Iowa Old Press

Hawarden Independent, March 18, 1926


Mrs. Alice Cooper went to LeMars last Wednesday to attend the golden wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster which was celebrated at their
home. The members of the family and a company of friends gathered at the
home and a wedding dinner was served at twelve o'clock. A feature was a
wedding cake, in gold and white, served by the mother and children. Mrs.
Cooper, who is a life long friend of Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster and who was
present at the wedding fifty years ago, made the presentation of a fine gold
cane to Mr. Lancaster and a beautiful golden necklace to Mrs. Lancaster at
the golden jubilee last Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster were married at Argyle, Wis., and left for Iowa a few
days after their marriage, locating in Plymouth county and settling on a
farm near Seney. They built a one room house on the farm and continued to
make their home there for thirty-eight years when they retired and moved to
LeMars. When they came to Plymouth county it was a vast prairie where
Indians wandered and wild animals roamed. They saw many people, who having
become disheartened, abandoned their farms and returned to their former
homes but they had faith in the future of Iowa and remained and struggled
through the difficult and trying times. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster have five
children and eleven grandchildren living in the vicinity of LeMars.


(Contributed by Local Layman)

"The Law" had illuminating shadows
Of the glorious things yet to come;
While Easter, a promising rainbow,
Arching now the once gloomy tomb.

Easter still points to "His appearing,"
When glorified, the saints will arise,
All shadows fore'er disappearing,
When we shall arise to dwell in the sides.

On the eve of a passing moment,
But e'er it can take wings to fly,
We shall be changed from the earth earthly
Into life and immortality.

For Easter 1926.

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