Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
Toledo, Tama Co. Iowa
March 2, 1876

Mr. H. J. STEVENS, of Montour, was in Toledo last Sunday.

C. W. WORMELY gave us a flying visit Wednesday noon.

Mr. Robert RAINES was up to Marshalltown, on business, Monday.

Buy the Buckeye Seeder & Cultivator combined, of CAMERY & SON. CHEAP!

Henry TUTTLE is building himself quite an extensive house on his farm nearly opposite John WILD'S brick yard.

Mr. J. B. M. BISHOP, our efficient co. recorder, spent last Sunday in Crystal with his parents.

The Presbyterian sociable will be held at the residence of Mrs. A. M. REYNOLDS, Thursday evening.

Mr. Welcome MOWRY, or Waltham, was in town Thursday.

Our young friend E. MERRICLE is very sick with the diphtheria.

Spelling school at the Coriman school house last Monday night.

Remember Drs. YARNAL & SON visit Toledo, the 7th and 8th of March.

We received a pleasant call last week from Mr. R. G. McINTIRE of Traer.

Spellin' skool at the Linton School House, west of town Friday evening.

Mr. Ferdinand FREDERICK started for California last Monday night to visit his brother.

Mr. Jno. SMITH of Howard Tp., is getting stone on the ground preparatory to building a good sized barn.

Benj. STONE is getting ready to move the building formerly occupied by TURBET'S grocery, to the John NAUERTH corner.

Mr. Jno. T. McCORMICK is preparing to build a new residence the coming season. The foundation stone are now being delivered.

N. POYNEER, of Highland township, one of our most intelligent and successful farmers gave us a call Thursday morning.

Mrs. Joachim WILLIAMSON returned home from Denver City, recently, where she had been visiting with a son. She was absent from home about 4 months.

Mr. Welcome MOWRY, of Waltham, has been appointed Grange Deputy for Tama County. Any business requiring his attention should be addressed to Waltham.

At last after a long and tedious time of it the Adams House has finally found a resting place on the lot opposite J. M. CAMERY & SON'S Hardware store, at the South-west corner of the public square.

Rev. W. B. FRAZELLE preached in Tama City last Sunday morning.

Mr. A. G. PRESTON, of Marshalltown, gave us a call last Saturday.

Messrs. SWEAT & BALDWIN expect to move into their new building this week.

It is expected that Bishop ANDREWS of the M. E. Church will preach in Toledo in a short time.

There will be a Union Temperance Service in the Court House next Sunday evening to which all are invited.

Wednesday, March 1st, - the opening day of Spring- we are "catching" the worst snow storm we have seen since last winter.

Mr. R. B. HANNA one of the wealthy and prosperous farmers of Jones county, together with his wife and daughter visited in Toledo the latter part of last week.

Died- In Toledo, Sunday morning, Feb. 27th, Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. HOLSTEAD, aged about 5 years. He was seized with the dread disease diphtheria and did not survive long, When first taken he said to his mother that he felt sick and believed he was going to die. He was playing about the house Friday, but was taken worse Saturday, and Sunday morning he passed away without a struggle. He was the idol of his parents, and in their affliction, they have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors. The funeral was held at the Baptist church on Monday.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County