Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
Toledo, Tama Co. Iowa
April 6, 1876

We understand there are quite a number of our citizens who anticipate visiting the Centennial the coming season. Mr. Allen DAVISON of Ft. Madison who visited last week with his friends in Toledo, returned home Thursday.

Dr. C. R. STERNEMAN, of Cedar Rapids, will be at the office of Dr. SOUSTER Tuesday, April 11th, and remain all the week.

Miss Lizzie CONANT returned from Iowa City last Thursday evening.

W. H. HARRISON, Jr., started for Council Bluffs, Tuesday, to assist in the Ink and Stationery business at that place of STUART & HARRISON.

Mr. A. J. WHEATON has purchased the HILLMAN property opposite the residence of Mr. G. W. WOODWARD, and we understand intends to build a fine residence there at no distant day.

A GOOD SIGN - Mr. Dent. CAMERY of the firm of J. M. CAMERY & Son, informed us recently that they were selling more form machinery this spring for cash than for several years past. He also stated that they were selling many implements to men who had recently moved to the county, and to parties who heretofore had not been in the habit of trading at Toledo.

M. Nathan WHITFORD, who purchased the confectionery and fancy grocery store of Mr. Benj. STONE some time since took possession last week. It is his intention to keep up a good stock of goods in his line and do business on square principles. He formerly resided in Toledo, several years since and would be pleased to see all his old friends and many new ones. He will be found at the old stand of B. STONE.

Mr. GALLEY returned from Chicago last Thursday night.

May STRIBLE has been quite sick, but she is now recovering very rapidly.

Mrs. J. C. MILLER, of Nevada, is visiting friends and relatives in Toledo.

Dr. YARNALL will be at the American House, on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Mr. J. S. MOORE has sold his property in the south-east part of town to Mr. Nathan WHITFORD.

W. F. JOHNSTON, started to Chicago, Tuesday evening, and our readers may look out for more new goods in a few days.

Mr. And Mrs. Chas. SOLEMAN returned to Toledo last Monday noon. They have been spending some three weeks visiting friends at Mt. Vernon, Iowa.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County