Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
April 15, 1875

The U. B. Sunday School was organized last Sunday morning. The following officers were elected: Superintendent - C. J. KEPHART, Ass't Supt. - W. H. HARRISON, Jr. Secretary - Miss Amanda JOHNSTON, Treasurer - Wm. Free, Librarian - John OWEN, Organist - Miss Carrie GILFORD, Chorister - Rev. C. J. KEPHART.


Squire SMITH has put him up a new office.

J. W. SHALER, has been appointed to the office of Township Clerk, vice, Fred ROACH, resigned.

Jas. A. WILLEY, shipped five car loads of cattle Saturday. This is the second shipment he has made this spring, all of his own feeding.

J. J. GANSON, lost two horses recently; one dropped dead on the road home from Belle Plaine. The other died at home about the same hour.

Chelsea needs a first class workman to set up a blacksmith shop. There is also, a good opening for a hardware store, milliner, tailor and barber.

A party of six duck hunters got 78 duck coming down the river from Tama to Chelsea. Another party of four got 57 from Long Point to Chelsea.

A young farmer got mittence the other night. He got on his muscle and proposed giving her a licking; his brother took it up for her and gave him a sound threshing. Verdict: server him right.

There was a dance at J. H. BLANCHARDS, Friday night; some drunken galoots came in and broke it up in a row.


Frank PIERCE is putting an addition to his room; he finds his present room too small for his business.

L. MATHEWS has made some important changes in his large store room in order to make things more convenient for his many customers who call on him daily.

Dr. Wm H. LANE is putting up a neat little barn on Montgomery's corner where he intends to keep his horses in order to have them more convenient to his office when he is called upon to light out in a hurry to see the sick.

We notice Hon. Alfred HELM of Carson City, Nevada is in town. We suppose he is here to see friends, and also, to look after his interest in the Marble works, which needs some attention. We hope he will stir things up a little, and start that institution to going as it should be.

Truman PIERCE has fitted up the old J. BUTLER store room in Indiantown and moved his stock of goods into it where he intends to furnish the people of that burg with groceries and things for cash. Tru. Is a live man and the Indiantowners will always find him on hand when they want to buy.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County