Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
Tama County, Iowa
Jan. 8, 1880

Sheriff Fitzgerald took possession of his office Tuesday and is now busy at work. He will make a prompt and reliable officer, and with his efficient Deputy, Mr. Jas. Ross we have no doubt but the office will be run in as correct and faithful a manner as it ever has.

One of the Toledo boys is meeting with great success as we might infer from the way in which the people treat him where S. W. Ingham Jr., was presented by some of the people of his church with a beautiful Diary for 1880 with his name engraved thereon, and upon opening it he found $50.00 in gold. This is just such a present as we like to see ministers receive.

Marriage Licenses

There were issued during the month of December , 23 Marriage Licenses as follows:
Jas. Stickel and Mary J. McClain
Wm. H. Derham and Callie Alden
David F. Mahana and Eva M. Kroh
John f. cooper and Ella Levis
Morgan Alexander and Stella Ellis
W. L. Forbes and Ida McMillan
Wm. E. Turnbull and Ida Wilkinson
Parker C. Walraven and Theresa J. Cole
T. W. Higgins and Hattie Smith
Chas. Wallace and Martha A. Shafer
John N. Fee and Jennie Long
John Veit and Elizabeth Waters
Oscar Smigh and Alice Barnes
Alison Forder and Mary Connell
John McGarry and Mary S. Fultz
Jno Katovsky and Josephine Hadachek
John Halopek and Barbara Hadachek
Albert F. Lucas and Sarah F. Davis
Harvey Davis and Ida Jarvis
J. Havens and Helen Schnare
John Muirhead and Helen Law
Claus Tode and Mary Gelbert
Wells M. Blodgett and Isabel Price
No. issued in Dec. 1878 ….. 22
No. issued during the year 1879….. 184
No. issued during the year 1878….. 177

Davis – Jarvis. Dec. 25th 1879, at the residence of the brides’ parents, in Carroll township, by Rev. J. G. Palmer, Mr. Harvey Davis and Miss Ida Jarvis, all of Tama County, Iowa.

Lucas – Davis. Dec. 25th, 1879, at the residence of the bride’s parents, in Carroll township, by Rev. J. G. Palmer, Mr. Albert Lucas and Miss Sarah F. Davis, all of Tama

At the M. E. Parsonage, in Toledo, Dec. 24, 1879, by the Rev. J. B. Taylor Mr. John McGarry to Miss Mary L. Fultz, both of Buckingham Township.

Married by Rev. J. B. Taylor, on new Years Day, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Claus Tode and Miss Mary Giebert.

A wedding in rurual life on Thursday evening the 1st inst. Mr. Wells Blodgett left the state of single life and entered the state of matrimony with Miss Belle Price: they took the eastern bound train on a wedding tour (their destination I did not learn) they returned on Saturday morning and took up their abode with Mr. V. E. Blodgett. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather and the soft condition of the ground the boys were bound to have a little fun and make Wells come to terms, so they mustered their forces and armed with guns, cow bells, tin pans, horns, &c., proceeded at once to the seat of action and made the air hideous with their conglomerate music, until the new wedded pair appeared at the door, armed with cider and cigars and ready for company.

Miss Frank Spicer has taken the school at le Grand station in place of Miss Gerty Roberts, resigned.

At his residence in Carroll township, this county, on Wednesday Eve, Dec. 24th, Mr. Peter McRoberts.

Father McRoberts was born in Fleming Co., Kentucky, January 10th, 1804, and consequently if he had lived to see the 10th, of the coming Jan. he would have been 76 years of age. He was married to Miss Margery Smith in Fleming county, Kentucky, July 29th, 1830, and removed to the State of Indiana during that year. He was citizen of the State for several years and then removed to Illinois and resided there about two years, when he removed to Linn Co., Iowa, in May, 1837. In the year 1858 he came to Tama county, and since that time has been a citizen of this county, and has had much to do in connection with the early history of Toledo, and was widely and well know in the county. He was regarded as a man of high integrity and much worth of character. The compassion of his life preceded him to the other world but a few years age. He leaves behind him five children, three sons and two daughters, and their families, and a large circle of friends to cherish his memory.

His Funeral Services took place a his late residence on Friday, the 26th, inst., and were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Stickle of Toledo. The text of Scripture used on the occasion was, John VIII, 51, “Verilly, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my sayings, he shall never see death.” The blessed Saviour has opened up the way, through the portals of the tomb to endless life and happiness for all those who put their trust in him and keep his commandments.

W. A. Oliver is Station and Express Agent at Garwin.

W. F. Johnston went to Chicago the middle of the week.

Frank Staley, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, was in town new Year’s day.

Miss Blanche Forker returned to her home Wednesday evening.

Geo. Green returned last Saturday from an extended holiday trip.

E. T. Brown came home last Friday night from Ohio where he has been visiting for several weeks.

Chas. R. Winn bid adieu to his friends Monday night and started for Arkansas where he will sojourn for a season with his Grandfather.

Mr. Charles Kavalier died last Friday morning. His funeral took place from his late residence on Sunday morning, Rev. J. B. Taylor, officiating.

Birdie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, died Saturday night in the seventh year of her age. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of the entire community. – Eldora Ledger.

Mr. A. H. Sterrett is now busy at work attending to the duties of the County Superintendents office. He has filled this position before and is therefore no stranger to the requirements of the position. As he gave the best of satisfaction before he will do so again.

