Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat
Friday, June 15, 1928

Miss Eva Klein Married To Prof. Hilmert At High Noon Saturday
(Orange City, Iowa—Special)

Miss Eva Klein was married last Friday to Prof. Wm. Hilmert. At high noon
the bridal party entered the living room of the J. T. Klein home which was
beautifully decorated with peonies, presented by Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Ross,
from the Ross garden, while the wedding march was played by Warren Schultz,
cousin of the bride. Miss Dorothy Schultz, also a cousin of the bride,
served as bridesmaid while Henry Klein, brother of the bride, took the place
of best man. Little Miss Betty Klein, a niece, served as ring bearer. The
couple were united in marriage by Rev. R. Duiker of Maurice, another cousin.
A solo, “I Love You,” was sung by Mrs. G. J. Slobe. The same day, the newly
weds left of Michigan, where they will attend the wedding of the groom’s
brother, after which both couples will visit Niagara Falls. Prof. and Mrs.
Hilmert expect to return the latter part of August and will be ready for
school duties at Doon by Sept. first.

The bride was attired in white chiffon and lace, with full length tulle veil
held in place with rosebuds. She carried a shower bouquet of pink rosebuds
and white sweet peas. Miss Schultz wore yellow taffeta and tulle and carried
pink snapdragons and sweet peas. The little ringbearer wore yellow organdy.
The beautiful arch under which the service was read was constructed by Wm.
Visser. Immediately following the ceremony a three-course dinner was served.

The bride is the daughter of J. T. Klein, graduate of Orange City high
school and Central College at Pella. She taught in the Orange City public
school for three years. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hilmert
of Kalamazoo, Mich., a graduate of Hope College and professor at N.W.C.
Academy the past three years.

Out-of-town guests were Mrs. J. P. Klein, Mrs. Wm. Brumekool, Mr. and Mrs.
M. T. Klein and Francis Versteeg, all of Pella, Mrs. J. Hospers of Sheldon,
Rev. and Mrs. Duiker of Maurice, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Karr of Ireton, and Miss
Lucille Behrends of Sioux City.

Marriage licenses have been issued to:
~Anton J. Ahlers, 26, and Frances Hodapp, both of Granville
~Harold Pas and Nelvy VanEs, both of Orange City
~Dick Vogel, 25, of Bigelow, Minn., and Harriet DeRoos, 21, Hull
~W. J. Hilmert, 24, Doon, and Eva Klein, 22, Orange City
~John Kooiker, 24, Boyden, and Johanna Vermeer, 20, Hull
~Henry N. Bomgaars, 25, and Bertha VanderZwaag, 22, both of Hull.


Invitations have been received at Orange City to the wedding of Mr. Martin
D. VanOosterhout and Miss Ethel Greenway, to be held at the home of the
bride at Pleasantville on Saturday, June 16, at 10 a.m. A reception will be
held immediately after the ceremony.

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