Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
Toledo, Tama Co. Iowa
May 4, 1876

We received a pleasant call Wednesday from Hon. G. JAQUA.

Work has been commenced on Dr. SPRINGER'S new building.

Mr. Henry WAGNER is building a neat fence around his premises.

Mr. L. BINGHAM, of Montour, gave us a pleasant call Tuesday morning.

Mr. Andrew McELHINNEY, of Geneseo township, called on us Tuesday.

Mr. Jonathan BEALE is improving his property corner of Broad and Main Sts., Montour.

Mr. Frank PIERCE and two of Leonard MYER'S sons, of Montour, left this week for Washington Territory.

The Court House Association held a meeting Saturday evening and renewed their articles of incorporation.

Remember the lecture next Tuesday night by Mrs. Elizabeth CADY STANTON, Subject "Washington Women"

Rev. L. WINSETT the Methodist pastor of Montour and LeGrand Churches moved from LeGrand to Montour last week.

The excavations for the new School House at Montour, are now completed and the foundation will be put in as soon as possible.

Mrs. Elizabeth CADY STANTON will deliver her lecture "Washington Women" in Toledo next Tuesday evening May 9th. Let her have a full house.

Mr. L. MATHEWS, of Montour, returned home from Chicago last Saturday and his Spring stock of goods are now following him in large quantities.

Mrs. A. J. WOOLWORTH has sold her Book and Stationery store to Mr. T. W. MASH, who will continue the business, and add to the stock from time to time.

Last Monday evening Mr. Benj. STONE started on a visit to his father land "Merry old England." He will be absent several months. He was accompanied by his wife and one daughter.

C. Fremont NEAL the individual who formerly presided over the destinies of the Chelsea Peoples Friend was married in Marshalltown last Thursday evening to a Miss PEET.

Geo. NEWCOMER has just fitted out another School House with those excellent Child's Patent School Desks and Seats, for which he is Agent. Thirty-seven was the number it took to do the business.

One day last week Mr. T. J. SWEATT weighed the short horn bull calf which he purchased last Summer of L. b. Nelson. It was just two years old and weighed 1547 pounds. It cost no more to raise it than one of the ordinary kind which would not weight more than about half as much. It pays to raise improved stock.

Mr. Benj. STONE'S new store, opposite CAMERY'S Implement House, is now in operation, and is stocked up with a good assortment of toys, vases, pocket books, fruit, confectionery, etc. Mr. STONE left it in the care of Mr. Lewis PUGH, who will be pleased to see any of his friends and sell them anything they may want, in the way of notions, etc.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County