained a flagpole in a street and a bandstand, and that on the night of June 15, 1925, Lloyd GLASS and Carl CHRISTENSEN were driving in an auto which collided with the pole. The Carl CHRISTENSEN suit is filed by his father, John CHRISTENSEN, as Carl is not of age. The petition claims that Carl sustained sever injuries in the accident. He asks $400 damages. Lloyd GLASS also claims he sustained injuries, and asks damages of $200. THOMAS & THOMAS & ANDERSON are the lawyers who are bringing the two suits.

A Hereford steer weighing 750 pounds and worth about $60 is the cause of a peculiar suit which was filed by Ray R. HIGGINS against Henry LEUTHJE, both of Garwin, and attorneys are wondering whether it could be developed into another Jones county calf case. The oddity about it is that Messrs. HIGGINS and LEUTHJE seem to be very good friends, talk to each other on way to and from court, and to the casual observer seem not to have even a hint of a difference of opinion. But when it comes to the steer, it is different. Mr. HIGGINS, who filed the suit, claims he had eight head of cattle one day, and and later found only seven. He saw a steer on the property of Henry LEUTHJE, and he thinks this is his steer. But, Mr. LEUTHJE claims that it is a LEUTHJE steer, and he is so sure of it that he will fight in court against any taking away of his property. Mr. HIGGINS, being equally sure in his own mind, insists he must have his livestock and has gone to court. In his suit Mr. HIGGINS asked for a writ of replevin to get said steer to his place. He also asks $25 damages. Attorney RUSSELL, acting for HIGGINS, got the writ of replevin this week. The court granted this, but insisted that Mr. HIGGINS must put up a bond of $120--this in case when the suit is tried it might be found to be a LEUTHJE steer. MR. HIGGINS put up the bond. The steer is at the HIGGINS place and Mr. HIGGINS has $120 in bond up until the case is tried.

EIRP pays $500--ABERNATHY and O'DONNELL Jailed. James EIRP of Belle Plaine, who was arrested by Marshall ASMUSSEN at Chelsea Labor day, pleaded guilty before Judge WILLETT in district court Monday to a charge of illegal transportation of liquor. EIRP at first was charged with bootlegging, but insisted he never sold liquor and never has been drunk. Friends interceded for him. Bootlegging demands a jail sentence. County Attorney WILLETT last week stated that he would investigate EIRP, and if the reputation was found as good as claimed by friends, another charge, one not carrying a jail sentence, would be made. When EIRP was arraigned the charge was changed from bootlegging to illegal transportation. EIRP was fined $500 and costs, his bill amounting to $542.25, which he paid. EIRP stopped in Chelsea Labor day, and Marshall ASMUSSEN found liquor in his car. In case of liquor transportation, the law confiscates the auto. EIRP had a new Chrysler coach when arrested, and County Attorney WILLETT filed information against the Chrysler car. EIRP put up a cash bond of $800 and had the use of the coach. This week he decided he wanted his $800, and so surrendered the car to the sheriff. The case regarding the car will be settled in district court later, and it will remain with Sheriff HARRISON, unless EIRP puts up a bond again if he wants to use his car.

Two Get Jail Terms
G.P. ABERNATHY of Gladbrook pleased guilty to a charge of bootlegging, this being his second offense. He was fined $500 and costs and also was sentenced to six months in the county jail at hard labor, his term beginning Sept. 5. John O'DONNELL, also of Gladbrook, pleaded guilty to a charge of bootlegging and was fined $300 and sentenced for three months in the county jail. Both are now in the county bastile, the place being an old home for ABERNATHY, as he had been released a few weeks before being arrested. ABERNATHY and O'DONNELL were arrested last week by Marshal SCHODT of Gladbrook while they were carrying a jar of booze to a shack."

There is great rejoicing over what the Tama county fair champion baby beef did on the market on Chicago. The champion was a Hereford owned by Lester CASLAVKA of Traer. In Chicago it sold at $17.50 per 100 lbs., and it weighed 1,050 pounds. It was the second top baby beef in Chicago. The first was from Cass county and brought $17.50. County Agent MILLS is pleased with the showing. The ten calves sent from the fair to Chicago averaged $15.11 per hundred and their average weight was 924.

The following graduates visited the school this week: Ethyl BLYTHE, Ellis BRACKEN, Earl MEVES, Bernice DOYLE, and Miss WODHOUSE, the latter from Toledo. The high school enrollment at present is 176: seniors 37, juniors 44, sophomores 46, freshmen 50. Last year there were three sets of twins in this school, but this year four sets are enrolled in the high school and grades. They are Lenora and Faye SHADDEN, John and Geneive SEABERT, Helen and Hilda LAMB, and the TILLER twins."