L. R. Nelson has had quite a severe attack of sore throat this week.

We received a call Wednesday from W. G. Cambridge, formerly editor of the Tama Citizen.

Vaccination is being indulged in by many of the people of Toledo and Doctors are happy.

Will McClain started Friday night for Clarksville where he will learn the art of telegraphing. Will is a good boy and we know he will succeed in his new undertaking. We are sorry to lose him but Clarksville will be the gainer in this instance.

The Skidmore Guards composed of Herbie Struble, Frankie Arb, Charlie Bradshaw, Charlie Richards, Bud Green, Willie Kirby, Willie Lacy and Garnet Hedge, under the training of Miss Carrie Guilford, created much merriment and received rounds of applause at the Literary Club last Monday evening. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jan. 15, 1880


I had the pleasure of calling on J. G. Hull, of Spring Creek township, he has a large farm situated on Wolf Creek. A beautiful natural grove surrounds his buildings giving everything the appearance of home. Mr. H. is one of the pioneers of the County, having been in this county 23 years. I would have been pleased to make a longer stay but time forbade. Mr. Hull is very pleasant and makes it pleasant for those around him. Thence to Badger Hill, where I met my old friend P. G. Hess, of the firm of P.G. & M. L. Hess; he had only time to give a friendly shake, as his time was taken up administering to the wants of his numerous customers; they have a large sale room well stocked with all kinds of merchandise. They located at heir present place of business some five years ago and by fair dealing have built up a trade second to none in the county. I also had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Gray who is located in that thriving village. I found him a very agreeable gentleman indeed; he had a good practice. Hugh Gallowy, the Blacksmith, is doing a thriving business, having been located there for five years, the farmers know where to go for an honest job of work. Mr. Whitford, formerly of Toledo, is engaged in the manufacture of Boots & Shoes, he reports business is good. In fact I have not seen an inland town that has the ring of business as that of Badger Hill, they have one of the best grist mills in Tama county, which adds greatly to the business of the place. Give them the Station and in two years their town will be second to none in the County. Time forbids further notice. They all read the CHRONICLE and fare happy.


Mr. Wm. McTurk proposes to erect a new residence next summer, and it would be just like the Squire to put up the best house in Crystal.

A good many cattle are being fed in this township this winter and feeders mostly calculate to hold them till late in the spring. Mr. N. W. Morton shipped a car load a short time ago for which he realized about $3.80 per cwt.

DIED - Miss Mary Swartz, Tuesday morning, January 6th, 1880, aged 21 years, 1 month and 18 days.

At the age of 15 May embraced Christianity and has since lived a consistent Christian in the U. B. Church with which she stood connected. For over two years may was the victim of slow consumption, but was kindly cared for by her aunt, Mrs. M. W. Varner, of Pleasant Valley, with whom she had been living since the death of her mother. The funeral services took place at the Pleasant Valley School house at 11 o’clock a. M. Wednesday, January 7ty. Rev. W. H. Klinefelter, of Toledo, officiating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jan. 22, 1880

The first leap year party of the season came off on Thursday evening. The fair sex selected their partners and went over to Mr. R. Fitzgeralds about eight miles north of town, and returned a short time before sunrise the next morning, looking and I presume feeling a little the worse for wear. They claim they had a nice time and plenty to eat, but the boys had to pay the fiddler.

Mr. Wm. Blodgett, the Tama county bridge builder, put up an approach on the west end of the iron bridge at this place last week and is now building a bridge across Sugar creek, near Mr. Merty’s.

Rev. Mr. Holeneck and family are visiting friends in Benton county.

Mr. James Dunn, of Kansas, is visiting friends in this vicinity.

Messrs. Wilcoxen and Glidden started on Tuesday of last week for Kansas peddling churn dashers.

Miss Hattie Worley has taken a school in Viena Township, Marshall county.

Mr. John Umphery has a very sick child and its recovery is very doubtful. Dr. Mitchner, of Le Grand, is attending it.

Burglers entered Dr. Resley’s Drug store last Saturday night and relieved him of about $60. in money and $1800. in Drafts.


DRAMATIC – Last Thursday evening the Dramatic Association of Traer gave to a well filled house what they termed “East Lynn”. It was good, except the last portion of the play which was too childlike for interest. An after-piece was given which was truly good.

The Literary Society of the Traer Academy will celebrate their first anniversary in high order. Remarks will be given by Hon. G. Jaqua, Hon. Jas. Wilson, L. H. Edwards and John Stuart, after which an oyster supper will be given.

Do the female sex realize that “this is leap year”. Most likely H. L. W. of the Traer Academy will, regardless of sex.

A lyceum has been organized at the Buckingham high school. It is in a fair way to prosper; also one at the Eagan school house. The evenings being nice the people cannot enjoy one evening in the week in a more profitable way.

D. Connell, Esq., talks of leaving the country in a month or two, as to what his intentions are we couldn’t say.

H. A. Owens was quite unwell, but is now able to be around.

The Ames family have been quite unwell.

No more cases of diphtheria at present.

Joshua Wood is having the timber on the old Gordon place worked into stove wood.

Joseph and David Becket will start for the homestead country in about three weeks.

Mr. George Lawson talks very strongly of starting a creamery in Traer. His views will be expressed on the subject in this week’s Clipper. We hope the farmers will become enough interested in the enterprise to make a success of it.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County