Iowa Old Press

Hawarden Independent
April 25, 1929


L.D. Dickinson returned last Friday from a business trip to Eagle Grove.

Next Wednesday is May Day and now is the time to get some Mule Hide from the
Fir Cuts Yard of French’s.

Ben Wissott of Sioux City has accepted a position in the grocery department
of the K & K Co. store in this city.

Genuine Mastadon Everbearing Strawberry plants, the Dunlap spring bearing
variety, The Gateway Nursery Co., LeMars, Iowa.

Mrs. Henry Knoble went to Eagle Grove Monday afternoon for a brief visit
with friends there and then planned to go to Fairmont, Minn., for a visit
with her daughter, Miss Margaret Hoffmaster.

Oren P. Riter, Robert Wright, H. J. Lankhorst and Helmer Leafstedt
accompanied Rev. Jas. S. Smith to Akron last Thursday night where the latter
delivered the principal address at a banquet given by the Akron Commercial

See what Henry Field said to one of the Fir Cutters in the column this week.

Peter Johannsen of Alcester submitted to an operation at the Hawarden
hospital Tuesday.

An 8-pound son was born early Monday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Dalton
at the Hawarden hospital.

Myrna Eilers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eilers of Craig, submitted to a
minor operation at the Hawarden hospital Wednesday.

Miss Helen Nelson of Kingsburg, Calif., arrived Monday afternoon to visit
with her aunt, Mrs. Edwin Olson and family, and other relatives.

T. J. Reeves and daughter, Miss Mae, were over from Orange City Monday
evening in attendance at the Eastern Star supper and lodge work in the

Mrs. H. L. Fitch and daughter Marjorie of Hudson were Hawarden visitors

Mrs. V. E. Ball came down from Canton last Friday afternoon to visit with
Mr. Ball’s mother, Mrs. E. R. Ball. Mr. Ball came down Saturday evening to
join her in the visit here.

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