The first Parent-Teacher association meeting of the year will be held at the high school auditorium, Thursday evening, September 17, at 8:00 o'clock. After the business meeting the following program will be given:
Instrumental Music:
A Word of Welcome to Our Teachers.........Mrs. Maude DAVIDSON
100% Perfect Beginners...............................Miss Doris
Address ---"The Unspanked Generation"...Rev. CLEWORTH
Vocal Solo...................................Barbara CRONK


Mrs. A.J. LOWERY and grand-daughter, Mildred WEITZELL, of LeGrand, were over Sunday visitors at the Roy COLLAR home.

The ladies of the Congregational church held a missionary meeting at the home of Mrs. H. WALLACE Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. E. R. CRONK and children visited with friends in Waterloo Sunday.

Ward BURROUGHS, Donovan CRONK and Wilfred SHALLENBERGER spent the week end at the Hugh WILLOUGHBY home in Grundy Center.

Miss Gwendolyn COLLAR, who is attending business college in Marshalltown, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy COLLAR.

Mrs. Orval PAXTON is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank VANA Sr..

Mrs. John KERWIN, of Superior, Wis., Mrs. Al PAXTON and son, Merle, of Malacka, Minn., and Miss Addie WALKER, of Marshalltown, were guests Monday at the S. D. DeFRANCE home.

Miss Genevieve MILLARD has gone to Mount Vernon, where she will enter Cornell College.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy GUNDER returned home Friday from an auto trip to LaVeta and other points in Colorado.

School was dismissed Thursday on account of the Tama county fair.

Delmar BRIDGES, who has been employed in Chicago this summer, came home Sunday.

Orval PAXTON came Saturday from Des Moines for an over Sunday visit with his wife, and other relatives.

The Misses Irene FLYNN and Dorothy ELLIS spent Sunday in Waterloo.

Merlyn BRIDGES and family returned to Chicago Friday after a two weeks' visit at the parental W.D. BRIDGES home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. RATLIFFE returned to their home at Dennison Saturday, after a weeks' visit at the home of Miss Mary BERKA.

Tom MIKKLESON returned home Saturday after a weeks' fishing trip to Pengot, Minn.

Lawson FIDDLER went to Iowa City Saturday for a medical examination.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. DOWNS motored to Mount Vernon Thursday and visited until Monday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. C.K. FRANKS.

Miss Irene FRANKS went to Mount Vernon Monday where she will enter her sophomore year at Cornell college.

Several from here attended the Kolack Day at Clutier Sunday. The ball game between Montour and Belle Plaine resulted in a score of 7 to 1 in favor of Belle Plaine.

Glenn HIPLE left Saturday for Brighton, Colorado. His wife and children, who had been visiting there for the past few weeks, will return with him.

Mrs. Ogden MURPHY, of Oakland, Calif. , arrived here Sunday night and will visit for a week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles MARSH.

Frank BERKA and the Misses Anna and Tillie BERKA, of Chelsea, were Sunday visitors at the Joseph BERKA and Mary BERKA homes.

Mr. and Mrs. N. P. CRONK and children were visitors with relatives in Grundy Center Thursday and Friday.

John ROUSE, Clayton MILLARD and Delmar BRIDGES were callers at the A. M. DOBSON home at Nevada Sunday.

Mrs. C. E. WEBB returned home last Wednesday from Spring Valley, Minn., where she had been visiting her parents for two weeks.

John ROUSE, Raymon POWELL, and Delmar BRIDGES went to Iowa City Wednesday to attend the State University.

Miss Corrine STAYSKAL arrived home from Chicago Wednesday where she has been a guest at the home her uncle, H.B. MONTGOMERY.

Miss Ruth BROWN commenced the school year last Tuesday as a teacher in the Dunbar consolidated school.

The Eastern Stars held their first meeting after the summer vacation on Monday evening.

Mrs. Frank VANA Jr., visited at the home of her parents in Tama on Sunday.

Mrs. J. A. TVEDT and baby daughter, of Gilman, and Miss Eva THIEL, who teaches in the Dunbar school, were callers on friends in town Monday.

Dr. Clark GARY and wife, of Chicago, visited Saturday with relatives in town.

Mrs. I. L. WALTERS and Miss Alice WALTERS returned Monday to their home at Waterloo after a visit of a week at the Cleon MILLARD home.

Miss Maude McNAIR went to Marshalltown Wednesday to visit her sisters and also to attend the Marshall County fair.

[transcribed by J. L., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Tama County