Iowa Old Press

The Toledo Chronicle
Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa
June 5, 1873

Eight lbs. white sugar for $1, at W. C. WALTERS'.

W. C. WALTERS sells five (5) gallons of the best syrup in kegs for 41.

Four lbs. best coffee for $1. at W. C. WALTERS'

A CAR LOAD OF trunks just arrived at M. J. POWWERS' Harness Shop.

Good Tinware sold cheap at J. F. LEMBERGER'S.

The wet weather for the last fortnight has operated against the playing of croquet.

During the month of May nine marriage licenses were issued from the Clerk's office in this county.

A great deal of wheat along the river bottoms has been killed by the water overflowing the fields.

Mr. M. B. C. TRUE has returned from a flying visit to his former home in Johnson Co.

W. J. BURNS and family have returned to Sterling Ill.

Dr. BOYNTON started last Monday morning to visit his folks and friends in and about Essex in the "Empire State." He accompanied Mrs. B. to her former home, La Porte this State. Of Course the Dr. will "take in", the Chicago Jubilee, and will see all that is it be seen, and hear all that is to be heard.

Mrs. S. STIGER will soon begin building a brick structure on the lot now occupied by Lim[?] on high street, west of Johnston & Galley's block. The building will be 22x65 feet, two stories high, and be provided with a good cellar. This will be a very fine acquisition to the good buildings of Toledo, and is an evidence of the thrift of the place.


A very fatal occurrence happened last Saturday afternoon, which has brought a sad bereavement to Recorder McCLASKEY and family, the particulars of which are thus briefly stated: On Friday morning last, Mrs. McCLASKEY, accompanied by her two little boys, went to her father's - Mr. McCLELLAND- who lives one and one half miles east of Toledo, intending to spend two or three days with her father's folks.

Saturday afternoon she returned home, as the children said they wanted to see "papa." Her brother Frank brought her to Toledo, and immediately upon their arrival, Willie McCLASKEY, accompanied by his uncle, proceeded to the Recorder's office in quest of his father. Not finding him they looked about town, and then both returned to Mr. McCLELLAND's. Soon after returning the boys went out to the pasture to catch a horse, and while there Willie went near a colt, which kicked him, inflicting injuries which proved fatal in about twenty-four hours.

After he was kicked, he ran about half way to the house, and upon his arrival there he asked his grandma to take him and lay him on the bed, as he was so badly hurt. He bore no particular marks of external injury. He was brought that evening to his home, where he received medical assistance, and all the attention that could possibly be given him. He slept some during the after part of the night, but suffered wonderfully Sunday until about 4 o'clock, when he fell asleep in death.

The funeral services, conducted by Rev. R. N. EARHART, took place at the house, Monday, at 3 p.m., whence the remains of Willie were borne to the Toledo cemetery for interment. The deceased was 4 years and 3 months old, and the loss is a heavy one to his parents, such as time only can diminish.

Two dogs were poisoned last week one belonging to Wm. CLARK, the other to Mr. FRAZEE. The former recovered after an egg was poured down his "gullet" but the other "passed in his checks".


The annual Meeting of the old Settlers of Tama County will be held in the Court House in Toledo on Wednesday June 11, 1873. A basket Dinner, with Music and Speeches will be the order of the day-Let all the old Settlers of the County be on hand as an agreeable Meeting is anticipated.

Iowa Old Press
Tama County