Iowa Old Press

The Alton Democrat
Friday, February 26, 1926

(Maurice, Iowa—Special)

Andrew Kool, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kool of Alton and Miss Drieka
VanderHoef, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. VanderHoef, of Maurice, who also has
a host of friends at Alton, were married on Washington’s birthday by Rev. J.
H. Straks at the parsonage in Maurice only a few close friends witnessed the
ceremony which was solemnized at 8 o’clock. The bride was becomingly dressed
in satin faced canton of fawn color. Parents of both young people are well
known farmers in their respective communities and highly respected people.
The groom is farming near Hull, where the young couple will now reside. He
is a progressive farmer and a fine young man. The bride worked at Hull for
several years and has many friends in this community as well as at Maurice
and Ireton. For the past two years she has assisted her mother on the farm
south of Maurice. The Alton Democrat joins with their many friends in best
wishes and congratulations.


Miss Selma Carlson and Mr. John Van Zandbergen of Alton were married
Thursday morning, Feb. 25th, at 8:30 at the parsonage of the American
Reformed church in Orange City. Rev. De Young performing the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Dykstra attended the couple. The bride wore an attractive
frock of beige Canton crepe. Her hat was of green straw and silk and she
carried a shower bouquet of roses and sweet peas. After the ceremony, the
happy couple left by car for Winthrop, Minn., to spend a few days at the
home of Mrs. Van Zandbergen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carlson.

The bride has been employed for six years as stenographer in the general
office of F. M. Sinsfe & Co. and expects to continue her work there. She is
a bright and capable young lady and has acquired a large circle of friends
in Alton. The bridegroom is a likable Alton young man, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Van Zandbergen, prominent retired farmers. He is employed at the
Alton garage. The Democrat joins friends in heartiest congratulations and
best wishes.

Estherville Man and Miss Marie Wiggerman

Miss Marie Wiggerman was united in marriage to Mr. Sargent Aalsberg Feb. 12,
1926, at St. Mary’s Cathederal in San Francisco, Calif. Miss Wiggerman is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wiggerman, a graduate of the Rock Valley
high school and also of the Iowa State Teachers college, where she met the
man of her choice. Mr. Aalsberg’s home is at Estherville. They will make
their home in San Francisco.

Many friends here wish them much happiness.


~The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Vander Sanden was the scene of a surprise
party Tuesday evening, Feb. 16. About fifty relatives were present for the
purpose of bidding farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Vander Sanden who will leave
soon for Martin, S.D., where they will make their home.

~Mrs. John Tuynman was united in marriage Friday, Feb. 19, 1926, to Mr. John
Wajer. The newlyweds will make their home on a farm in the vicinity of Rock
Valley. Good wishes follow them by a host of friends.

The following marriage licenses here been issued by the Clerk of Courts the
past week:
~John VanZandbergen, 32, and Selma Carlson, 25, Alton
~Henry G. DeHaan, 20, Orange City, and Margaret Gertrude Plender, 20, Alton
~Jake Abma, 24, and Dora Faber, 21, Rock Valley
~True Bell, 25, and Mildred Millage, 18, Canton, S.D.
~Elmer Straatsma, 24, and Alice Mae Mouw, 22, Sioux Center
~Andrew Kool, 26, Alton, and Dreka VanderHoef, 26, Maurice
~William DeVos, 23, and Berdene Vander Weide, 23, Sioux Center
~John Swets, 26, and Johanna Willemsen, 25, Orange City.

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