Iowa Old

The Alton Democrat
Friday, September 22, 1933

Bought License to Wed In Sioux City—Not Valid Here

Miss Anna DeVries and John S. Dykstra were married in Sioux City on Friday,
Sept. 15, by the Rev. John Holwerda at the parsonage of the Christian
Reformed church. They had obtained their marriage license in Sioux City
earlier n the week and returned to Orange City with the intention of being
married here, but found that the Iowa law requires that a couple be married
in the county in which their license is secured. They were accompanied to
Sioux City by the bridegroom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Marra; his
sister, Miss Jessie Dykstra; the bride’s sisters, The Misses Clara and
Jessie DeVries of Marion, N.D., and Leonard Wilkins and George Boom, also of
Marion. The double ring ceremony was used. In the evening a reception was
held in honor of the newlyweds at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Marra. The
bride is employed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kolyn and the bridegroom
on the Joe Steensma farm at Carnes. For the present at least they will
continue working in their respective places.

Rev. H. J. Heynen Passes Suddenly—Born In Holland

A heart ailment from which he had suffered for many years caused the death
Thursday, Sept. 14, of the Rev. Henry J. Heynen at his home here. Funeral
services were held at 1:30 P.M. from the home and at 2 P.M. from the First
Christian Reformed church on Monday, Sept. 18, with the Rev. R. Bronkema,
Rev. G.W. Hylkema, Rev. J. Heemstra, Rev. P. Bloem of Volga, S.D., Rev. W.
Bajema of Sheldon, Rev. R. L. Haan, Hull, and Rev. L. Ypma of Sioux Center
all taking part. He is survived by the widow, one daughter, Gracia (Mrs. D.
Waanders of Hospers); five sons, Anthony of Midland, Parks, N.J., Ralph,
Henry, James and William of Orange City; one brother, Will Heynen of Sioux
Center, and two sisters, Mrs. Steve Huistein, Sioux Center, and Mrs. M.
VandeHeide of Denver, Colo.

Mr. Henry J. Heynen was born in the Netherlands on February 7, 1868 and came
to this country in 1892. On August 26, 1903, he was united in marriage to
Miss Cora Brink at Holland, Mich. He was a graduate of the Class of 1900
from the Northwestern Classical Academy and completed his education in Grand
Rapids, Mich., finishing his theological course at Calvin seminary in 1904.
He served The Christian Reformed church at Rock Valley, Hull, Beaverdam,
Mich., Platte, S.D., Carnes, Middleburg and again at Beaverdam, Mich. He
also acted as home missionary at Sanborn, Sibley and Inwood. In 1929 his
health necessitated his retirement from active life and he returned to
Orange City with his family. His condition at times was very precarious and
he had been quite ill of late, but the end came unexpectedly. His son,
Ralph, had left early Thursday morning for Grand Rapids, Mich., and an
attempt was made to intercept him at Dubuque, but he reached Grand Rapids
before hearing of his father’s passing. His marriage to Miss Ida Van Wyk of
Grand Rapids was scheduled to take place this week, and since it had been
postponed before due to the illness of his mother, they were married
Saturday morning leaving immediately after the ceremony for Orange City and
arriving here Sunday evening. Anthony Heynen of Middle Park, N. J., also
came home for the funeral. A large number of friends from surrounding towns
attended the funeral services and the church was filled to overflowing.

The annual homecoming of the American Reformed church will be held at the
church parlors on Wednesday evening, September 27, at 8 p.m.

Boyden Reporter
Boyden, Sioux Co. Iowa
September 28, 1933

Boyden Landmark Had Interesting History
One of Boyden's oldest landmarks, now known as the old bakery
building, is being razed. The building was built in 1887 by Mr.
Allen and used for a postoffice, and later for a hardware store. It
was then converted into a saloon. Afterward Walter Vefr Hoef
profited by using it for the "Cozy Corner" Cafe. Later on the
Stevens family fortune rose and fell within its spacious walls. It
was subject to an occasional fire, and was finally condemned after
the last fire several months ago. It was then occupied by the Boyden
Bakery. The former City Bakery property and building have been
purchased by Ed Diekevefrs. Eric Hirt began wrecking the building

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Den Herder and children of Sioux Center were Sunday
callers at the Sam Timmers home.

Wm Jansen and son have purchased a brand new large Studebaker truck
with a combination grain and stock body. They are thus enabled to
assure their patrons of swift, but sure service, at a low rate.

Lewis Rehberg received two firsts and one second at the Clay County
Fair on his jacks. Joe Horn was awarded second on his horse.

Mrs. A. Dekker of Archer was visiting her children in Boyden Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kuypers and children were Sunday callers at the Joe
Kuyper home.

A letter was received by the Ben Grooters family Sunday stating that
Mrs. Baker, nee Maggie Moret; of Independence, Mo., who has been ill
with sleeping sickness is now improving.

Mrs. Clyde, Mrs. Van Diepen and Miss Clara Dean attended the County
W.C.T.U. meeting Tuesday at Rock Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Pressler were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Tholander.

Kathryn and Betty Ver Hoef accompanied the Percy Ver Hoef family
Sunday to visit in the parental home at Orange City.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ver Hoef were Sunday guests in the John Goslinga
home in Hospers.

Dr. and Mrs. Brink returned Sunday morning from Mobridge, S.D., where
they had been caring for property interests.

Mr. and Mrs. John Christensen and daughters, Jerry Benson and Mr. and
Mrs. John Green of Matlock were Friday callers at the hotel.

Mrs. Powers and daughter Dona; of Sanborn visited Suday afternoon
with Mrs. Works.

The John Rehberg family of Canton, S.D., were Sunday guests at the
parental C. Rehberg home.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jansma moved to Orange City Monday, where Mr. Jansma
will be employed as mechanic in the Ford garage.

Notice of Appointment of Administratrix
No. 3787
State if Iowa
Sioux County

Notice is Hereby Given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed
and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of John Doorenbos,
deceased, lat of Sioux County. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment: and those having claims
against the same will present them duly authenticated, to the
undersigned for allowance, and file in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court.
Winnie Doorenbos,
W.H. Cresswell, Atttorney
September 20, 1933
D. Wiersma, Clerk District Court

The Sioux Center News, Thursday, Sept. 29, 1933

Carmel Items:

Mr. and Mrs. Gysbert Bartels and Peter De Boer were visitors Tuesday evening
in the home of Mrs. Dick Bonnema near Lebanon.


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