Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat
Friday, March 2, 1928


At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman De Vries, five miles
northeast of Hull, occurred the marriage of Mr. Peter Van Batavia and Miss
Catherine De Vries, on Friday, February 24, the ceremony being performed by
the young couple’s pastor, Rev. G. H. Douwstra, in the presence of
relatives, at four P. M.

The home was beautifully decorated. Fresh roses and daisies carrying out the
bride’s chose colors of pink and white in the charming and artistic
arrangement, and a bower in one corner of the room where the ceremony took
place was wonderful with roses and daisies. The bride carried a bouquet of
bridal roses, the wedding march from “Lohengrin” being played by Miss Katie

At six P. M. a two-course dinner was served the wedding party, a delicious
repast, the table being beautifully appointed, decorations of pink and white
carried out in the home, being accentuated in the dining room, large candles
adding their beauty to the pretty appointments.

Both young people are from highly respected and honored people of the Hull
vicinity, the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman De Vries,
prominent farmers, her domestic duties at home the best preparation for the
duties of keeping house for the man of her choice. The bridegroom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. B. Van Batavia, prominent farmers living three miles east of
Hull. The young couple will make their home on the farm three miles east of

Joining with their many friends, The Alton Democrat wishes them success and

H. E. Vande Steeg, 23, of LeMars, and Miss Annette Kinney, 20, of Alton,
were married January 26, at Parker, S.D. The young couple obtained a license
to wed that day at the courthouse in Parker and were married the same day by
F. J. West, Justice of the Peace. E. S. Wiblemo, of Parker, was Mr. Vande
Steeg’s witness when he obtained the license and at the wedding Mr. Wiblemo
and Mrs. F. J. West, wife of the justice, were witnesses.

Court house officials at Parker state that the bridegroom acted very nervous
when he applied for the license and at the hotel where they had dinner the
proprietor knew that they were either going to be married or had just been
married, as neither could eat anything.

Although rumor has had it for some time that the event took place, it was
not until this week that The Democrat learned sufficient details to make an
authoritative statement. Mrs. Vande Steeg has been making her home since the
wedding at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kinney, and was in
Alton Saturday, but is said to have denied to friends that she was not still
Miss Annette Kinney. She has a wide circle of friends here who wish her
happiness with the man of her choice. The bridegroom is little known here,
but according to report is a splendid young man employed in a news stand at

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